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Posts posted by Maturin

  1. 1 minute ago, Nicholas said:

        Vietnam wasn't the American revolution or the two world wars. The only reason Vietnam wasn't successful, was because of the kind of idiots running the country at the time that are nowhere near as bad or rudiculous as the cognitively impaired corrupt shithead the snowflakes are trying to get put in place now that will essentially be no more than a nuerotic puppet for the radical left.

    "No, not that war, the other one."

    Utterly pathetic 🤣

    • Like 1
  2. 15 minutes ago, Nicholas said:

        Firstly....I'm not your mate. Secondly....one of the reason's why we kicked your kind's asses during the American revolution and kicked your asses out of America was because of blokes like you who obviously sticks his nose where it doesn't belong. Thirdly....many find it quite ironic that those of your kind who tried to subject America to authoritative tyranny rule, had to beg and plead for those of us from over here, to come over there to save your asses during two world wars. Lastly....I'm not your buddy.

    Again, pal, this is just a wall of badly formatted shite. Have a read of the OCR guide to not letting your lack of education stop you from making your point (no matter how laughable it is). LINK

    What's all this "we," bullshit? You did fuck all in any of those wars, old bean. 😂

    Your (again laughable) tidbit about tyrannical rule - on the day that everyone expects your asshole president to not respect the results of the election and to do his best to subvert it? Haha, for fuck's sake, you've got no idea how far you've fallen behind, do you! 🤣

    You represent the worst, not just of the US but of humanity in general. You are uneducated and belligerent and you cling to glories that are hundreds of years old because, it would seem, that you haven't got anything more current with which to draw some pride.

    But yeah, keep trying, sport.

    • Like 1
  3. On 11/1/2020 at 9:17 AM, Ridgerunner said:

    You are the no hope asshole failed businessman.

    Failed businessman, that's the best you've got? 😂

    You come on here and make up dates with fake girlfriends whilst everyone can see that:

    1. You've got nothing to interest any mentally stable woman.
    2. You'd much rather spend the evening with reruns of the Apprentice and a bottle of poppers, than go outside to a restaurant.
    3. You're a stupid cunt.

    But yeah, please keep typing failed businessman, that weally weally huwts 🤣

    • Like 1
  4. On 11/1/2020 at 10:02 AM, Nicholas said:

         Obviously this thread is not mutually exclusive only to those that possess a level of intelligence and common sense as is demonstrated when ridiculous idiotic comments such as yours show up here.

    Mate, it's not verboten to use grammar and punctuation correctly once in a while; it'll make scanning your brown-nosing bullshit easier for the rest of us but thanks for getting involved today, buddy.

    • Like 1
  5. Trump's been playing up to the fascist fundamentalist "Christian" pro-lifers, but when it came to saving his own life, he used a Covid treatment that was developed using cells from dead fetuses, this bloke never ceases to amaze.


    Trump touts Regeneron antibody cocktail as a potential ‘cure’ while he has consistently sought to restrict abortion access


    • Like 3
  6. On 9/30/2020 at 4:21 PM, Lba_87 said:

    they are arguing a lot this is not good for camarads I want to know what is the app they use to transmit somebody knows please let me know

    If you find out could you let me know please? In PM though, Camarads has some weird hold on CamCaps and you aren't allowed to post model chat links or photos here, which is weird - it's not like Camarads is any good.

  7. 3 hours ago, ARMY SNIPER said:

    Stand Up No GIF by megan motown


    19 hours ago, combo91 said:

    is it worth paying for this? Ilove the blondies but do they ever do anything?

    +1 This is the worst of all these types of sites! That's a pretty low bar to begin with Camarads doesn't even make the scale! Save your money mate.

    • Like 1
  8. She just comes back every now and then a flops around on the sofa for a few hours and then leaves. The cat has no human interaction at all apart from getting fed. Why would anyone pay for this shit? It's like Camarads have just given up. Good cameras, great stream but god awful boring "tenants".


    Today whenever I've tuned in, she's just been led on the sofa wriggling around like she's got a venereal disease! Is this how they expect to get paying subscribers?!

  9. 5 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

    Covid-19 is real, but many of the covid-19 statistics may not be real. The disease has been politicized worldwide.

    This is the sort of utter bollocks that is classic for you mate. "The statistics may not be real," 😂😂😂😂😂😂

    Yeah, it's a fucking globally orchestrated coverup by George Soros and/or Hillary Clinton because the facts don't fit with your narrow and uninformed opinions.  😂😂😂😂😂😂

    You absolutely stupid as fuck cretin!!  😂😂😂😂😂😂

    • Like 1
  10. “Biden and Obama stopped their testing,” Trump said. “They just stopped it. You probably know that. I’m sure you don’t want to report it. But they stopped testing. Right in the middle, they just went, ‘No more testing.’”

    Biden and Obama are to blame for COVID-19 are they? Three years after they left office?! What an unmitigated chump!  😂


    The president on Monday again sought to redirect blame for his pandemic response to the previous administration.


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    Donald Trump and his supporters are a literal pox on the nation. I'd love to see the demographics, I doubt they exist, of the political affiliation of each case.

    One can almost guarantee that the MAGA idiots will be the majority but unfortuately they are also the transmission vectors that are infecting decent Americans.

    I think that when those journalists took the photos of those MAGA zombies hissing and spitting outside that state capitol building that they should have interviewed as many as they could and then come back one month later to do a report on how they fared affter choosing to make a human petridish out of each other. What a shithole!Image

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