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About Moosecini

  • Birthday July 1

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  • Location
    ...Wanderin' the woods
  • Interests
    Martina (forever), Ulyana, Tereza, Tani, Zara, and Venera (currently)... pretty much in that order.

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  1. I know it's just a wig, but Savaira looks damn good in long hair!
  2. Fucking Harley bate-blocked Z. What shitty timing. Hopefully she'll want to finish what she tried to start later in her room.
  3. Leaving plastic on top of the box spring? To what, protect it?? That ship has SAILED, guys!!
  4. My god, the history on that one mattress. The CDC would have a field day! 🤣 I bet they would find the origin of COVID on that thing!
  5. I'll have to check my "records" on that. I thought she was just doing a long clean, cut and scrub. I'll check it out.
  6. Just waiting for Ali to rub one out. Probably would if she wasn't sharing a room. Definitely NOT camera shy!
  7. I admit I was into Karma when she first arrived, even with her monster bush. Now, I can't even stand to see her and that overgrown chimp. They're a circus act!
  8. If Ali becomes "official", it'll be interesting to see what name she ends up with. After this much time, It'll be a little weird referring to her as something other than "Ali". Kinda like when "Jade" got her official name. Hope she signs on. There are a few open locations now, so I expect someone soon.
  9. So, is this a big "welcome back" party or what? Anyone know what the occasion is?
  10. Rachel there too. Wouldn't mind seeing her and Tereza back... although, I know many don't like Tereza. Regardless of how "boring" she is, she's hot and has a killer body. Rachel never did anything either, but she's also hot with a great body. Personally, I'll take the eye candy over "active", unattractive, ink covered strippers any day. Still hoping Ali signs on, but I think she would have been official by now.
  11. He has been there with her... I just give zero fucks about him. 🤣
  12. Yeah, ok. I guess Nelly is pulling out the brush bristles. How does a person get their hair THAT tangled in a brush??
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