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Posts posted by yelt

  1. 13 minutes ago, yelt said:

    Ahhh..so you are reading. Thought I would catch you at some point, come to Martina's rescue. Friend of a Friend of Luis or not, she is exploring her options. Which I think is great!  Just like Alberto, there are better men out there and hopefully she comes across one comfortable with her lifestyle. But unless you know more than the forum (of course you do) let's see if he visits more often without his friend Luis.   



    56 minutes ago, Deepdave said:

    It's an old school friend of friend of Martina's, Luis, the gay guy.  Hold onto your fantasy.


    What you are saying is because he is a friend of Luis, he can not have sex with Martina? 

  2. 33 minutes ago, Deepdave said:

    It's an old school friend of friend of Martina's, Luis, the gay guy.  Hold onto your fantasy.


    Ahhh..so you are reading. Thought I would catch you at some point, come to Martina's rescue. Friend of a Friend of Luis or not, she is exploring her options. Which I think is great!  Just like Alberto, there are better men out there and hopefully she comes across one comfortable with her lifestyle. But unless you know more than the forum (of course you do) let's see if he visits more often without his friend Luis.   

    • Upvote 1
  3. 2 hours ago, A Gid Scots Laddie said:

    got to feel sorry for Alberto he out working strange hours then when the weekend comes Martina is nowhere to be seen and hes living like a bachelor while shes out doing whatever she does, does she ever give him a second thought when she's out and about I tend to think not, it definitely appears there's more action out of the flat than in it subscriber's being short changed 

    Good morning. I had to check if Martina went back out. 

    Don't feel sorry for Alberto, he has a job and can leave the situation (whatever that is) whenever he wants. Another female is easy to find in Barcelona.  And why should there be any concern for Martina, she is who she is, if she is not in the apartment, she is not in the apartment. RLC has no concern, the subscribers are paying them and there is less bonus money they need to payout to Alberto and Martina. 

    However, for Martina “the spirit catches you and you will fall down”. I just hope she graduates school before the “spirit” is successful.  

    Also, in case you are wondering, Martina is most likely (no proof of course) with the big guy. I am told she owes him payment for a bet made for an iPhone. I am also told you can hear proof of that bet and payment when he was recently over. I wish I could hear it! And I thought they were just good friends without benefits.

  4. 1 hour ago, Noldus said:

    1206 Martina home

    Thanks @Noldus  I am sure the Martina lovers are happy about her safe return. I hope those lovers get a short glimpse of her and a return on investment before her next departure; Perhaps you will see her again in the pm or in the morning? Good Luck!  Does anyone know if Alberto gave her the customary kiss and smile...? 

    • Like 1
  5. 26 minutes ago, philo said:

    So I ask the forum police, is it yet safe to assume that because of the evidence that we just saw: (leaving home after midnight; taking alcohol refreshments and taking a change of casual clothing, etc)  that it is at least possible that Martina may be planning to spend the night with the Big Guy?

    Not the forum police, long from it!  But Nawh!  While I don't have proof either way, I would venture to say she is not having an overnighter at the big guys place but spending the night somewhere just not with the big guy. We'll see who returns back to the apartment first Alberto or Martina. I believe Alberto going out, dating other women is what Martina has always pushed him to do. If that is true, it could be her first big mistake. Will it lead to very separate lives and separate beds? I hope so, since I can't see it and can only read about it.  

  6. 47 minutes ago, philo said:

    He did not appear to be tired when he was jumping up and screaming at the TV screen during the game.


    41 minutes ago, Deepdave said:

     But now he’s tired.

    I gather, no sex between Alberto and Martina, so the forum is finding other listing material to discuss. However, I am glad you all are continuing to pay for Martina’s education, lifestyle and living expenses for both (Alberto and her). 

    And a must say, it is a bit early in the morning for me to be reading junk mail before tea. Although, I had to see if the translators were correct about Martina’s return. 

    I believe the big guy is a very nice person who has far less intentions and romantic interest in Martina than most of the users reading this forum. 

    Martina has been part of a conversation that she may have been characterized as being somewhat of an exhibitionist.  I don't believe the big guy is gay, works a lot like Alberto, but I believe he understands or knows more about her, than Alberto (from all that Martina has shared him and not Alberto).

    I read he has known Alberto and Martina since they moved into RLC and worked with Martina when she was a waitress, and they are good friends. 

    He appears to be intelligence, with substantially higher moral rating than Martina and possibly Alberto but seems not interested in Martina other than the friendship. 

  7. 1 hour ago, northguy said:

    This morning the air between Kristy and Taylor is ice cold.

    Kristy doesn't like that and vacuum cleans the house.

    When Taylor has cooled down I think she has 3 options.

    Continue to ignore Kristy as a failed project,

    start pushing again in spite of what Kristy told her,

    or adapt to "just" being a friend, which Kristy wants.

    I used to see Kristy on RLC long ago and she is worthless, a fake. Taylor should be friendly, freeze her out and move on.  Soon or later the guy Kristy is playing will find she is not worth it!

    • Haha 1
  8. 2 hours ago, yelt said:
    2 hours ago, Adalbert said:

    or it just depends on her flight or train when she will arrive. But admit that this is of course more boring than your speculation.😂

    Good Morning. Yes, Thank you for that reminder. Not boring at all. However, since I cannot provide proof and you are obviously part of the exclusive team, you know that she paid for traveled by train or plane to her destination, as well as her mode of transportation to and from her apartment; I do apologize for speculating she may not of had any other mode of transport to and from the train or plane for her travel destination.  

    By the by.. No speculation here but a friend here just remind me and as you are probably already aware, there are several ways to get to and from Barcelona Airport to Catalonia Barcelona Plaza_ that being by bus, subway, taxi, car, or shuttle. 

    I just hope she had a wonderful trip and did not get to cold!!

  9. 10 minutes ago, Adalbert said:

    or it just depends on her flight or train when she will arrive. But admit that this is of course more boring than your speculation.😂

    Good Morning. Yes, Thank you for that reminder. Not boring at all. However, since I cannot provide proof and you are obviously part of the exclusive team, you know that she paid for traveled by train or plane to her destination, as well as her mode of transportation to and from her apartment; I do apologize for speculating she may not of had any other mode of transport to and from the train or plane for her travel destination.  

  10. 41 minutes ago, Deepdave said:

    So when Martina comes home, you will know who has the most dependable information. 


    33 minutes ago, yelt said:

    I can believe this discussion.. While I am not a fan, my money is on @emnv and @omedoevery time!

    Let’s not pretend Martina does not have or there is no other love interest in her other life. Therefore, the return time may be contingent upon when she is dropped off by her off camera mate

  11. 22 hours ago, MountainSwede said:

    Alberto has become a cleaning maniac!

    What a guy!  Cooks, cleans, intelligent (he found RLC for easy money for he and his girl at a rough time (COVID) for all), works hard; what more could a lady want?

    As I recall he was the only one cleaning and the place was a pit unless they were expecting guests or hosting an event. But then it was hard to tell clean from messy. 

    Alberto is a good guy, deserving more but as someone mentioned if he and she are "Happy", what does it matter! 

    • Upvote 1
  12. 1 minute ago, Moosecini said:

    To whom are you referring?  Wait... what are the membership requirements for said "exclusive" group?  Is there a fee?? 🤔😀  You gotta know certain people don't you... crap.

    😀 You are correct. Referring to those on the forum that fall within the good graces of the translators. 

  13. 2 minutes ago, Moosecini said:

    No concern whatsoever Yelt, and I agree there shouldn't be any.  I just miss seeing her.  It's a weakness... I'm fully aware.  😉

    Understood!! Enjoy her return! Since I do not have a subscription, please document in the forum (no speculations just the facts) and let us all know should there be anything of interest that occurs upon her return. Perhaps it will increase the low viewership for RLC. 


  14. 2 minutes ago, Moosecini said:

    Well, guess I shouldn't be surprised that there are more than one who believe they know.  Not saying that any of the 3 are incorrect, since I certainly have no idea.  Nevertheless, I'm looking forward to her return.  👍

    I am surprised at this point someone wanted to share outside of the exclusive group. 

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