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Posts posted by yelt

  1. 17 hours ago, tle said:

    Have you got a take on why Alberto was thumbing through pictures of girls last night? It looked like it was pictures from a dating site....

    Although he has promised his love for Martina, I would not be reluctance to think they have agreed he should see other girls and she should see other guys. He now has a job, right? And as we have seen they do have an open FWB/Open relationship? 

    As Martina comes closer to graduation and a job (I hope), they may part and go their separate ways, who knows.  Perhaps it is time to gradually get into that separation mode.  I have not read they are having sex of late, which could be indication the separation has been agreed too and beginning? Also, think about this, they both know they are being watched and this could all be part of the script for the voyager benefit, including Alberto now looking at dating sites or whatever. Perhaps they will just tell us what they are doing!  And if Jen is lucky, they are still looking for someone to have a threesome!

    It is not too late for both of them to get their act together, commit and move from RLC to a normal life and be successful. 

    However, I still think Martina has a lot to learn about handling her bi-sexually with another guy partner not Alberto. I believe most guys would only like to fuck her without an involved relationship. Maybe that’s what she wants. Perhaps she will find that one in a million, like Alberto; or someone she already knows and knows her.  

    Depending on how things go, and life choices made, if Martina and Alberto separate (which I hope they do not), she could be headed for the rough revolving door of relationships. 

    • Confused 1
  2. 22 hours ago, philo said:

    Please tell us more about whom you think Martina's other love interest might be? Do you think it is the Big Guy? Martina has been keeping him off camera lately and he is the only male person that I have ever seen her in an intimate moment with other than Alberto.

    Good Day @philo, You may know better than me but the Big Guy has moved further away from Martina and no longer an easy visit. Although, when you see her playing on the video game it is with him.  She may have visited him after or before seeing her father and that visit may have been a topic of conversation in the big blow-up with her and Alberto a few weeks back. Martina has many secrets. 

    • Thanks 1
  3. 28 minutes ago, ddhm said:

    Well , working not only as a tenant for RLC , it gives you the benefit to keep a specific place of a totally luxury new online house UM only a couple of days after opening it 😂🤣


    Of course , in recent occasions , when a place was for a long time UM ( plus 24 hours .. ) we got tenants removed and a residence shutting down .. 


    I will say it once again and apologies but more and more shouting it out .. POOR BOGDAN ..His wife cheated on him with another woman , he has to clear her mess the last 2 years , he practically carries her life in Barcelona so she isn’t alone , I mean , what other thing this man has to do ? And she’s still destroying so much .. 


    WHAT THE FUCK happened to Nelly since she moved in Barcelona ? She was never like this in Russia , her extended fan base was rightfully gained and she was incredible popular with her husband . Has the money changed her ? A boring life ? Sadness or homesick ? Even a puppy to keep her company isn’t enough .. 


  4. 7 hours ago, philo said:

    I don't speak a word of the language. However, the body language of the conversation appeared to me to be an appeal by Nelly to reengage the relationship on camera. Martina seemed to be giving reasons why that is not a good idea. At one point, Nelly gave a middle finger to Martina's argument. Someone tell me if I am wrong.

    School seems to be teaching and helping Martina learn something other than tourism, perhaps morals? Maybe even to respect for the one person who really loves her and will always be there for... Alberto.  

    So, Nelly gave Martina the middle finger in conversation (time for her to go)? Martina has shown that middle finger to Alberto several times, and I wonder how she likes in return? I only mention it to say that during the whole relationship with Nelly, Martina has treated Alberto like shit! And depending on the situation with her friend and ex-lover Nelly, I wonder how she likes the middle finger in her face from someone she has exchanged bodily fluids many times and claimed to be in love!  

    Until a short time ago, Martina may have been continuing to have a sexual relationship with Nelly, but school and all Martina’s recent life events have taken precedence over Nelly.  Nelly may have seemed unwilling to understand or except why her lover could no longer see her when she called.    

  5. 1 hour ago, tle said:

    She should have made it home by now.. She had her overnight bag with her when she left.. Are her and Taco staying over at Candela's tonight?

    It will not be an overnighter but did anyone stop to think Martina has another love interest and it is not Candela? However, she may be using Candela to help cover for her.  Martina no longer has to worry about Alberto, Nelly and her I believe have established a good friends; Martina she is now more free to pursue other interested parties with less baggage_Male or Female?

  6. 1 hour ago, DWI said:

    I agree. Maybe like you, I think that today, out of respect for Martina and Alberto, and Blackie, let's just stop posting shit about the sexual stuff, ok. I think many of us on this post, have no interest in that now, I mean, they lost Blackie today. Give it a break please!

    A nice side of this forum.Blackie seem to be a very good dog and good friend. Sorry for their loss. 

    Does anyone know if the courts finally issued a judgment that sided with Alberto regarding his countersuit against those that bought legal proceedings for back pay? 

    I mentioned this before, it could have also been the reason for him not seeking a job; his earnings may have been garnished and divide between those that were suing him.  

    Also, it seems we exchange thoughts about Martina and Alberto being FWB; simply because we refuse to consider any other purpose for the relationship behavior between Martina and Alberto.  

    However, has anyone heard Martina and Alberto could now be discussing marriage? Just thinking.

    • Confused 2
  7. 15 minutes ago, sonny2244 said:

    Where does Martina go just about everyday weekday at around 8pm her time with Taco and comes back about 4 to 5 hours later.  She seems to bring dog treats with her. I see now today she came back in about 1hr.

    If I had to guess, most times she is taking the dog out for a walk. It is not worth it to speculate.  Someone watching the forum on behalf of Martina will disapprove and write some derogatory statement in the forum.  

    • Like 1
  8. On 5/8/2022 at 6:47 AM, JenniferMom said:

    I have always said you could be right all along.  These two are just love birds with a freakishly strange relationship where Martina gets to have an exciting open sex life and Alberto is the stay-at-home house husband cuckold.  But the simple fact of the matter is that the set of facts in front of us seem to align much better with an FWB than to something more than FWB.  The simple fact of the matter is that these weekend all-nighters that Martina goes on cannot be healthy for her long-term relationship with Alberto.  Martina's behavior is unsustainable for any kind of long-term committed relationship with Alberto.


    Good Day Jen, I hope you had a good Mother’s Day!  I agree with you here, that these weekend all-nighters can become very unhealthy (especially with liquor combined with drugs) as they may also cause mental instability, poor judgement, etc. I hope Alberto will continue to express his opinions about these continued activities and not stand by and watch Martina destroy herself and future endeavors 

    On an off note: I have not heard and just wondering if Martina has received another tattoo, does anyone know? Also, has any heard how Martina's dad is doing with the cancer treatments?

    Something just does not add up about the FWB relationship with these two; Some sort of agreement for sure but it remains to be an interesting relationship. 

  9. On 5/8/2022 at 6:47 AM, JenniferMom said:

    You then say Alberto doesn't see any reason to stop her.  Really?  If he loves her so much, he doesn't do anything and stands by with the dogs and lets Martina destroy herself?  It just doesn't add up.  

    I have always said you could be right all along.  These two are just love birds with a freakishly strange relationship where Martina gets to have an exciting open sex life and Alberto is the stay-at-home house husband cuckold.  But the simple fact of the matter is that the set of facts in front of us seem to align much better with an FWB than to something more than FWB.  The simple fact of the matter is that these weekend all-nighters that Martina goes on cannot be healthy for her long-term relationship with Alberto.  Martina's behavior is unsustainable for any kind of long-term committed relationship with Alberto.


    Good Day Jen, I hope you had a good Mother’s Day!  I agree with you here, that these weekend all-nighters can become very unhealthy (especially with liquor combined with drugs) as they may also cause mental instability, poor judgement, etc. I hope Alberto will continue to express his opinions about these continued activities and not stand by and watch Martina destroy herself and future endeavors 
    On an off note: I have not heard and just wondering if Martina has received another tattoo, does anyone know? Also, has any heard how is Martina's dad is doing with the cancer treatments?

  10. 31 minutes ago, Deepdave said:

    Hey Yelt

    For someone who does not have a subscription and does not seem to watch this couple, you are extremely negatively opinionated.  Where do you get such outlandish stories about Martina and Alberto.  You stories are absurd and often wrong and without substantiation.  There is no doubt that Martina loves to party and the weekend is her time.  Alberto does not like to party. That is obvious.  He does not see any reason to stop Martina from having her fun.  He loves her anyway.  She loves him and his balls or else she would not have stayed with him for over 10 years.  They have their rough patches (which every couple has, probably even you.)  You have to understand that they are watched 24 hours a day.  Everything they do is analyzed and criticized.  They act like a normal couple who like to fuck on their own terms.  There are many couples who are on RLC and are only actors.  Martina and Alberto are as close to real life as they come.  She is bi-sexual and often horny.  That's her prerogative.  If Alberto's only rule is that she tells him what she is doing and he accepts it, end of story.  This is their relationship.  If he doesn't like this, they may break up.  If she feels that he is not giving her enough freedom, they may break up.  So far they have been able to get over these humps, as bad as it seems to get.  Somehow they seem to see the good in each other.  Let them be.  

    Okay. Thanks.. I have friends, they have friends, they have friends and most of them live in the states.  

    • Sad 1
  11. 1 hour ago, bubbleobillo said:

    Oh Ruby.....don't take your love to town, comes to mind....

    What do you mean “Oh Ruby.. don’t take your love to town”?  

    I thought Alberto was smarter but has proven he is too unwise to know if what Martina is doing to him is hard on him..and too stupid to understand the planning going on between him and Martina will at the end have his name erased!  Martina has given him ample time, she will not shed a tear when she makes her move but neither will he!

  12. 2 hours ago, JenniferMom said:

    FWIW ... I thought it was interesting Alberto was not around for her departure.  I presume he is out with the dogs.   That is a one long walk, those dogs have to be exhausted.

    Someone mentioned Martina came in drunk, my friends said she mentioned she was a terrible girlfriend or needed to have her girlfriend?  Either way she vomited, had a burger while still drunk and left to get laid.  All the while Alberto took the dogs out to find his testicles_ the ones Martina can never find. 

  13. On 5/1/2022 at 7:11 PM, JenniferMom said:

    Two problems with this Yelt:

    Ultimately Martina may realize how special he is and it takes more than lust and great sex to have a deep and fulfilling relationship.  It seems to me since her visit to see her dad that she is more on this kind of path.  Like I say though … people don’t change easily and it’s going to be a long hot summer in Barcelona.

    I agree with you here “people don’t change easily”! My guess is she is still fucking Nelly when she can. Which is too bad as I also believe Nelly is the reason Martina does not meet the other girls in the project. 

    Summer is coming, no holding back. Considering the COVID restraints over the past year, I think we may see a lot will change and a lot more freedom for both Alberto and Martina away for the camera. Although, I imagine change that occurs, will most likely not be in Alberto’s favor.  I hope I am wrong. 

    Martina has not had that personal hard knock to wake her up. Pregnancy perhaps?  My guess is you will see her back to normal (overnighters) this weekend. Unless something really did happen inside her being that helped her wake up a bit, other than the illness with her father.

    Coming into a malignant state is difficult and hard but her father will survive!! 

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  14. On 5/1/2022 at 7:11 PM, JenniferMom said:

    Two problems with this Yelt:

    (2) You are right that most guys would not allow Martina to do what she does.  Why does he?  I think it’s because if he didn’t, she would leave him.  He does care for her deeply and of course he is fucking one of the best cast members on RLC … so it is in his interest to support her extracurricular sexual activities.  He does not want to lose her so he  caves to her desires.  Martina may like this but it is a sign of weakness.

    Would you say Alberto allows Martina to do what she does because he has no choice, he has no backbone, he has no balls, he has no job to defend the stoppage or is it because he finds himself now more than ever in love with her. In love not because of her appearance or her hyper-sexuality, (all is helpful) but perhaps the life's situations have helped them to grow together.  I believe he know more about Martina's activities than even Martina thinks and he would not be afraid to walk away if needed. Martina knows and accepts him as he is, for now and him her, for now. Although, something says she still cannot be trusted and.... she will go where the money is (the man with the money).  

    They may have together, agreed for her to go through school, and for him to attend later. However, if that is the situation, in the interim he could be lower deeper and deeper into a black hole.  

    Regarding the best cast member on RLC; I disagree that Martina is the best cast member or even a good Fuck and yes, your next question is “How would I know”, well I would obviously not know! I’ve had much better love where I am.    

    Additionally, there are a few ladies on RLC that I have seen through shared videos, that do know how to fuck and enjoy having sex. Martina could take lessons from them, learn to mediate, concentrate to have a better, more enjoyable time and real orgasm. She needs to disengage her thoughts from her previous wild woman (Nelly), that when together portrays made up animals in theatrics. 

    With all the sexual activity I’ve seen between Martina and partners, Alberto and Nelly (that we know of and have seen), her body language tells me she has not been fucked good enough to drive her to the extreme of an enjoyable, and strong, (can I have another) orgasms.  

    I have been told since Martina's return from seeing her father, sex between her and Alberto has elevated. Change? Less Nelly, less of her guy friends, reality with Alberto…Artificial?

  15. On 5/1/2022 at 7:11 PM, JenniferMom said:

    Two problems with this Yelt:

    (1) Women more or less like strong, confident men.  They also want men to love them and be considerate of their sexual needs before the needs of the man to ejaculate (because after that it is more or less over).  Alberto has a lot of positive qualities but the above aforementioned traits are not strong abilities for Alberto.

    So no one should be surprised if Martina were to end this.

    Good Morning Jen, All.  It appears for many the source of truth is based solely, mostly on what is seen. I agree what I visually witness (not much on RLC these days) can only be assumed to be the source of truth but not solely. What of that which we do not hear? Information that may have been spoken but not heard. Could what we do not hear or what is not spoken be consider in the equation of source of truth?

    Are we saying we should not be surprised Martina ends the relationship with Alberto based solely on what we see in RLC? It is true, we did hear Martina mention she was embarrassed to be with a NiNi, but did we hear her say, she was going to leave Alberto if he did not change and or get a job?  

    I suspect because we have no other source to confirm information, other than what we see, and the translation sometimes provided, which we accept is without bias and truthfully and fully conveyed.  

    Could it be we do not give weight to that which we cannot hear and only reference that which we see and what we cannot see, though what we cannot see is mostly mentioned and considered “Speculation”?  

    Concurrently, I don’t believe Martina will leave Alberto, but Alberto might be secure personally, he would leave her; perhaps because she decides to discontinue having that call girl like sex with him!!!??  Is that possible? 

  16. 21 hours ago, A Gid Scots Laddie said:

    Martina sleeping on the couch it must be her turn for the couch , its hardly a good idea for viewing figures, A distinct lack of action in the apartment nowadays she must well horny by now but feeling obligated to stay with Alberto rather than going out and finding a bit elsewhere 

    Would agree from the post or lack thereof, not much happening in this apartment. I cannot tell but does Alberto still have COVID-19 or a variant, does Martina have COVID? I thought from her long night out while he had it (not overnighter as usual) she did not contract COVID-19.  I wouldn’t think she could go to long without some sexual activity. 

    Sound like there is movement in B4. Possible to B7?  But I also thought Nelly and Bogdan were in B7? Are they moving again? 

    Martina will not leave Alberto. What guy in his right mind (accept Alberto) would allow Martina the freedom she has now; the overnighters, bringing her guy friends home to spend the night or spending the night at their place (not proven) and then of course there is the biggest baggage; worthless Nelly. 
    My friends that have subscriptions (at this point, I don’t know why) they do not comment on the forum say Martina is a wasted talent. 

    On another note, with summer around the corner, does anyone know if RLC will do improvements to M&A's apartment?  Having been a popular view for a couple of years, can they ask for a raise or improvement? Does anyone know how that works? Alberto and Martina must still be looking for a way out of RLC.  Martina must be close to starting her internship; Does anyone know?  

    As I already mentioned, the biggest baggage Martina has right now is not Alberto but herself, Nelly, and Bogdan. Martina would do much better and live a better life even with RLC, if she moved on from those two and met someone else or one of the other girls from RLC. There are far too many talented girls in Barcelona, looking to be with another girl with ambition, personality, intelligence, friendship, or lovers, she would enjoy them much more without the aggravation and drama brought on with the current girl to girl relationship.  

    I encourage them both, like Alberto needs to “get it together”, Martina needs to think as well if she is going to, wants to be success!  Perhaps a therapist?

    Good Night

    • Confused 2
  17. Its Friday dusk in Barcelona and after a tedious week of school and a bout with Albert and COVID, I suspect Martina will be taking leave of her roommate for her acquaintances and some carousing! 

    I can envision a kiss from Martina to her friend Alberto should happen soon, if not already, and a gentle whisper “not to wait up for her tonight”, she does not know when she will return.  Therefore, one can only consider the possibilities! Especially, if she has not had sex all week. 

    It does not appear much is occurring in this apartment these days, can no longer be referred to as a favorite or popular cam. From reading the Forum, it does not seem as if much of anything is happening with RLC and continues not worth a subscription. 

    Everything with the girl who use to be the number one most viewed, Martina, is proceeding off camera.  And I wouldn’t think anyone is watching the apartment to see Alberto.  

    Although, the summer is young, perhaps we will see some boiling of temperatures between Alberto and Martina that could leave Alberto homeless, or Martina moved into B7.

    Is it conceivable Martina will bring home one of her many boyfriends, to decisively have sex in the spare room with Alberto down the hall? Do you think Alberto would be distraught or just wait his turn? Perhaps we will see Martina in a 3-some with Alberto? 

    Just one other thought, does anyone know if there will be the big annual Bar-b-que at B4, this year?  If so, they should make it mandatory attendance from all. Ahh..the possibilities? 

    I am quite sure Alberto reads the forum and may consider some of the suggestions written.  But unless the plan has changed to get Martina through school and then for Alberto to then attend himself afterward; every passing day without the most key ingredient (a job), then Martina to party along, possibly being with other one-night stands that are much more stable. And with a more normal lifestyle (jobs), it is a day closer to you living without the one you say you love!  Without Martina, you would be kick out of RCL and could visit the park bench without Blackie. 

    Alberto when you read this “Think..think”!  Stop sleeping and waiting your life away! For Valentines day he surprised her with fake flower and a chocolate cake (which he ate) for Valentine (Nelly’s gifts and dinner out were much better), massaging his girl from time to time and finally anal sex.  

    Alberto, you are a good guy. Although Martina may or may not be right person any longer; she continues to live without strong morals and no real vision for the future except (I hope) completing school and doing anything for money.  Martina has a lot to offer, at almost 26 or 27, with time left she is wasting away. For Alberto does she ever think about a family of her own some day? Or will she continue to be the good actor, impersonator, and sex addict that she is?

    Good Night!

    • Like 1
    • Confused 4
  18. 23 hours ago, A Gid Scots Laddie said:

    and him being a anti-vaxxer it wouldn't surprise me oh well never mind no time for anti-vaxxers no consideration for anyone else 😒

    Martina should be pissed with Mr Alberto for not getting vaccinated.  He is putting her, school and livelihood at risk!!

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  19. 26 minutes ago, Noldus said:

    they're living in B7, the offline house next to B4

    Thank you for that response. Have you heard when they will be going online or moving again? Also, I have not read much about Alberto and COVID. Do you know if he is well and if Martina is having symptoms? From reading the forum, Alberto may have gotten infected when he went out all night with Martina. Since he was not vaccinated; Right? Alberto may be hit harder than most and will hopefully not be hospitalized.  Although, if he is still ill, he may want to call into the clinic for advisement.

  20. Now that Nelly and Martina (still lovers) have controlled having sex on camera; does anyone know when Bogdan and ugly Nelly will move back into the Villa or another RLC apartment for the visibility?  I understand Russian subsidy is limited for them and Nelly needs currency to continue buying new necklaces and gifts for Martina. 

    • Haha 1
  21. 1 hour ago, Adalbert said:

    I think you wouldn't have had a problem with the food if Martina had cooked it naked.😂..would have been more concerned about Alberto's infection. Hope he gets well soon.🤞🤞

    I hope he gets well soon! Its Wednesday AM here probably around 8PM Tuesday evening Barcelona time; I am wondering if Martina is out with Nelly or is she caring for Alberto as he does her all the time? It would be great if she was with him and showing that loving side. Anyone know? 

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