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Voronezh - Split 13


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All that fucking eye shadow Jacky wears is tooo much!!!

So much excitement it looks like. Did I miss anything guys?

Unsy, Nack, how are you guys today? Got a few more inches of snow, oh joy!!

I toughed it out to the gym anyway. Got to stay in shape. No pain, no gain!!!

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hello,  its been a really slow, boring day/night in voro.  nothing worth watching.  i plan to take a break from vv  starting next week. 

jacky and tobi are getting stale.  i don't care to watch tobi.

nelly hasn't been fun to watch either.  she seems bored a lot.  her night with petra wasn't my cup of tea.

nina and Robert, well not much to say.

i truly miss the good days with...dizi, phil, Christy, Julia, gavin, nastya, messa

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Unsy, you a bad guy? Do tell!

Super bowl was good. Of course I picked the losing team, but no money spent so ok. Parents were over, had a nice dinner. Read parts of my first story to my Mom. She liked it!

Meanwhile, writing second story, 30 pages so far. Someone gave me a link to smashwords, a site where authors can publish ebooks. I may do that eventually. You don't make so much money but it may be a way to get noticed.

Speak to you soon, Unsy.

Hope the crickets there on VV don't keep you up! Seems soooo exciting!!

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Not to mention they have totally wasted Christy.Ivo-Sonia are not going anywhere.There are no more interesting guests.We are stuck with Nina-Robert.Nelly is still hungry.

I guess its time for me to go.Not renewing my membership this time.


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