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Posts posted by 1337nl

  1. Its not that strange there is no 'vacation' sign on there apartment. Other couples were gone for several days and Rlc then put the information online.

    The last time i watched there cams they had some boxes of electronics in the kitchen. Those are gone, but there are still some things laying in the apartment. Maybe someone with a payed membership could see the other cams and tell if the other rooms are empty? So no stuff there normally was.

  2. Alina and Anton were watching porn and did spend a good amount of time watching Alina's pussy.

    Might be for some new things they want to try because those 2 are doing a lot of positions. Maybe a recorded show of A&A could be send to Leora and Paul. When thats not enough or they have questions, i believe there are enough kind CC members who will explain one or two things or demonstrate it with Leora.

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