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    • 45 minutes ago, TfiDeano said:

      Sostengo ciò che dici e come sai in realtà mi piacciono sia Sara che Masshole... e sembrano felici... a volte lol, ma sono giovani e si divertono e non credo che saranno nella progetto per molto più tempo perché se la loro relazione si rafforza, credo che se ne andranno insieme. Anche Nadia ha bisogno di sbrigarsi e andarsene, ma la sua partenza è stata ritardata dal fatto che il suo ex ha una nuova ragazza e le ha detto che non può aiutare Nadia a cercare un nuovo appartamento, quindi questo mi dice che se ne andrà presto. Spero che abbia senso. 

      You always want to have the last word, don't you? All you do is repeat the same things. We understood them, you know, we're not all stupid like Sara

    • 5 hours ago, moules said:

      Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording

      The boyfriend's arrival.  Who knows where he came from, or what ha has been doing recently..  One thing that struck me is how pale he is compered to her.  (See replay below.) And Madison is pale compared to other sun-worshiping participants.  Leads me to think he did not arrive from Spain or any Mediterranean country.  (And no faded tan lines from last summer.)  Unless he is buying more clothes in Barcelona, his stay in B-7 will be short.

      Also, a fuck so quick in the shower that if you blink you will miss it.


      Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording


      Unlike women men don't need 32 suitcases to go on Holiday, not to forget cabin baggage is usually free on lo-cost european flights where as hold bags will cost 20 or more euros each. 

      Unlike Marilyn I believe Maddy lives in Ukraine so likely the Boyfriend does too and is probably on leave from the Army.

    • 1616 Karma, Numi, Medusa and the guy left

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