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Nice Tattoo

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As soon as I saw the tats, I changed the channel.  :puke:

Because of tattoos?  ??? ... Your loss. ;) ... They seams to be a nice couple (so far the best in this apartment).  :) ... Maybe you should have a second look. ;)

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I don't even really notice them anymore.  It seems that everyone under 35 has one these days.  You would think people would figure out it is more rebellious/outrageous to not have one.  I imagine the pendulum will swing back the other way soon, as people realize this.

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Tattoos are normal to me, as I grew up in a MC.  I once had a girlfriend whose mother hated my tattoos (really religious person) as I first started getting them when I was 16.  I told her mother that my body was God's temple he just put me here to decorate it.  As you can imagine, the look on her face when I said that was epic.  needless to say, she still hates me to this day.  :woohoo:

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For many years, I never cared for them.  My upbringing, I guess.  Today, they have lost much of the stigma that previously was attached to one person having tattoos, and have become much more mainstream in society.

I personally do not have any, would not mind having one, but I have yet to find what subject would be worthy enough to get inked about.  I have 2 30-something daughters, and each has one, a compass, the other one a bird.

I do admire the work done by some of these artists! Some are truly beautiful works of art.

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For many years, I never cared for them.  My upbringing, I guess.  Today, they have lost much of the stigma that previously was attached to one person having tattoos, and have become much more mainstream in society.

I personally do not have any, would not mind having one, but I have yet to find what subject would be worthy enough to get inked about.  I have 2 30-something daughters, and each has one, a compass, the other one a bird.

I do admire the work done by some of these artists! Some are truly beautiful works of art.

My dear friend one doesn't get just one tattoo.  you get one and you spend hours upon hours looking for your next one, lol

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