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    • Sara, this morning, before going to buy clothes, did you ask the pig what you can buy? Or do you wait for him to come and advise you? Last night you were dressed very well to go out but he came and made you change clothes. Never let anyone look at "his woman's" breasts under her jacket especially if she doesn't wear a bra. Congratulations Sarah

      • Confused 1
    • Today you left for your things, dentist, photo session, job search and shopping. Do you know what he did? He ran after you and sooner or later you will find him in front of you without imagining why. You are his property, you are not free. Good thing you don't want to be a housewife. In fact, this morning you got up early to prepare coffee for your pig and take him to bed. When will you put on your maid costume?

      • Confused 1
    • 0831 Olivia left with her small suitcase - to Masha in Rome

    • Congratulations Sara. Do you like the prison the pig created for you? I really think so. You can't dress as you like, you can't go to town if he doesn't run after you, you can't go dancing like last night without him being there. A great relationship based on trust as he says. You have become his property, and you have become his sex slave that he doesn't pay for. He is a Sicilian (of origins) and this says it all about owning one's woman). I would love to know who bought last night's dinner and who paid for what you drank at the dance. Certainly not the pig. He is very careful with money, especially now that his bank has made a deduction of almost 4000.00 euros from his current account after previous investigations.
        Did your master tell you that he will be leaving soon? Of course not. But do you know why he behaves like this? Only and solely to keep you away from Karma. According to him all his troubles are Karma's responsibility. All your misunderstandings are Karma's responsibility. All the time you deny him is a Karma responsibility and if you accept all this you have no sense of friendship. Shame on you SARA

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