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B1 Girls on Vacation - General Topic January 2019 #2

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I believe they are informed by RLC if any girl leaves the project but I dun think Sera would notice if Karina had left...

Did Daisy bump into any of them in the morning?

Edit: Never mind, I got my answer. Sera was awake when the cleaning lady came in. She should have heard her.

Edited by SierraTM
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Bonjour , je voulais envoyer un message sur le forum ,mais je ne ferais plus de commentaires ,j'en ai assez de Sera et Daisy ,qui font ceux qu'elles veulent et se moquent des abonnés ,donc DERNIER MESSAGE ! RLC ET NORA font le jeu de merde des filles 🤬🤬AU REVOIR TOUT LE MONDE 

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8 minutes ago, SierraTM said:

I believe they are informed by RLC if any girl leaves the project but I dun think Sera would notice if Karina had left...

Did Daisy bump into any of them in the morning?

Do you mean Sera or Mila?...She saw Karina off and gave her a big hug...

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Just now, presolone1 said:

Hello, I wanted to send a message on the forum, but I will not comment, I'm tired of Sera and Daisy, who do the ones they want and make fun of subscribers, so  LAST MESSAGE! RLC AND NORA do girls' shit game  🤬 🤬GOODBYE EVERYONE 

You said that yesterday...😏

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1 hour ago, ed2 said:

Great, Gina is back! ❤️ Gina is a tenant that has really grown on me. On her first stay, with the twins, I pretty much dissliked her. They were acting way too childish and silly for me, and out 90% of the time, usually both during the days (shopping), and the nights (partying). On her last stay however, she had changed alot, I loved her!

Yeah Gina...the " if I just dance around enough...then I don't have to really do anything" girl.  She was crap both times she was here.  Fuck why did I renew this shit a month ago! 

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il y a 1 minute, nagachilli2 a dit :

Do you mean Sera or Mila?...She saw Karina off and gave her a big hug...

I mean to say if Daisy bumped into Sera or Mila in the morning.

But it does not matter now, Sera was awake when the cleaning lady was in. She should have heard her and realised one of her house mates had left.

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1 minute ago, SierraTM said:

I mean to say if Daisy bumped into Sera or Mila in the morning.

But it does not matter now, Sera was awake when the cleaning lady was in. She should have heard her and realised one of her house mates had left.

I'm not sure, but they were both awake on their phones when Karina left and were well aware when she was going...

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