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B1 Girls on Vacation - General Topic 2021 #24 (May)

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17 minutes ago, Mauri said:

Si vede lontano un miglio che Non hanno mai scopato, Pam sembra annoiata con lui. Si divertiva di piu’ con Carlos😏

I think she just wanted to have a guy for company and talks , maybe also thinking her camera views being with a guy . But I think she’s impressed of the way this guy is behaving to her , it is obvious she likes more and more spending town with him , talking English and so on , maybe she didn’t expect . Carlos was just “ rabota “ 😂 , Carlos reputation had already caught her before even meeting him 😂🤣

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23 minutes ago, wooders78 said:

pam had an all nighter the other night

Yes , you are right .. body language shows that they are still “ virgins “ with one another 😂🤣 but yes , who knows , maybe it was a bit of more things during her night out ( if she was by him  🧐

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2 minutes ago, ddhm said:

Penso che volesse solo avere un ragazzo per compagnia e per parlare, forse anche pensando che la sua telecamera vede stare con un ragazzo. Ma penso che sia impressionata dal modo in cui questo ragazzo si comporta con lei, è ovvio che le piace sempre di più passare la città con lui, parlare inglese e così via, forse non se lo aspettava. Carlos era solo "rabota" 😂 , la reputazione di Carlos l'aveva già presa prima ancora di incontrarlo 😂 🤣

Puo’ sempre trovarne un’altro😏 e credo che se non fisse per Claire, Pam e Carlos avrebbero fatto qualcosa

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Just now, ddhm said:

Yes , you are right .. body language shows that they are still “ virgins “ with one another 😂🤣 but yes , who knows , maybe it was a bit of more things during her night out ( if she was by him  🧐

it also took her hours to get home from B5 last night

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26 minutes ago, wooders78 said:

or she was just feeling horny

I don’t know , for sure the “ repeaters “ don’t have issues with the cameras but i think for the majority of these people , money comes as a priority rather than pleasure .. of course , it might have been one of those “ real life “ moments that her horny feelings took over 😉

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1 minute ago, ddhm said:

I don’t know , for sure the “ repeaters “ don’t have issues with the cameras but i think for the majority of these people , money comes as a priority rather than pleasure .. of course , it might have been one of those “ real life “ moments that her horny feelings took over 😉

she kept her underwear on, it was much needed for her

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4 minutes ago, Mauri said:

Puo’ sempre trovarne un’altro😏 e credo che se non fisse per Claire, Pam e Carlos avrebbero fatto qualcosa

Carlos would take anyone , I think that was his purpose .. the problem was his character and not Claire , I think he could always manage Claire ( work , money , etc , etc 😁 ) .. he lost many chances as I think he was a funny guy but he was thinking all the time sex and not approaching the right way .. anyway , he is past now 😆 

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4 minutes ago, wooders78 said:

it also took her hours to get home from B5 last night

Anything is possible of course .. but I am simply  not persuaded that these two had sex 🤨

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