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What is the age group of our CC members

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What is your age group?  

86 members have voted

  1. 1. What is your age group?

    • Under 15
    • 15-20
    • 21-25
    • 26-30
    • 31-35
    • 36-40
    • 41-45
    • 46-50
    • 51-60
    • Over 60

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So then now the common denominator is just stupidity. A trait that transcends time and race. I mean really, what life do you have at 60 that after all that time you still never learned proper linguistics?  Just goes to show, your elders are not always wise, in fact most of them prove a good point for euthanasia.

Well rabbit, it appears so. Am I perfect scholar? Hell no. I never want to be perfect, it's to high of an expectation to live up to. But when you see a person who uses English as their base language and is near the age of 50 or over, you really have to question it.

The younger generation uses letters for words because of two things. One being laziness to type out the word and two, the usage of social media where things like that are commonplace.

And you are mostly correct about the statement that elders are not always wise. But again, they do have experience. I know some older folks who are lucky to be able to spell or write their name, but they have talents for creativity that is beyond belief.

And reading deeper into your statement, you are generalizing that all older people should be exterminated. Yet you and those like you want to come down on us because we see Muzzies and niggers as a couple of groups that should be exterminated. Many people hate Jews. What they don't know is that Jews control a vast extent of the medical, legal and financial worlds. Without that knowledge of control the financial world would have collapsed a long time ago.

Every race, creed and color has it's bad elements. It's usually only those that get noticed and create the most trouble. If these bad elements were simply eliminated, imagine how much more peaceful the world would be. Instead we incarcerate them where they teach others their trade secrets.

Personally, I don't believe in jails or prisons. If you did something bad enough to be put there, then you simply need to be eliminated from society. Did you kill someone? The why should the good people have to pay for your life expenses. This is the Liberal mindset. Don't hurt him, it's inhumane. Inhumane my ass. Did you rape someone? Again, why should good people have to pay for you to have three hots and cot with medical, dental, clothing, shelter, food, cable TV, Internet, a first class equipped gym, etc... This is insanity to house these savages. A simple slug to the head up against a wall then toss your dead ass into the furnace all the while televising it to the world. You may just come of some good to some dirtbag that watches it and thinks to himself, 'Nah, I don't like the idea of my brain splattered all over the wall, I had better not do it'.

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So then now the common denominator is just stupidity. A trait that transcends time and race. I mean really, what life do you have at 60 that after all that time you still never learned proper linguistics?  Just goes to show, your elders are not always wise, in fact most of them prove a good point for euthanasia.

I gather you are referring to proper grammar, and not linguistics, which happens to involve voice speech or language.  Just a helpful correction from an old wise guy.  :)

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It seems there are two kinds of older.  I am in my 50s and I still feel like and think like I am in my mid 20's.

My Sons friends hang with me and we get along great.  I can drink them under the table.  My wife was a model in her 20's and still looks great and sex is still as good as ever.  I am not too gray and really don't think of myself as old.

I hear people on this board mention old regarding people in their 50's and 60's and I just don't relate to that yet.  I hope it is a mindset and I keep thinking this way.  I realize if someone is in their 20's or 30's then 50's or 60's looks old.  I remember thinking that way as well.  But one you get here (and hopefully you will) and assuming your healthy, it does not seem old at all, at least not to me.  I feel so much different that I thought I would if I looked at someone in their 50's when I was in my 20's. 

Is this just me or does this make sense to others here as well?

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And this notion that once you've reached a certain age, (Liberal notion) you are no longer a person worth listening to or a person of value, is as ridiculous as practically everything else that they seem to espouse.

So to these imbeciles, people like Galileo, Albert Einstein, Benjamin Franklin, and a whole host of notable Greek philosophers as well would have been eliminated by them solely because of their age alone. 

But the one thing the ignorant young all seem to forget is that it was those who preceded them that had invented all those neat things that they currently now take for granted.  Including guns. 

So come and get us you little pimply face ignorant fucker!  We're waiting for ya.

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I'm 57, yeah gray, I can't do much about that. But I'm not going to walk in the rain and have a dye job running down my face. I'm in good shape, work hard, eat good, have no trouble in the bedroom and I'm a healthy specimen. I like to have fun talking about getting up in the years, but they say that the new 30 is 60. I see a lot of guys my age and they look a hell of a lot older than I do.

I have a buddy the same age and he moans and groans like an 80 year old. I can't do this, I can't do that, gimme a hand, I'm an old man, that kind of BS. I have another buddy that is 62 and he acts 25. So age is a mindset as I see it.

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Damn. To be 23 or 29 again. Those were some real good times. I saw 49 of the 50 states and almost all of Europe by then. Now I'd be afraid to travel abroad. Way too much shit going on over there, never mind the TSA communists here that want a cheap feel.

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I already revealed I am 59, but I have done and seen a lot of stuff. My physical shortcomings are due to the punishment I've inflicted on myself, from free-running (before it was called that), grand prix motorcycle racing, clearing out biker bars while in the military, and hiking parts of the Appalachians. I've been bald since I was 22 but have never been vain enough for rug, or a Trump-over. I have used tube driven computers, developed computing systems that communicated with the directional drilling equipment for the oil exploration biz. Explored for oil both on and off shore. Surveyed ranches so large we had to camp out for days at a time and account for curvature of the earth in land area calculations. I helped develop PC audio with Crystal Semiconductor/ Cirrus Logic, back in the early 90s, DSL Lite, and I have one of the first MP3 hardware codecs, out of the fab, hanging on my "wall of fame" still in it's protoboard that I designed and built for Sigmatel, and it's topless so we could probe it during its development stages. Now I am letting my kids take over for a while. As far as grammar goes, I have a fairly large and well developed lexicon, though I might not always show it and I know how to properly construct a sentence though sometimes I take a creative license. English es mi lengua primera, but I understand Spanish and Castillano good enough to get by. I can read Duetch, Español, Italiano, and Hanguli (because of my wife's biological mom). So, if any of you young bucks think you can outsmart me, prepare to get eaten by an old wolf....so there!

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