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Posts posted by Mia

  1. Hello everybody.
    In fact, I'm surprised at your support, since our thread is 90 percent of the discussion of Ragnar's weight (I do not judge, on the contrary, we laughed from your posts almost every day).
    In fact, we did not put an end to our relationship in VH, we just need a break - we spent too long indoors, got immune problems and a bunch of new friends: D
    Now we want to spend more time with our family and wish you the same - to be happy with your family and your loved ones (and not get sick, take care of yourself). We also want to have a dog, but our current housing did not allow us to do this, so if we return, then with a new family member: D
    It was a very fun experience, we had a great time, made new acquaintances, and I just want to say thank you to everyone who watched our adventures: D
    I'm not sure that we'll see you this year and that our forum thread will not be closed for this time, so Ragnar and I just want to wish you a Merry Christmas, good health and more luck.

    Love, Mia ❤️

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