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Posts posted by rubberball50

  1. Nora's new name is the vibe killer every time something getting good here she comes to ruin it.

    Just playing the devil's advocate: she and Kammi started that beautiful massage scene in the livingroom and in her bedroom  ;)

    Speaking of that massage, I wouldn't mind watching Nora give Rita a full body massage.  And I wonder if Rita would return the favor?  ;)

  2. I think that RB50 is the only good newbie out of at least the last thousand or so. Good posts, writes in English, knows how to put together complete sentences and damn, I'm just amazed.

    Thank you, tbg150.  I'm glad you're amazed.  :D

  3. I guess it would be easier to set and use the toilet then you wouldn't miss.

    I usually sit.  That's the only place I can read the newspaper and concentrate.

    I don't take the newspaper so i guess i will set and concentrate.

    i probably will be doing a lot of setting next Thursday and Thursday night.have to drink about a gallon of some kinda nasty liquid for the procedure i am having done.actually there will be two of them.boy i am really looking forward to this.

    Ok SC buddy going to go check out the Cracker Lady.    ;)

    HMFIC... If you are going to undergo what I think you are going to undergo, I wish you good luck and good results and offer this advice... proctosol or the equivalent will really be beneficial.  :)   

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    Being very new to this... how to I PM you?

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