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Posts posted by Deepdave

  1. 3 minutes ago, JYBRD said:

    We are also hearing that Alberto has been after Martina for more money and she said no.

    I agree, but has decided that she did not want to jeopardize her school and her leaving RLC.  But Alberto and Juliette staying in the apartment has helped to alleviate this problem.  I have not heard whether he has finalized his real estate deal .

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  2. 38 minutes ago, ddhm said:

    Alberto and Juliet .. So as to satisfy good friend’s JenniferMom theory , another FWB procedure for Alberto , poor Juliette she likes Alberto a lot but she knows him too little .. AND .. Alberto continuing exactly  where he stop with Martina .. It didn’t work firstly , I don’t know how he believes it is going to work now …AND .. Barcelona hub can be accused for tons and tons of things but I can’t think of another company that we know and being visible to judge the actions , RLC HAS SAVED AND FIXED THE LIVES of many many people ( for sure the clever ones .. ) when if they had stayed in their counties or had normal jobs in Barcelona and MOSTLY paying rents in apartments , I believe it would be so very few that would have made it surviving . 

    Whoever from Europe’s eastern block has “WORKED “ for RLC even for 90 days , have managed to make a beginning . Especially during Covid and further more post Covid and the change of “ working terms “ that now last ( as we see ) indefinitely if the tenants want , people can save and plan their next move in their lives . The example of Holly and Thor is perhaps the best the best recent one. 


    Now , for anyone knowing Alberto and Martina and whatever has transpired amongst them ( financially ) the last nearly 7 years , can easily understand why they have reached a point that money is their major ARGUING subject (BUT IN MY OPINION IT IS JUST THE THING COVERING THE SADNESS AND DISAPPOINTMENT THAT WHATEVER  THEY HAD THE LAST 10 YEARS MORE OR LESS THAT THEY ARE TOGETHER OS COLLAPSING AND THEY CAN’T CONTROL IT ) , still and in my humble opinion , 7 years with RLC and not managing to have at least a stash , and t is their biggest failure . 

    Please remember that Alberto borrowed money from Martina for his failed business venture and I assume he has repaid all or most of his debt to Martina.  Plus he had saved most of the deposit for his new home. That is how he has used his money since he started working as a landscaper.

    Martina , on the other hand, has been using her money to finish her tourism degree.  She has since been also working part time and attending university.  Her intent was to have enough money to leave RLC, rent her own apartment, depend on no one, and finish her university degree in tourism.

    Martina does not take pressure well.  They have fought many times in the past when she is unsure of her future.  I hope they continue to be good friends (not lovers) and that she continues to talk to Alberto.  She has always needed Alberto’s advice over the past 10 years (even before RLC).  I think they need each other.  I hope that Alberto and Martina will always love each other but not as lovers.

    Further.  I think Taco is a worry for Martina.  If Taco is unhappy, then both Martina and Alberto are unhappy.  It seems to me that Martina is hoping that Alberto will help look after Taco.   But I could be very wrong about that.

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  3. 25 minutes ago, piedpiper1968 said:

    Martina, it surprises me and appears to be a mean spirited move to take the bed rather than allow Alberto and Juliet to sleep there. You have slept and napped on that couch many hours. 

    I don’t think Martina demanded the bed.  I think Alberto and Juliet wanted her to have the bed.  Her last few times in that bed.

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  4. 32 minutes ago, JenniferMom said:

    I know I push the FWB hypothesis quite hard here however I will admit this could be another explanation.  But think about what you are saying … for her to “tell all” like this, these two must have had some sort of up front agreement about not being exclusive.  In this scenario, one of the partners feels the need to over-share to relieve guilt.  But you would never over-share if you felt your partner did not agree that your relationship was not exclusive.  Lots of double and triple negatives in that last sentence!

    @Deepdave and others have told us that Martina and Alberto have a “different” relationship that is difficult to understand but “it works for them”.  Until it doesn’t.

    Until it doesn't.  It makes me sad, but it is life.

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  5. 7 minutes ago, TfiDeano said:

    As far as I know #4 is happily married and will not commit to fun and games with Marti who at this point in life appears to be a bit stuck. The reason is because she could potentially end up alone in that apartment if Al moves on to his new house (apparently) and his new flame will join him there for shits and giggles. Whatever happens with Marti I have no sympathy for because this is all her doing and she needs to deal with it, especially now that Al is preoccupied with his new flame and having fun on camera. However it does appear that Marti is starting to become irritating by turning up at the apartment more and more now that Al is with his new flame. She should pack her bags and live her life away from RLC because next to nobody has any interest in her nowadays. She is slowly becoming a bad apple rotting away and becoming a bit sour that Al has found someone. She cannot have it all her way.  

    Sorry but GF4 is NOT married.  She is 100 per cent lesbian and she just came back from a 2 week holiday.  Today is her birthday and she is having a big birthday party for herself.  This information is courtesy of a very reputable translator.

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  6. 28 minutes ago, Noldus said:

    They talk to each other and if you understand what they are saying, it makes sense.

    We have a very great interpreter who has been essential to our ability to understand Martina and Alberto.  We would have never been able to appreciate why the way they  are without her and we thank her very much for her interpretations and comments.

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  7. 8 minutes ago, darkman said:

    Everyone knows that the main excuse when one has a lover is, we don't sleep together, we haven't fucked in a while, I'm with him/her for the children, for the dog, for the money, for, for, for, for. We all know that those excuses are a lie to be watering two gardens. 

    Everything that is not a divorce is a lie. 

    Even a separation is not worth it.

    At the moment Martina and Alberto are together, that is the reality.

    So what is your point?  I do not understand your point.

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  8. 27 minutes ago, miscvoyeur said:

    I didn't say the relationship surprises me. What surprises me is that they thought it could work out, which it didn't. Being in a relationship with one person and having sex with someone else is one thing when it doesn't interfere with how you feel about your partner. But full on relationships with feelings and real emotions with others is something entirely different. And then had the nerve to throw the shit in his face? That is some of the most selfish shit I've ever heard of. I'm actually happy for Alberto for not being with her now.

    And fyi, I stopped watching them over a year ago. This couple was never that interesting to me outside of the situation with Nelly.

    I am glad you stopped watching them but you still have major comments concerning them.  I don’t think Martina is selfish but she does do what she wants.  Alberto does not object to the way she treats him but I think he objects to the way she treats Taco.

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  9. 1 hour ago, miscvoyeur said:

    Like I said earlier in the thread, Martina was so selfish, she's having full blown relationships with other women while she was still "with" Alberto. How in the unholy fuck did either of them think that was going to work out?? 

    Why are you so surprised that Alberto accepts Martina’s outside girlfriends?  Martina does not hide these relationships.  On the contrary, why do you think we know so much about this girlfriend?  Because Martina tells all of details of her time with this girlfriend to Alberto.

    Relationships are more than sex for M&A.  I think Martina prefers sex with women and not men.  But it seems that sex is not enough for Martina to move away from Alberto (quickly)..  She has a strong need for her conversations with Alberto.  That does not guarantee that they will stay together.  But dispite the lack of sex they still do have tender moments.  One final point - Why do they still sleep in the same bed together.  There seems to be other options available such as the living room sofa or the guest room.  Yet they sleep in the same bed.  I find this unusual but consistent with everything else about their unusual relationship.

    This is not a normal husband/wife or boyfriend/girlfriend relationship.  But that’s what makes them interesting no matter how much sex they do or do not have.  They are realty.  They are not interested in giving the forum live sex as some of the apartments,  if this is not for you. Don’t watch them anymore.

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  10. 27 minutes ago, darkman said:

    well, it's more common than it seems, what happens is that no one knows or gets the idea of what it is, until it happens to them, and even so when you try to count, the crazy person looks like you, I said and I keep saying ( because I have lived it in my flesh) that Martina is an integrated psychopath, and every time I am more convinced, I see them and I am seeing deja vu, 

    I take it so personally, because it is traced to what happened to me.

    Martina even reminds me of my psycho, the look, the gestures, the shapes, the manners in sex, her impudence, even her feet and the way she touches them, I know I look like an obsessed madman, but these people are the evil of In our times, the increasingly competitive society is creating these beings, with a lack of empathy, and Machiavellian, specialists in pretending, lying, they are chameleons, capable of copying emotions cognitively, who seem to feel them, but they are pure lies. In short, I'm not bored anymore, whatever it is, you'll see.





    Your analysis rambles and is useless.  This is a couple in pain.  Do not make it more painful. 

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  11. 5 hours ago, ddhm said:

    It’s not about watching them or not ( I believe we can both agree that there’s nothing exciting going on since a long time so as it is worth watching .. ) , it is about WATCHING two people moving on with their lives because they have managed through the “ CAMERAS WORLD “ to finally achieve things concerning their lives after RLC ( which should actually be the plan of everyone participating for such a long time - for example Leora and Paul they should have left already , not to mention Linda and Tibor .. ) . 

    Hi ddhm

    You are right.  We are in agreement that their relationship has changed.  But I still find them interesting.  My interest with them is not all about sex.  I love watching their interactions.  They are getting ready to succeed beyond RLC.  Moule has given a very good history which I was mostly already aware of from my PM’s with a wonderful translator.  It seems that they will be gone soon anyway.  Too bad.

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  12. 16 minutes ago, ddhm said:

    When you are interested in two people and you care  for them as human beings and not sexual objects observing them ( what more is to see from them after so many years ? Perhaps as JenniferMom says , multipartners sex or/and swinging ) , it is normal to speak about their REAL LIFE and how THE TIME HAS COME to seek it away of cameras . It’s not being tired or don’t like watching but let me say it once again with an example … I LIKE TO WATCH MESSI as he will always be in the top 3 football players in the history of football but I want to remember Messi for the moments he gave me as a fan for nearly or more than 20 years and not looking at a person being the shadow of the past ( obviously Messi isn’t that close in retiring but just to make you understand how - PERSONALLY - I see this couple ) . I think their time with RLC is up , there’s nothing more to offer. 

    But it’s up to them, not you.  If you don’t want to watch them anymore, don’t,

  13. 24 minutes ago, JenniferMom said:

    Very good post Deep.

    The differences between FWB and an open marriage are subtle but clearly different.  Marriage includes a commitment and vows to be together “until death do us part”.  So an open marriage means they can fuck others but they commit to stay together forever.  An FWB is like a friendship and as we all know friendships can come and go over time.

    If you think they will marry … ok … maybe FWB is not appropriate.  But need to see that as I don’t think it will happen. 

    Although it is not mandatory for an open marriage to insist on both parties being present for sex … I would think open marriages where each partner can fuck whoever and whenever they want behind each other’s backs … these are destined to fail at some point.  I said this earlier if they had an open relationship leading to marriage, why don’t we see threesomes and swinging?




    I don’t think that M &A are thinking of getting married.  They are not concerned about being monogamous but I believe that they are truthful to each other.  Alberto knows about everyone she fucks and she wants Alberto to tell her everything.  Although I don’t think that Alberto is sleeping around.  When would he do it.  But it would be interesting to see Martina’s reaction if Alberto would bring a woman home to sleep over and fuck.  I think Alberto’s sole commitment to Martina is one of the reasons she has stayed with him for so long. He is her support system.  When she has problems, he is there to listen and help.  He knows her better than anyone else and she knows it and appreciates it.

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  14. 55 minutes ago, ddhm said:

    Till a year or so , the apartment was fun and nice to watch because you could see things between the two , sharing , smiling , enjoying , lots and lots and lots of sex ( not judging the quality .. ) , we were watching an RLC couple of whatever relationship they had , FWB , fuck buddies ,sex partners , company keepers , whatever ..


    We ( me so as to be fair ) was/ were reacting negative that Alberto ( despite having lost a HUGE amount of Euros due to a bad investment and needing to repay Martina whenever he could )  didn’t search / look / trying to find a job and DO SOMETHING with his life . He would go at weekends to do his mountain bike , he would daily play his console , he would cook and entertain Blacky .


    All of a sudden , FINALLY , a year ago or so or maybe less , we got to know that he found the gardener job , EVERYONE I BELIEVE embraced that and congratulated him . Few would think or imagine that this job initiation WAS the gravestone for his relationship with Martina . They are two best friends currently , they have their own lives , the problem of Alberto is that he is a bit “ male Leora “ , that means unsocial , not a fan of going out regularly for a movie , a drink , food , things that are essential escaping daily routines , even the guests in the apartment are hardly ever Alberto’s , 90% or more is Martina’s .


    I obviously admire this couple , they are for sure a LEGENDARY TRUE LIFE STORY , but , as I have said reportedly the last year or so for other long time tenants ( Linda and Tibor , Leora and Paul , Masha still I haven’t 😂 , Nelly and Bogdan ) , THEY NEED TO KNOW when their time on cameras and this job is up . Martina and Alberto have done , offered , showed ANYTHING they can . They are both struggling to keep the legacy alive while outside , A WHOLE NEW WORLD AND LIFE IS CHALLENGING THEM DAILY - and in my humble opinion - , leaving with the cameras for more than 6 years now , they have lost the contact with the real life , the environment , THE REAL LIFE is there and they simply cant face it . 

    They prefer to be online and get the RLC benefits WHEN - like they both managed- they should simply pack and each one make their own ways in life . Maybe together again sharing an apartment or Alberto by himself ( and perhaps a lover / girlfriend searching ?? ) and Martina by the side of her lover .. THE MORE THEY STAY , the more difficult it becomes .. 


    It is time to move on .. Still always MAXIMUM RESPECT FOR THEM for being genuine , real , A HAPPY AND NICE COUPLE to watch . Martina easily one of the TOP 5 tenants in the history of RLC ( Leora , Masha , Linda can easily be the other 3 and perhaps the recent seen Irma ) . They really had A REAL LIFE ON CAMERAS , MARTINA IS RESPONSIBLE IN ONE OF THE TOP 5 memorable moments in the history of the RLC site during the ABSOLUTELY UNFORGETTABLE AND INSANE PURE LESBIAN SESSIONS with Nelly ……….BUT , the time is up .. 

    sorry DDHM - they will follow their own scrip, not your script.  This is true life and it will end when M&A decide it will end.  In the meantime if you don’t like watching Martina’s breasts, watch another apartment.  M&A are still special people no matter how much you want them to retire.

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  15. 5 minutes ago, darkman said:

    Being sexist to a normal degree is an option just like any other. You can be racist and not be a member of the klu klux klan, not everything is black or white, in society there are color and gray scales. I have my flaws yes

    I would suggest that you admitting to have flaws summarizes everything that you have said up to date.  Return to your psychologist and good luck on your therapy.

  16. 5 minutes ago, darkman said:

    a psychopath will never make a definitive closure, everything will be ambiguities, he will never say this is over until he has his next victim well insured, he will close the relationship like a rusty saw, instead of ending up clean and in good spirits ways, she will transfer the blame to him, she will triangulate with the current one and the new one, causing jealousy and disputes between the two, she will talk to alberto about the microbiologist gf4 and to gf4 she will talk about alberto, martina makes sure that her price goes up, they leave to fight for her and that is what life is for her, (NARCISSISTIC SUPPLY) it doesn't matter what it is, positive or negative, it is a supply, it is her food, it is what she needs to fill her inner emptiness and her lack of self-esteem, while In the end, this disorder comes from that,from a childhood where she was emotionally abused by excess or by default, surely her mother is very much to blame for that.  

    Your comments show that you have a hate for Martina.  She is definitely not a bad person.  As much as you think that she is a terrible person, Alberto is madly in love.  She has many, many friends.  She has a great smile which we all love.  She telegraphs all of her feelings.  When she is happy she shows it.  When she is mad she shows it.  When she is worried she shows it.  She is not a devious person.  The last reason that your analysis is faulty is that you do not see good things about Martina.  Certainly there is something positive that you could say about Martina (without sarcasm)

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  17. 35 minutes ago, moules said:

    As I understand the saga, Martina is 18, living in a small town and in a difficult family situation.  She is young and very attractive.  Alberto, at least ten years older than she, appears in her life.  He has no prospects either, at least in this town.  One of them suggests moving to Barcelona, which they do.  They are not in Barcelona long, when the opportunity to participate in RLC is offered.  They agree.  The apartment is free, and they are also paid.  According to an overheard conversation with his mother soon after arriving at the apartment, Alberto hopes to study to become a chef or an automobile mechanic.  Both professions typically require some schooling in a technical trade.  Martina will eventually enroll in a university

    Their lives do not develop in parallel.  Alberto apparently never studies to be a chef, a mechanic, or for any other profession.  His employment is intermittent, most months he is at home playing video games.  He gradually becomes a background figure.  He is in a relationship with a younger, attractive woman who is popular, social, and is seen by her friends as trying to improve her station in life.  In one sense, his life in Barcelona appears to be a continuation of the life he was leading in the small town.

    IIRC, Martina has acknowledged that RLC provided her with the opportunity to improve her life.  Which by most measures, she has done.  What can Alberto say about his life after six years of being supported by RLC?  Ten years from now, when he is near 50 years old, will he still be a gardener?

    ^^^  I am sure any factual errors in my summary above will be corrected those who have followed this couple longer and more intensely than I.

    Finally, a very attractive woman who either has a PhD or is a PhD candidate from a major Spanish university is not likely to have a long-term affair with another woman with whom she cannot intelligently converse with.



    Hi Moules & Jen

    One of the details that you left out of your extremely accurate history of M&A is Alberto’s unsuccessful investment.  Where Alberto may have gone to school to become a mechanic or cook, he decided (with Martina’s help - she lent him money) to invest in a business.  It seems he may have been defrauded or given some very bad information and lost everything plus more.  This was traumatic to both of them plus Covid hit.  Instead of going to school, he applied to be a gardener.  This is a very physical job and entails a significant amount of travel to get to every day.  He is tired when he gets home everyday and must wake up early every morning to get to work on time.  He is not late for work and does net seem to ever miss work.  He seems dedicated to his job.  I think Martina appreciates his dedication.  I think he owed Martina a significant amount of money and he has repaid her (my assumption).

    in the meantime Martina has successfully become a travel consultant and now has enrolled in university to get a degree.  Martina worked very hard to be successful.  She had to get her high school diploma before she could get into the travel industry course.  I believe I saw that when Martina needed help for school, Alberto was there to help.  Obviously it was Martina’s hard work that got her education but Alberto was there to take care of the other household activities that they shared.  And don’t forget RLC and their sex together.

    M&A have a very different relationship than a typical boyfriend/girlfriend or married relationship.  Alberto encourages her to have these lesbian relationships. Nelly, GF4, the English girl and the Brazilian were all done with his knowledge.  As long as she did not fuck any men he was not unhappy.  She would come back from a fuck night or weekend or holiday and she would tell him every detail.  I think as long as she did not get any STD’s he would not stop her from getting her sexual gratification from them as long as she had a little bit of love left for him.

    You don’t live with someone for over 10 years and not have significant love for each.

    Their relationship has changed recently.  Martina has convinced herself that she is more lesbian than bi-sexual.  Yet they still cuddle, hug, kiss and sleep in the same bed.  I think Martina likes Alberto’s smell. Alberto is madly in love with Martina.  But he wants Martina happy.  If that means that Martina becomes a full time lesbian, then so be it.  Part of Martina’s long term goal is to be not dependent any anyone which means they must live apart.  This has not been happening quickly but will happen.

    So my last question is for Jen.  What is the difference between a “FWB” and a marriage that is a very open relationship?  The definition is not clear to me even though you have tried over and over.  I don’t think it’s necessary to define their relationship as an FWB.  It restricts the description of their relationship.

    Sorry being so long winded but everyone seems to be in the mood to ezpress their feelings.


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  18. 2 hours ago, ddhm said:

    No matter what it is , hiding or whatever , it is unacceptable that we have a situation that makes this apartment not watchable anymore .. As it was said some days ago , the most interesting thing we saw for a long time was Karol and Kos and the incident being locked out of their apartment .. the rest and hiding or not , relationship or not , it is simply pitiful for whatever these twe people and couple have offered through the years … 


    I could NEVER EVER imagine that Martina would become a Leora ( hiding her lover - nobody says that she should do private things on cameras - but visiting I don’t think Martina and Alberto would have issues .. ) and not showing her private life . It is very clear for me ( especially the personal working fixed life for the couple away of the cameras ) that whoever of RLC tenants can’t have a normal life on cameras , don’t deserve to be still participants .

    I said the same for Leora when for 1,5 years she was  hiding , I have said the same for other tenants that stay with RLC only to be financially  benefited . I can expect though this from girls who come for short periods bit for EXPERIENCED and long term tenants , come on , what is this ? 

    I even now start thinking that maybe the “ couple “ is afraid that if a lover is presented in cameras that they would put the RLC contract in jeopardy because they won’t be “ presented “ as a couple anymore ? Honestly , it isn’t nice and the jokes have to finish ultimately. RLC is making downfall steps accepting ANYTHING from its tenants and having allows behaviors that hurt the viewership . And even more , it makes FOOL anyone others who TRY to have normal lives .. 

    RLC does not depend on 1, 2 or 3 couples as the only attraction to this voyeur site..  These couples for whatever reason are dealing with issues their way and no matter how persistent you can be, these couples will do whatever they want to do , not what you want them to do.  You are not normally so persistent and unable to understand.  Watch the other apartments and don't have a nervous breakdown because these couples won't do what you want them to do,  My favorites are Martina and Alberto. They have matured over the past 5 years and eventually they will leave RLC and go on to a happy and successful life, whether together or apart.  If you really think about what they do on this site, no couple can do this forever.  

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