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Girls on Vacation ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos April to July 2017

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21 minutes ago, Benfold said:

I didn't know you were referring only to pussy feeling within that particular set of girls, I was referring to all girls who have been through Barca. Wasn't trying to say you were wrong BB, you said 'none of the others have managed more than 2' which as a fragment statement on it's own is incorrect, and that's how I read it

Most people here like Belle BB, but you just have to remember that she's not in the 'Dream Team' for many of us regardless of what she did last September.


My Dream Team of 6 would be Irma, Jess, Stella, Anna, Becca and Megan :heart:

Once again you are an intelligent guy so when I refer to "those girls" those clearly named in my post that is the set in question. Context is all - a fragment quoted out of context can mean anything.

Second you post seems yet another "BB why don't you understand that people like other girls rather than Belle"? Patronising again. I was merely pointing out how anomalous it was that Belle had not been mentioned when she had played such a big part, not suggesting she should be in anybody's individual team.


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2 minutes ago, euromike69 said:

Ella me hizo tiene que borrar mi comentario ,,,,, ahora ella está en mi lista MIERDA :biggrin::biggrin:,,,,, SOLO desperté minutos hace ,, así que estoy TODAVÍA SUEÑO ,,, LA VI frotando su coño y luego TOO su trasero OFF solamente para mirarla TELÉFONO Y AHORA IR A DORMIR::)::)

segun  la conversacion que tubo ayer y antesdeayer por telefono con su "novio" Marcos debe tener una infeccion vaginal,ya que comento que le picaba mucho y le quemaba sobre todo por las noches y  que el resultado de las pruebas que le  hicieron ayer por la  mañana se lo dan de dentro  10 dias 

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24 minutes ago, DES7469 said:

Packing likely.m0307.gif

But she's not and last time it took her at least 3 days to pack. And My Sexy Pixie Belle:heart: is lying clothed when she could be naked on her bed like Nicole is at the moment.:biggrin:

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3 minutes ago, jherol said:

According to the conversation she had yesterday and beforehand by phone with her "boyfriend" Marcos must have a vaginal infection, since she said that it itched a lot and burned her mainly at night and that the result of the tests that made her yesterday by the Tomorrow they give it from within 10 days 

Thank you for the translation "If what you say is correct" I had to correct a few words though:biggrin:

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9 minutes ago, jherol said:

segun  la conversacion que tubo ayer y antesdeayer por telefono con su "novio" Marcos debe tener una infeccion vaginal,ya que comento que le picaba mucho y le quemaba sobre todo por las noches y  que el resultado de las pruebas que le  hicieron ayer por la  mañana se lo dan de dentro  10 dias 

Chlamydias, mycosis  :huh:

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