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Posts posted by masterchef56

  1. 3 hours ago, chris hillman said:

    Sorry to upset any of you guys  with my sense of humour.  but just trying to lighten up things I love leora she is the best woman on this site if don't like what  I say. Let me know then you can fuck off


    That was the best words I´ve heard in a long time,yes I also love her,in fact I´m addicted to her.I love watching her even if she´s not doing anything special,just studying her face expressions and all her movements.

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  2. 3 hours ago, Thamel said:

    If Leora wants to be alone again, she can ask rlc to move Malia to a small apartment without cameras until the borders are opened, then she returns home. Leora regains her apartment and can now have her new lover there.

    What has this to do with Malia´s Visa?

    • Haha 1
  3. 3 hours ago, Aussie_oi_oi said:

    What can I say, Leora was very tidy person. Since the new apartment she isn't as much. She pretty much leaves all the cleaning now to Malia to do while she is out of the apartment.

    No you´re wrong Aussie,the cleaning of the apartment now often is in the evenings instead.And it´s often Leora that do it herself,Malia sometimes help a little.Maybe help her cleaning in the kitchen while Leora takes the rest,livingroom,

    bathroom and toilet.Malia often sits on the couch when Leora washing the floor in the hole apartment except for Malia´s room.

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  4. 9 hours ago, Aussie_oi_oi said:

    Looking forward to Leora's bating in the bedroom.

    CAM 9 is the best viewing

    Well that depends of how she laying in bed,sometimes she laying across it with her legs pointing directly to cam 10,wich is much closer.There you have a great view at the pearly gate.I´ve never seen her the other way around to cam 8

    otherwise it´s like you said cam 9 position is the most used when she bates.

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  5. 14 minutes ago, Nicholas said:

         The cold that Leora has seemed to have developed has seemed to have been having affects on her more so over the last couple of days than initially. It is unfortunate that she is not completely well and I truly hope that she returns to being so sooner than later. I wish her good health and well being always. 🙄

    I think she got it when they both were out for several hours on tuesday 1 september.It was a lot cooler outside that day,only 16 degrees celcius and she only had a t-shirt on.You could see when they got home that she was shivering of cold

    and went straight to close all the windows and then turn up the heat.I think they were out for 5 hours.

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  6. 12 minutes ago, Ghost1234 said:

    Even when she is sick, she has to go to work ... Yeah if you can call it a job, I would rather say a catastrophe for the respect of his own person ... Leora my angel, my pearl, my sweetheart, my living karma, my height of eroticism, my favorite seasoned actress, my daily stimulation not to say my ejaculation, what are you doing on the street or elsewhere in an enclosed place where the money flows freely ... moment only, only for a moment, you will quickly see your dismay cling to you like a leech refusing to drink your contaminated blood forever .... Come to Canada we are waiting for you ... Democracy, social justice, helping underprivileged people, helping women under the yoke of a pimp or a violent husband, in short, we are a democratic society,run by neoliberal people with their hearts in their hands ... It doesn't look like Eastern Europe at all, neither near nor far ... I love you and I am waiting for you ... With Malia if you want ... Paul and the dog later, but not too much ...

    I think you´re in the wrong topic,please read what the topic says.Leora´s fan page and nothing else.

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  7. 42 minutes ago, Alladino said:

    Yeah, I don't know what she did with her legs, but it really looks like she should go to doc with them.

    Well I can tell you it´s called honey massage,a very ancient massage method that is supposed the get rid of celluites and other toxic shit you have in your body.It goes back to egypt actually.They both did it on thursday evening in the bathroom

    both laughing like hell when they did it,you clapping in the honey into your skin and then let it dry for a while,the you wash it off,so it´s not from some mans thumb and indexfinger so if you have replay you could go back if you don´t believe me.

    aparantly Malia had some sort of allergic reaction to it,that´s why her legs look like that.

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  8. 1 minute ago, Aussie_oi_oi said:

    If I was giving it to her I would get a good grip too....🤣

    Hello Aussie_oi_oi,it comes from when the girls were practising some honey massage,where they were clapping in honey to the skin.It is an ancient massage metod to get rid of celluite and other toxic shit from the body,so it´s not someone that have grabbed her

    Take a look at Malia´s leg she has far more of it because of some allergic reaction.that´s were it come from and nothing else.

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  9. 10 hours ago, Ghost1234 said:

    While passing the illuminated who believe that Paul sees nothing are in the field ... He sees everything, knows everything, inquires about everything ... Hence the discomfort between Leora and Malia ...

    My god,after reading all your stupid insinuations, I must say I can´t believe my eyes what you´re writing.Do you really think that Paul could sit by his desktop and watch what the girls are doing?Picking his nose and

    jerking his dick while they running around naked or doing something sexual.No way,that would be very  awkward to say at least for Malia.So no I can´t think that he has any access to the apartment what so ever.

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  10. 29 minutes ago, p4design said:

    It's been so long since a massage has lead to anything substantial, I'm beginning to think it will never happen again. I hope I'm wrong, but they're not giving me much hope.

    Well you´ll never know,we could only hope that it will occur again one day.It´s always in my eyes,our dear Leora that is in charge of it all.It´s been a month exactly today it occured,July 28.

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  11. 37 minutes ago, Concour1 said:

    Those upper thigh bruises on Leora look to be fingerprints dug in during some playtime

    No it´s not,you´ve obviously have´n´t been here earlier this evening when they both put on some honey on their legs,after they had showered those marks began to appear,mostly on Malia´s legs:I think she got some sorts of

    reaction of some kind,maybe allergic to it so even Leora got some.This is just insinuation your coming with,you should try and get fact before you make a statement of this kind.

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