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Posts posted by rubberball50

  1. Too many pop-ups - not worth it (no matter which browser is used).  It's like reliving the 1990s all over again.

    I use Chrome... with Pop-Ups Not Allowed (Settings, then Advanced Settings.  Go to Privacy and click on Content.  Scroll down to Pop-Ups and mark the "Do not allow...") and did not get one pop-up. 

    Downloaded in about 3 minutes and plays just fine. 


    I'm a looong time Chrome user.  I have the browser set to no pop-ups yet they still...pop up.  Same w/ Firefox.

    Howard... my wife had an issue with pop-ups and re-directs on her old laptop, and she was using Chrome with the pop-ups blocked.  Since I'm not too good with computers, I had a friend check it out.  He found some malware.  He was able to get rid of it and all was good.  :) 

  2. Too many pop-ups - not worth it (no matter which browser is used).  It's like reliving the 1990s all over again.

    I use Chrome... with Pop-Ups Not Allowed (Settings, then Advanced Settings.  Go to Privacy and click on Content.  Scroll down to Pop-Ups and mark the "Do not allow...") and did not get one pop-up. 

    Downloaded in about 3 minutes and plays just fine. 


  3. Don't think it matters... the top 3 would remain unchanged anyway... if Niconic's votes were allowed.

    But it would effect 4 and 5... creating a tie between Nora and Alina... and dropping Rita from the 5 spot.

    Actually... upon further review... Rita (7 votes) shouldn't have been in the top 5 (names in bold) to begin with, as Nora and Maya were really tied for the 5th spot with 13 votes.


  4. i didn't know that, i thought i was providing a public service.

    If you were intending to have the video go to DirtyBin, it is a very welcome public service... which I applaud. 

    It maybe that it did not work out as you intended because of DirtyBin being unavailable.  Perhaps you might want to go to another service... such as My Air Bridge... or wait until DirtyBin is back up and try again.

    Also, I may be mistaken, but a DirtyBin upload can also go to the Attachment Center.  If one of CC's skilled uploaders could help me out here... by confirming or correcting me.


  5. She raped him!

    Dude is lying on his back on the couch motionless. She crawls on top of him, removes his pants (without his help). Removes her shorts and...starts riding him until he has "no choice" but join in.

    I say you're not that ill if you can maintain a hard-on.  Nevertheless that girl can't get enough cock.

    If her insatiable desires continue, this relationship will flame out within 6-9 months.

    Until then, let's enjoy the ride.  ;D

    Kind of reminds me of Alina when she had a lot of alcohol... Anton wasn't safe on the bed, on the floor or anywhere.  ;D

  6. He was teasing her, he put his chair and put all of the room pillows on the chair , oh when she mecheu the cushions fell on her, she took a fright, but then was laughing .

    NOTE: Always keep your hidden ID , erase the photo as soon as possible because you will be banned.

    "Scooter"...  bobbyboob can't delete the image in your reply... you would have to do that. 

    And yes, he should delete the image, but he is not a CC member and I think that option is not available to him.  A mod would have to do that for him.

    EDIT:  "Scooter"... I just noticed you are not a CC member, either (sorry, I really thought you were) so a mod would have to delete your reply also.


  7. When I get this new mac figured out I'll post a video so that everybody can enjoy it. The only way I can do that is to make it a .gif file and that's the app i'm looking for now.  Be patient boys & girls, i'm not afraid to show those that don't have access to upstairs what is going on up there.  Just give me some time as I am a newbie at the pics and videos thingamagig!

    Seems like being a paid member suits you, dfCcap...  enjoyed your images and look forward to your vids.  ;) ;D

  8. You're right, I guess I screwed the pooch on that one!!  Well horse feathers, now I'm going to have to do it again I guess.....FUCK!!

    Don't give up... don't get too impatient... don't do it again.

    Give Admin a chance... he can usually put two and two together pretty well.  Also, it is dinner time on a Friday night.  ;D

    Glad you took the step, dfCcap.  :)

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