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Just say Yes you are happy and I will sort everything out with Admin.

Enjoy your time on the forum. It is full of interesting people, outspoken people, frustrated people and dedicated people who watch and share.

I am useless with the tech and rely on the guys who know how to upload. I only know how to talk!!!

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That's all I did too. PayPal is great. I keep nothing in the account, but it seems to be the safest and surest way to pay for a lot of things. It's an instant transfer, sure there are slight usage fees to the receiver, but I'm sure in the long run those fees are passed to the buyer.

What are instructions anyway?

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Anything I buy online that will take paypal use them.  The only problem with them is the will not let me buy now pay later credit plan but  they keep sending me emails asking me to apply.  Does anyone over there talk to each other. :o

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I'm from Serbia, I work for 150-200€ for a month, where my bills are around 100-120€ and the rest is for living and food.

Je confirme qu'il y a encore beaucoup de misère dans ce monde.

Moi je gagne +/- 450€/mois et quand tout est payé, si je ne reçois pas une aide de la famille, je ne mange pas. x(

(Je fais ce post juste pour signaler cette misère et non que l'ont paye mon abonnement. ) ;)

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