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  2. E’ molto semplice, perche’ non e’ abbastanza zoccola come alcune persone qui vorrebbero che fossero le ragazze di RLC se Karma avesse scopato con Massimo, avrebbero un’altra idea su di lei, e non sarebbe stata un bersaglio come lo e’ adesso.
  3. I kind of hope it will be Tessa, because I've never really seen anything of her, except that she's been seen naked in her apartment a few times. But I think it will be Marilyn because Hawk and her have been getting a bit closer the last few days. Katarina is too uptight I have the feeling. I don't think she ever plans to have sex at RLC. Well, let's see if actually anyone will... maybe non lol Tessa>Marilyn>>>>>Kata
  4. Hawk has a few options tonight. He's been cosy with Marilyn for a few days and she even showed him her toys earlier in fact they're still in his room. He has unfinished business with Tessa from the last party in B4 where they kissed and then there's Katarina who seems to be a bit cold on him but you never know what a few glasses will do to her. He should just not fuck it up. 😊
  5. Really curious to know what it was all about, if there are any Russian-speaking visitors here?
  6. Honestly, it doesn't make sense for her to come if she's not willing to show the evolution of her relationship with Caroline. Was fun in the first few months because there were expectations, but after a few encounters with the same thing over and over again watch them became meaningless. Things cooled down and in my opinion Frisky is not being missed.
  7. 9th, FFS that was meant to say 19th lol...thanks, what it's be like to be 21 again.
  8. I like Karma very much and I will keep on defending her !! It beats my mind why she so often is the target for so many unproven rumours. She can indead say NO but she doesn't make a big scen when she does!!
  9. Today
  10. I've often said she should rub one out on the couch while Paul is on the computer, and if he tries to get involved, she should just shoo him away.
  11. not really, she was saved by the bell a few times because they were disturbed, there was no talk of saying no ... she can't. it doesn't matter much ....if you have sex on a porn site sex is your job and revenue model ... no one will change that no matter how beautifully you can talk it doesn't matter to me you just shouldn't be afraid to call things as they are, what karma does and here presence in the project OK for me, after all I am a regular porn viewer myself by visiting this site
  12. Gone down hill and and big fat ZERO from me - a non subscriber and left a year ago now.
  13. the only time that's going to happen is when they are drinking and we get the thrill of watching her finger bang carol if we are lucky,other than that they will just keep hooking up at friskies
  14. I am quite certain that she didn't ask for it but that she stopped him ! As she also stopped Massi etc.
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