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He has upset her again

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He started arousing her in his clumsy way and then walked away,she wasn't happy at all,they had a row,she cried in the bathroom,he carried her into the bedroom and is still trying to pacify her now,but at the moment I don't rate his chances.

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Yeah I was just posting about this in the pics section. How the actual fuck do you screw that up so badly? He started off so well too!

But just suddenly stood up and went to eat at the table. I'm not one to jump on the Paul is a screwup bandwagon, but dude seriously needs to get his shit together. I wish I knew what they were saying though because Leora was going off hardcore on him. He was just ignoring her and went back to his desk.

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I just opened the site in time to see Paul jump out of his chair, go over to the couch and hit 'Scooter', Leora grabbed up Scooter and was yelling at Paul...

EDIT: now she is loving all over Scooter, and has him/her snuggled in blanket.ย  :P

How can you punish a dog for something it done an hour or so ago.....if you leave things around dogs will chew them.

Sorry," something it did "

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Guest TxFeller

How can you punish a dog for something it done an hour or so ago.....if you leave things around dogs will chew them.

Sorry," something it did "

Yeah, dogs have an attention span shorter than Paul's ability to stay in the saddle.

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Funny my dog chews on nothing because I punished her when I caught her.

Granted occasionally when I catch an argument he's being an asshole, just because you 're obsessed with her tits doesn't mean she's not being a smart ass and a bitch. Note: She's loves pushing buttons. He's just stupid and let's her.

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Funny my dog chews on nothing because I punished her when I caught her.

Granted occasionally when I catch an argument he's being an asshole, just because you 're obsessed with her tits doesn't mean she's not being a smart ass and a bitch. Note: She's loves pushing buttons. He's just stupid and let's her.

Yes, punish a dog if it misbehaves, but at the time it misbehaves not afterwards when it doesn't remember the incident. I may be going blind but I cant see where anyone has said they were obsessed with her tits, was that a fact or was it an assumption of yours?

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