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Posts posted by yelt

  1. 5 hours ago, JenniferMom said:

    The key question is WHAT is it that will happen to Martina that will end up finding her success?   Do I want to see her get lots of amazing sex?  Yes.  Do I want to see her be fully bi and share her love with others that are close to her?  Yes.  Do I want to see her get her studies done and have an amazing career?  Yes.  Do I want to see her have a beautiful family and become a loving mom?  Yes.  I see all of this.  I have no agenda on where this journey goes.  I do not see Alberto in this future but I do not NOT see him either.  To me, he is incidental.  Until I see her irrationally love this guy ... like Gina irrationally loved Bruno ... I'm not sure how he fits in.

    All yes for me as well. Although I would like to see them both succeed, and I understand it might not be together.  Open relationship. It would really be nice to see Martina date someone normal; one way or the other. After 10 years, she really has had no other relationship to compare with her current situation, other than Nelly.  She must long for and wonder what it would be like to have someone you live with go out to dinner, have friends over, take short trips together, go dancing, bike riding, walking the park without the dogs and just plain being in love with each other. 

    If Alberto, cannot commit, get a job, be social and loving, can you say, a break-up could be in the works soon and we lose the favorite couple?

    Enjoy while we can? 

    Wouldn't it make sense, if she continues to experiment with being Bi-Sexual, wants her cake and eat it too, she may have to explain that situation in another relationship which she may have already encountered? 

    I am being paged. Maybe more later. Have a nice day or evening!

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  2. 5 hours ago, JenniferMom said:

    I was reading what you wrote as a speculation that the night before last Martina was out all night with Nelly as a celebration of the 1 year anniversary of their trip to Valencia. 

    I understand. Yes, it was speculation on my part, and I apologize.  You know with no proof, I could also speculate she was spending time with a new guy friend or old guy friend, not Nelly and they were up all night and morning just talking. 😀

    Just thinking.  It is time for her to change, and she must not be happy in her current situation. Nothing to hold her back? Right?

  3. 18 hours ago, JenniferMom said:

    I don't think so.  Although @Deepdave and I are not aligned on these two, I do agree with him that *most* of the time when Martina goes out, she is not fucking her brains out like the "puta" we know she can be.   So I don't think she had an all-nighter with Nelly last night. 

    19 hours ago, yelt said:

    Jen, you are (absolutely) correct!!  In fact, wasn’t it around this time last year that Miss Martina and Mrs Nelly went to visit her parents and stayed in a hotel in Valencia for a couple of days? I remember some comments about all they did was fuck and drink. Perhaps last night was a reunion of celebration? 


    Jen, I agree with your assertion regarding times on her overnight adventures, she is most likely not fucking her brains out. I merely stated the facts that the recent extra-long overnighter came on the near anniversary of the visit between Ms Nelly and Miss Martina to Valencia (3/28/2021_3/31/2021). 

    In fact, Nelly told the girls in B4 after the visit to Valencia, all she did was fuck and drink. What of either of these facts is speculation? I believe the comments of “perhaps last night was a reunion of celebration” is up to interpretation. Similarly, except for the repeated tireless mention of the parking lot incident, there is no proof what she does on her overnight adventures. 

    I read today the sadness for Martina and her family, then Martina and Alberto fucking in the spare room.  Can someone explain how that works? Do what you want Martina when you want and seek forgiveness afterward by F….? In the eyes of some on the forum they continue to defend her behavior, Martina can do no wrong. Is fucking make up time or part of the script??  Was there speculation mentioned before finding out the real cause of her sadness?

    Martina should do what she wants, behave the way she wants and ultimately be responsible for her actions.

    I understand Martina and Alberto are not married and Alberto has some vices of which the biggest is not having a job; but unless one is much like Martina and agrees with all she does, how would you continue to disrespect someone who has shown nothing but support and best interest at heart.  

    19 hours ago, JenniferMom said:

    I would only caution you Yelt and others like @girlsfun2 that the wild speculations sometimes don't help our argument!   🙂    Although @girlsfun2 is so way out there, we may catch the other tribe sleeping one day as they always dismiss her.

    Not sure I understand the mention of caution? Martina and Alberto are going through is a learning experience. I can no longer comment on the visuals.  However, in spike of my written text and reading observations, of all the participants of RLC, I support and would like to see Martina and Alberto be successful. 

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  4. 31 minutes ago, JenniferMom said:

    I think you are contradicting yourself here my good friend.  Even if you are 100% accurate that Martina had dinner with Candella last night, it simply is not very healthy in a relationship for this to continue to happen.  People want to do things together with their partner. 

    You said "There is more than sex between them."   What?  Darts?  Walking the dogs?  Playing video games?   We have seen shreds of them doing these things together but by and large the only thing they do together regularly is fuck.

    Jen, you are (absolutely) correct!!  In fact, wasn’t it around this time last year that Miss Martina and Mrs Nelly went to visit her parents and stayed in a hotel in Valencia for a couple of days? I remember some comments about all they did was fuck and drink. Perhaps last night was a reunion of celebration? 

    • Confused 1
  5. No one should be surprised the bed was empty. Looking for Martina is not in the script right, but who really cares! I'm sure she is just sleeping it off in someones bed. Alberto is used to it! I wish for them both to take this whole RLC thing somewhere else.  At least bring in someone who understands moral, honesty and respect. Oh, but wait isn’t that why the forum loves the Martina Alberto show and why the other apartment don’t receive top site?  But hey this is RCL, “show me the money”. 

    The sad part is because this is such a “FWB” situation Ms. Martina, she will have the boring fuck with Alberto on camera, and everyone will stay their subscriptions.  Some on the forum hoping for a threesome on camera but we know that has most likely already happen off camera, several times. If Martina wanted it, she would make it happen. In fact, I would hope she enjoyed a 3-some tonight! However, life will go on RCL as usual, Martina will continue with school and Alberto will continue to be the maid. 

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  6. 17 hours ago, JenniferMom said:

    Yes as usual @ddhm makes sense.   I am trying to make just one point here:  There are people you meet and go crazy for, who become your soulmate and you love them more than anything in the world and are willing to do anything  to be with them, even if it means sacrificing your marriage.   I was objecting to DD talking about how all these women are coming  after him and he rejects them all to protect his marriage.  THAT'S not the issue.  The issue is what does he do when he finds his soulmate?

    I do think DD would do the right thing but honestly we don't know and he doesn't know either I don't think.  Soulmates are soulmates because they are soulmates.  It's magical and unpredictable.  I am mostly rejecting his Greek narciscism talking about all these women who WANT him and he deflects them because he has made vows.   That's the easy part.  Women may love him but he may only love his one soulmate.

    How this relates to Nelly and Martina is not what I was commenting about.  My post was literally a reaction to DD talking about how all these women come after him and he still stays true to his vows.  I think it is cute and a lot of guys think this way.  Which is why BTW women go after these guys, they WANT to be the one that causes him to melt.

    As usual here, I am trying to defend the emotional aspects of all of this.  It is not logical or rational and it CAN be confusing.  This forum is populated mostly by men and while you guys are wonderful, you are very logical and rational.  Love is very much  not a rational or logical process.

    Back to Nelly and Martina ... I dont think Nelly is Martina's soulmate and it's obvious she doesn't want to disturb Nelly's marriage.  But they have a strong attraction to each other and they are both struggling with that.  I am rejecting DD's implication that "hey, Martina should know Nelly is married and be strong and stay away from her, just like I do with all these women that come after me".    It's NOT that easy and if he found that amazing unicorn of a woman, he would know  what I am saying.

    Think about Gina and Bruno.  Logically it makes no sense.  But there  was something about him that caused her to behave the way she did.

    Hope this helps althought it's long.  Did anyone see my 4 word post in B4 or B5 the other day?


    Hello Jen, Enjoyed the read!  Sounds like from the new readings Ms Martina checked out of Alberto hotel, and is back to her normal  "Friends with Benefits" schedule. Must be on Spring Break? 

  7. 12 hours ago, JenniferMom said:

    Lesbian porn is good and definitely better than the fake shows but it does not compare to what we saw with Martina and Nelly because that was real.  

    Just catching up!  Jen, it may have been real, but you shouldn't hold your breath to see a repeat show on RLC again. The show is only happening off camera these days.  Everywhere except on camera.  

    I would even say the Nelly has Martina wrapped around her finger.  Which is the best learning experience that can happen for Martina especially when she falls. Hard! Does Martina seem to be different? Happier these days? Less oil changes for Alberto? I just hope school is not forfeited, lost friends, etc. for blind love.  

  8. 17 minutes ago, JenniferMom said:


    Thanks @ddhm but you are deflecting.  My post was about you being high and mighty and being able to deflect all these women who come after you.  It wasn't a comment about Nelly or Martina.   

    All I am trying to say is that when you find that special person, that truly special person  ... it can drive you crazy.  I agree over time, a good person will find a way to be true to their marriage and keep their soulmate in their memories and in their heart.  But I think it always gnaws at you in some way.  Most of the time it is not destructive ... but sometimes it can be.

    Jen, I am confused here; I much admit I am always somewhat confused with respect to relationships.  However, you have mentioned several times "Love is Blind", "Friends with Benefits" but if love is so blind and Nelly and Martina are so in love why do they continue to stall and live apart.  A lot of what @ddhm mentions makes very good, sense. 

    I think Martina has found her soulmate in Alberto but wants her cake and eat it too. She will never find anyone like Alberto.  

    In the case of Martina and Nelly, it is obvious here how opposite or contrary forces do not complement, interconnect, and are interdependent naturally. Above all they do not give rise to each other as they interrelate with one another. We have all witnessed some rough times. It may require another lesson learned; a hard fall caused by Nelly for Martina to realize her mistake. 

    Perhaps it is Alberto who is being cautious? Only due to event that took place a few weeks ago with Martina and her friend in the spare room. He could be a lover not a gay friend. However, do you think Nelly would allow that to ensue? 

  9. 1 hour ago, ddhm said:

    The only known thing is that Nelly and Martina always meet off cameras , they usually get drunk and they end up kissing and groping in toilets and so on 😂 But no sex has occurred , at least of what Martina has said to Alberto . Nobody knows what Bogdan believes , if he knows that they meet as simple friends or whenever they meet , they are always “ remembering in a light way “ 😂🤣 their early days on cameras actions . Nobody knows what Nelly says to Bogdan . 

    Thanks ddhm.  

    Yes, I understand they meet off camera almost every day. 

    Although don't you think Bogdan would believe if his wife were meeting with her girlfriend, he knows something is happening other than just having coffee or visiting with the dog? I do not believe he is that naïve? I believe he knows, has no concerns for whatever happens if it does not happen on camera, and he too is able to receive a change oil when wanted or needed. 

    If Bogdan did not know before (hard to believe), if he reads this forum (sure he and Nelly do), he now knows. And whatever his wife is revealing to him about the meetings between her, Martina, and Taco, it is most likely a lie? 

    I was advised from friend’s experience, that marriage cheating situations never survive. If this all was not scripted how could Bogdan be so stupid.  It is only a matter of time for disaster if this is not scripted, unless they (Martina, Alberto, Bogdan and Nelly) are preparing new script, for a new adventure. 

    I would also believe Alberto knows everything and Martina is discussing with Alberto results of their meetings and next steps, it is just not discussed on camera. 

    No sex has occurred only because it has not been publicized on camera. 

    If they (M, A, B, N) are leading us all to believe or to imagine what is occurring with the girl’s relationship (on the edge of your seat waiting) on or off camera, it sounds as if it is working. And in that case of RLC, they continue to win membership (more money) without paying the actors.

    It is interesting to read how these actors of RLC are controlling, possibly the most discussed conversation for previous and new members of the forum. 

    • Confused 2
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  10. 8 minutes ago, Friese60 said:

    Just to remind you, ironically it was Bogdan who fostered Nelly and Martina's friendship in Mess over her breakup with boyfriend Rocco shortly after she also had to leave RLC. Then why are you pairing Martina with a Rocco in your conversation with JenniferMom? 

    Considering Bogdan may be responsible for orchestrating the relationship between Nelly and Martina, could Bogdan as a supposed RCL administrator be attempting to arrange another paring with Martina with someone without Nelly contribution, and Martina is resisting? $$$$

    I also must imagine because of Nelly’s prior drug and alcohol use, when Martina returns home appearing to be a bit relaxed or/and tanked-up; she most likely has been with Nelly? Thoughts?

  11. On 3/25/2022 at 4:11 PM, JenniferMom said:

    Time for a late oil change?  Is Martina going out?  It's Friday night!

    Hello Jen, I hope all is well. Reading through the forum, it appears Martina did not spend her normal weekend night to next day adventures. Although, I read Alberto and her may have had a heavy exchange of oil?   

    Is Martina getting ready for exams? Does anyone know when she goes on spring break?  

    I have also not heard she has met with Nelly this week but may have had a conversation and visit with Bogdan about her and Nelly, the continued pursuit.  Can that be confirmed? 

  12. 3 hours ago, girlsfun2 said:

    yes your right ! Infection....or vaginitis.....that why she was taking the probiotic but it will not help....

    Vaginitis_ You are just kidding? Correct? Let’s hope if she is scratching that much she may need to visit with a physician or gynecologist for consultation. Although, if I remember correctly, Martina was always scratching her genitals. Of course, it may also be they just need to change laundry detergent or liquor bath soap.

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  13. 8 hours ago, yelt said:

    Can anyone confirm Alberto speaks French, Italian, English and French along with his home language of Catalan and Spanish? Just curious. Thanks 


    21 minutes ago, girlsfun2 said:

    If you listen carefully, he speak all those language when he is talking directly to Martin ass....LOL

    Thanks @girlsfun2 A good laugh with my morning coffee. 


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  14. On 3/22/2022 at 11:54 AM, JenniferMom said:

    Sorry to keep repeating myself.  The fact that Nelly is married and willing to jeopardize that, makes it even hotter for Martina.  But at some point, credit to Martina, for trying to draw this to a close.  But she seems to be struggling with this.  Love is blind.


    On 3/22/2022 at 12:01 PM, JenniferMom said:

    Last point:  We are not talking about Nelly.  Everything you said from Nelly's POV is true.  

    I laugh because I have a group of married friends and the guys all complain about how irrational the wives are.  I think guys hate that we are so emotional and not very logical.  I know it sucks for you guys but this is really kind of like a law of physics ... it doesn't matter how hard you try, females for the most part are going to be more emotional and less rational than guys.   Your mistake DD is you are being logical ... as if a marriage license will control Nelly and Martina's emotions.  Don't get me wrong, one of the problems in today's world is that commitments don't mean anything anymore.  I get it.   But we are not trying to solve world problems and find world peace.  We just want to know what is going to happen to our beloved Martina.

    Jen, you are correct in your evaluation and comments, but it is your mention of the constant struggles and the high emotions stated (no longer resilient) that will, if not already, reduced the romance (sexual lovers no longer) and draw them out over time (perhaps even now) as friends without benefits. 

  15. 2 hours ago, omedo said:

    Same age difference between Martina and Nelly...anyway look at Tweety and Radi, the latter is 10 years older or Fiora and Ulyana, Fiora could be her mother....

    Thanks for the information. I saw a video of some sort of gathering a few nights ago at the Villa and Tweety looks very young; Judging by her actions on the video it seems to indicate she may never have experienced a penis.  Unless I am mistaken.

  16. 44 minutes ago, JenniferMom said:

    Exactly TLC.  Not sure if you mean to support my point or argue against it.  I think this supports my point.  Martina IS a good person so yes she is trying to cool things down out of respect for Bogdan and/or their marriage.  But to my point that the emotional aspect is very strong between Nelly and Martina ... you can see how the emotional connection they have is stronger than Martina's desire to be respectful to their marriage (witness the parking lot fling).

    This conversation is like a cold case revitalized.

    Jen, you mentioned Martina broke off the relationship in respect for Bogdan and/or their marriage. Why would she have gotten so emotionally involved in the beginning if she knew Nelly was married? Does that constitute the good person with good moral? 

    Wouldn’t the emotional aspect occur after the relationship began and knowing Nelly was married. I still wonder what Nelly was telling Martina prior to Bogdan’s strong conversation with Martina. 

    While we discuss Martina here and how honest she is or is not, how about how dishonest Nelly may have been with Martina and the marriage situation? Did Martina care Nelly was married until the Bogdan involvement?

  17. 28 minutes ago, tle said:

    Of course I actually see her experience with Nelly as more of an experiment than anything else also... I think she wanted to taste the forbidden fruit to see what it was all about... She tried it. She liked it... Whether she tries it again is anyone's guess...

    Hello tle, Experiment...Nelly is not Martina's first time bi-sexual relationship. The forum has mentioned a time before Nelly, where the relationship ended suddenly and unexpectedly.  Alberto was there to pick up the pieces.  Attractive looking, Intelligent, active, this behavior is a part of Martina’s personal characteristics, always on the lookout, she will try again. 

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  18. 1 hour ago, emnv said:

    Lluis, not even similar phonetically.

    Thank you. We can count on you for your perfect diction and above all coming to the rescue. And of course you knew she was bringing her friend but was unwilling to speak until spoken too with your attempt to express some sort of corrected sophistication. 

  19. 1 hour ago, moos54 said:

    When I see some comments made today, it reinforces my idea that nothing really happened between Anabel and Bogdan in Russia 🤣

    Reading through all the notes, sounds like Martina brought home her gay friend Michael (who she's had over before) and they fell asleep in the spare room.  I don't see much written here from the Martina defenders. The Martina defenders all agree they would allow or perhaps allowed this behavior from their bi-sexual roommates. Not a problem, right! 

    I believe we all witnessed her bi-sexual lover fall to alcohol and drugs! Although, alcohol and drugs are a great persuader for so many behaviors; let's hope for the best with Martina and she keeps Alberto!

    I have not heard she’s having intercourse with the guy (don’t think she will) just passed out.  And it sounds like Alberto left his roommate (trust her) to do whatever and might hear about it later. Hence, Jen's "Friends with Benefits" theory. 

    We’ll see how the day goes after Alberto leaves for his bike ride; but she (and he) is aware the cameras watching. 

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