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Posts posted by fredrik29

  1. To put this easy, u dont smoke any powder if ure a junkie unless its heroin and that is not smoked like that, and if there were filters on the cigarettes it more likely she used raw Tobacco and flavored with something, therefore something powderlike. Cannabis or marijuana is neither White or powder. Unless she is seen with some real drugs or sniffing lines dont Yell junkie.

  2. :wtf: 

    I can't believe anyone would want to tap that. Now sure guys go for that type of fatness of hers, but don't count me as one of those type of guys. Excuse me, chubby!

    To me "chubby girls" like her are disgusting and need to hit the gym and lay off the cheeseburgers, fried chickens and ice cream. They are just as equally disgusting as chubby guys in a nude beach trying to get a boner with their one inch hairy penis looking at some ass, while consuming hot dogs at the process... You get the picture...!

    Don't get me wrong, I love me some nice ass and big knockers... But not hers.

    Holy fucking shit, it's my first comment!  :woohoo:

    Well rlc has many apartments so i got an easy solution for u, dont Watch her if u dont like her, thats why there is many apartments there is something for everyone. I like her, finally we got a really curvy girl.

  3. Come on guys with all the wine they drank during the night its no wonder he couldnt get it up, he got a wine-a-willy some guys cant take alcohol without getting impotent. And i really dont Think this is the couple thats gonna live in the apartment, why would they sleep in the livingroom while the other guy sleeps in the bedroom and it didnt look like they are together, looked like first time they had sex with each other.

  4. I like Jenny, true i dont like that she has fake tits all tits should be natural no matter shape or size and i dont like she has filled her lips but what the hell nobodys perfect, she has Beautiful Eyes and a nice body and a cute smile. And i bet every single one of u that complains about her would jump her in a second and fuck her if she were laying naked in ur bed with spread legs asking u to take her. I would absolutely not say no to her and Believe me i have no problem getting Girls.

  5. Also from Helpdesk 1 h ago, but question without pressure on payment:

    Good day,

    We are expecting our newcommers any time soon. If something will go wrong we will inform you.

    Anyhow, so it is confirmed that the newcomers are on the way. But obviously a way with a lot of stones.....

    maybe you take an eye to learn what is ahead of you

    How can u be so naive to Believe the newcomers is on the way? they said that 4 Days ago that the next day the new would be there since then it has been nothing but lies on their Twitter. For all we know it could take a month Before anyone comes to live there and whats to say that the newcomers dont leave after a day as people usually seem to do in that Place. I Think everyone should cancer their payments right now im really doubting any new will ever come. They treat their customers like shit when not being honest to them.

  6. Birdies are a bit behind Schedule looooooooooool that was 18 hours ago and 4 Days ago they promised new birdies the day after. Fuck u lying piece of shit for staff on vv i am never gonna pay for this crapsite constantly lying. Thats all the explanation u can give a bit behind the Schedule u are pathetic ure Brains are a lot behind Schedule the way u treat customers wow u gave them 3 Days compensation hooray those 3 Days are now ever give a free month instead cause face it last month on vv have pretty much been an empty Place, but to be honest i really hope u go bankrupt and lose all customers so the shitsite is brought down and cant steal more Money from people who trust u way to much.

  7. 3 Days now on what they promised should be one day and still no "birdies" why dont u who are paying customers of vv really show that u dont accept this. Write to them and complain that they are liars they havent done anything but lie about things to happen in the Place the last months, they lie constantly whether is things to happen or people to come live there, things that never happen and never when they promised. So nothing but lies. Personally if i ran a Company like this it would be good customersupport to give one month free now for everyone that has paid for more than 3 months in total. Fucking up like this constantly will make them lose more customers if they dont give back properly for all bullshit theyve done.

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