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Posts posted by rubberball50

  1. Woof stated in another thread that he liked tidying up all the threads when he was a mod before... and the threads here could use some tidying, so... I think... give Woof the opportunity to do it.



    NO se preocupe compañero, solo están haciendo ajustes de los servidores... en un rato o quizá mañana estarán las imágenes visibles, no es la primera vez que ha pasado, mientras tanto les aconsejo utilizar:


    (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed).


    I do not know if it's my computer bug, but actually, most of the photos posted (by kzs, euromike) have disappeared or are no longer visible !!!

    I don't think it really matters what Third Party Server is used. If you use those types of services your 99% sure RLC will go to great lengths as to getting the content removed, but they do have a hard-on for going to further lengths of a select few. But they don't intimidate me. As far as I'm concerned whoever operates RLC can go fuck themselves.

    The only best way now to post your content and not have it removed is straight through the attachment feature provided on this forum. Only thing is non paying members won't be able to see the content until they get paid status.

    http://www.subirimagenes.net used to be a great pic and gif posting site but as of late they seem to have been on RLC's hit list as well or they just dumped their servers to free up the bandwidth but am almost certain they've fallen to the DMCA.

    all the subirimagenes pic are back  ;)

    Then it was just something with their servers then.

    I guess we should have just listened to SanPer... he knew what he was talking about.  ;)

  3. So in other words you work for RLC.

    Uh that would be NO!  Common computer sense....

    Not everyone has common computer sense,yes people will find out if they have a little common knowledge with computers,but I got to make it a little harder to weed out some while making the others work a little bit instead of just straight clicking to a website,it's almost like you guys are trying to stop us from uploading anything else in the future by putting a spotlight on all the websites we use.we aren't being paid by anyone for our up-loads, we do it out of the kindness of our hearts,to keep people who missed certain things in the loop and to keep CC interesting and make it's members happy.Since Rita left I've lost all interest in uploading anything else but who knows maybe someone else might show up that's worth my time and effort.

    Think about this for a second, if there are no more uploading websites,there will be no more photos or videos on CC,and all we would see is nothing but comment after comment.

    euromike... I'm not trying to start a flame war here, and I fully understand the point you're making... and I commend it... but I think you are underestimating the computer savvy of RLC and the RLC "spies" on CC. 

    They can find out where any image or video is being hosted easily enough, so not talking about it really won't stop them.  I believe that RLC is behind the recent loss of images posted on subirimagenes (though I really do hope it's just a server issue with subirimagenes) and they probably had something to do with the recent CC hack, too.

    And I really think that you shouldn't label anyone who disagrees with you an RLC spy.  I, for one, am not... despite the fact that you're probably thinking that I am.    ;D

    I'm just a guy who enjoys the images and videos posted here on CC... and you post some very good images and gifs.  And I thank you for your terrific posts, too.  And, like you, I miss Rita and Kamila, too.  :)

  4. On ‎2015‎-‎07‎-‎03 at 4:18 PM, hiddenwood7468 said:

    Actually... it's 6 girls and 1 guy.  Short hair with sunglasses isn't a guy.  :)

    There can always be surprises ... Maybe he's only bi ... :D :D ;)


    Hiddenwood... Person with the hat is the same as from your "this fashion is new..." post...  She showed her chest (no nudity) while dancing around and she had breasts beneath her shirt.  Looked like they might be perky ones, too.  :D

  5. Party in progress. Be interesting to see where it goes. Five girls +  2 guys. Wine and liquor are flowi\ing. Everyone is loose.

    There must be a patio or balcony of-camera to the right from the #1 free cam. People keep disappearing there and coming back.

    Cams are having difficulty with all  the motion. Has switched to B&W for a while although light seems to be adequate.

    Actually... it's 6 girls and 1 guy.  Short hair with sunglasses isn't a guy.  :)

  6. On ‎2015‎-‎07‎-‎01 at 10:31 AM, slider_69 said:










    Je crois qu'elle se touche l'anus , non ?


    O le está agarrando por los huevos al novio ... no se.

    She's either yanking on his balls or putting something in her ass ;)



    I believe she's rubbing her clit with one hand and holding her ass open with the other !


    And I believe that she's rubbing her clit with one hand and holding his dick in her pussy with the other to make sure it doesn't go in her ass.  ;)

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