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Posts posted by rubberball50

  1. Corboblanc agrees that CC is very slow, then made a statement about being insulted by some French speaking members.  And I agree with everyone that it is very slow.

    And I'm guessing that corbo wants CC back up to speed so he can reply?

    btw... TBG, I notice you've changed your signature... does that mean someone found a cure for 'twisted'?  ;)


  2. Ok, I know that the night vision feature on the cams distort the pics. But, I'm having a hard time believing that that is Kamila in that pic. I never saw her wear a nightgown like that before and I've never seen her stomach seem to protrude when she's standing the way it does in that pic. Are you positive that's Kamila?

    Edited to add: Do you have a timeframe for when that was taken? You know I love your work StnCld. I'm just wondering if you might have made a mistake on this one.

    bookmaster... I agree that it's not Kamila... and it's probably Sophie, Lilu or Mia... but I can't figure out which one it is.


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