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Girls on Vacation - General Chat Topic (May 2018)

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We all know that some of them do drugs from time to time,,, But how long now have we been beating this dead horse of a news story?

Mikey is not the one taking drugs so he doesn't care what they put in their bodies,,,, this drug taking thing is no longer relevant news in my opinion.

All I care about is what they do when they come into camera view,,, as long as they didn't take NyQuil or any sleeping pills to fall asleep then I'm good.🤗

2 minutes ago, EMMETT111 said:

so many guys absolutely refused to believe the girls did drugs in the apt till we all saw them do it with our own eyes in bathroom in b2 or the times they would all take turns going into the bathroom when there was a guy in there the whole time at a couple of b1 parties or even rose getting jas stoned right in roses room just not long ago or when they all went off cam to smoke with putin we all knew what they were doing,and I really don't think these girls would be all upset and freak out because someone thought they were sneaking off to smoke some pot or do a line they are not that innocent 


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