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Posts posted by Zwavelaar

  1. It's got to suck having to live with a girl that you only wanted to fuck. I bet Akira didn't see that shit coming lol. Should be interesting to see what happens if and when red head comes back. Maybe a threesome? Or maybe both girls hate each other.

    Lol. Yeah, it could be a funny situation. Akira will never be faithful to her, we all know that. It would be nice if VV can bring the redhead back. That would be entertainment with a capital E. 

  2. She is young and it is okay to explore the options. The sexual standard for a girl - a man - is not her thing so she has to look around. but maybe she simply needs a place to sleep and shower in Moscow, as she obviously goes to work every morning. So she has joined this project and is playing the game .. as long as it will be acceptable for her.

    Her massage sessions with Akira really aroused her - both taking and giving. Would be worth to repeat....

    Yeah, maybe you guys are right. I could not see if she had actual sex. I was just disappointed that she went in to the shower with these idiots. She always looks so uncomfortable when that happens. I also noticed that she was very comfortable with Tanya from the beginning and not with any of the guys. If that makes her a lesbian I don't know. But you're right, she seems unwilling every time one of the guys want something from her. As if she is playing a part without feelings. And yes, maybe just for the money and a place to sleep. She can stay but not if she is only there to be touched and dry humped by the porndudes. Maybe VV can give her another girlfriend to play with  :D

  3. SoI guess Akira is staying?  Ivorian appears to be back in Apt 2 so maybe things have calmed down a bit.

    Yeah, it seems things are back to 'normal'. But after Tanya left Voronezh that apartment is rather useless now. I liked the interactions between Tanya, Karen and Dizi (especially between the girls). But now all of that is gone. Azam is acting more and more as an outsider (and who can blame him) and plays no part of interest. And I don't expect Dizi and Karen hooking up. That would be very awkward. They never were that close and never showed any interest in eachother, at least Dizi. And this relationship between Tanya and porndude is hilarious. He only uses her for his sexual needs. The girl needs to get out of here and get some real help. And Karen, well he can leave as far as I'm concerned. Same goes for Dizi. I really liked this girl in the beginning. She was shy but opened up when she was with Tanya. Very cute and hot. But now she turned out to be a real wanna be pornstar. In one night she had both of the porndudes inside of her  ??? And betrayed her 'friend' Tanya by fucking her boyfriend in the shower. All of this sounds like a bad soap opera. 

    So, now we had our drama and thrills it's time for VV to think about the future of the project. Give Voronezh new tenants and don't mix it with the other apartment. Let them live seperately with it's own dynamics. Of course we want some action, but the last few days were crazy  ::) This will generate some new members, I'm sure of that. But in the long run this won't work. Not for people like me, that is.

    All these tenants seem to have no personality (and the brain of a six year old). All they can do is fuck eachother. The girls are just sleezy fuckdolls for the porndudes. It's clear that VV wanted to do it differently than RLC. But I'm not sure however if this is the right way to do it. Too much porn is just...too much porn  :D And for a pornsite the price for a membership is much too high.

  4. What a shocking turn of events - after having sex with her after she just dumped her BF and after she mooned over him all day, Akira is now acting distant and pretty much brushing off Tanya.  Who didn't see that one coming...

    Lol. And he already cheated on her with Dizi. Poor Tanya, she looks so out of place right now.

  5. VV needs to find a different concept for these apartments.  The current conceptwill only make VV die a slow death.

    Agree. All the action seems nice, but is getting very annoying pretty quickly. All these people behave themselves like wannabe pornstars. Not my cup of tea. So I will cancell my subscription at the end of the month.

  6. Ok can anyone please explain to me what the hell is going on? Who is the new girl in this apt? Is Tanya still there?

    You mean Dizi? She is now with Akira (you know the guy Tanya left Karen for) in the shower. Tanya is in the bathtub. Knowing nothing about this. Well, all these people seem just paid pornactors.

  7. So what you are saying is that Karen and Tanya were together through two separate apartments over a few months only to go to a party where Tanya would stay up till 9:00 AM and then have sex with someone she had pretty much just met, all scripted in advance? So Tanya just decided to go along with a script and cheat?

    In this case I'm talking about sex between Irina (Dizzi) and one of the porndudes. This will happen, I'm sure of that. The story of Tanya and Karen...well, it just doesn't look real. As you say, Tanya decides to leave him for one of the porndudes who she just met and fucks a couple of times (of course in front of the camera). How real is that? And now Karen is laughing about it and drinks with the guy who fucked him over.

    It's entertaining, that's for sure. But it doesn't look real to me. 

  8. So, within the hour the pornsection will visit the other apartment. To do what? Party like nothing has happened or a talking session about last night? As far as I can see nobody seems to bother much about what has happened. So, maybe this is normal stuff in Voyeur Villa. So weird  ::)

  9. I look at Karen and Azam left in the apartment, alone for the moment and all I can hear is the theme song to "The Odd Couple" in my head.

    Lol! And they actually have fun together. I absolutely don't get it. What's going on here? Is it just a play? I'm wondering if Dizi shows up tonight.

    And now Petra is with them...I'm lost  ???

  10. Although I 'm Surprised That Is Tanya fucked With Akira So dizi karen Having sex does not surprise me

    If she even decides to stay. I don't know if Dizi already knows the whole situation with Tanya. We will see her probably tonight when she comes home. Could be interesting.

  11. She is not very smart look who she is taking advise from, three professional porn stars. She is very immature and wants a lot of attention She is in for a rude surprise that the only attention she is going to get is when she is on her back.

    Yeah, you're right. I know it doesn't sound very 'manly' when I say this, but I really hate that scenario. Tanya seemed like a nice girl to me, but she isn't very clever. She will be used in so many ways...it's sad. For me, that will be the end of my membership with VV.

  12. If Tanya stays in Apt 2, I wonder what happens to Apt 1?  Will Dizi and Karen stay?  Does she has any interest in hooking up with him?  From what I have seen of her she seems really only interested in hanging with Tanya.  Will Azam convince his gf to move in?  Should be interesting to see what happens.

    Yep, Dizi seems only interested in Tanya. So it would utterly surprise me if she is willing to hook up with him. It wouldn't seem genuine to me if that really happens. But VV has already surprised me quite a lot lately  :)

  13. Then how did he get the picture he just posted?

    Maybe just before they closed down the cams. I'm curious how VV is gonna react. They obviously have some problems to solve.

    And this Akira guy has already lost interest in Tanya. He is playing with his phone again and ignores her completely...well, until he wants some pussy,of course  ???

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