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    • Leora on the kitchen table and intentionally in full direct view of the cam. Fucking priceless. She needs to do this more often even with Paul around. When she would look directly into this cam it goes right to your beating heart. She definitely knows what she is doing and grabs you right in. Fuck, you could almost reach out and touch her and taste her - mmmmm.



      Image Screenshot-4862 hosted in ImgBB


    • 4 hours ago, Lookwarm said:

      She's a sex worker, like all the women here, that does not make them all prostitutes, although some clearly are.

      "...often called a sex worker, and there are many slang words, such as hooker and whore, that mean the same thing"

      I have seen her screw one dude in all this time, and she likes him. What a slut.

      Oh right, she fucked Wolf, Massimo, "knot head" just to name a few but we never saw any of that or heard her say or anyone say that on RLC. What a slut.

      @Lookwarm I am not picking on you,🙂 it was just a convenient place to voice my opinion.

      FYI, for all the haters who attack anyone who so calls 'defends' Karma, I am just trying to keep the facts clear (from what I have seen) vs speculation that gets stated as fact. Slut, sex worker? Prove me wrong. I will listen 🙂

    • 32 minutes ago, coolcucumber said:


      Happy Fun GIF by The Traitors Australia

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