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Posts posted by Deepdave

  1. On 7/26/2022 at 12:59 PM, berty_47 said:

    Thank you Adalbert. A small (now long) note regarding
    Tragedy: Daughters usually have a more intense relationship with their father than with their mothers. I have two adult daughters. 👩🧖‍♂️

    I can imagine that Martina is very concerned about how this is going to continue. Finding a way to live without a guilty conscience while getting your siblings to support their parents will not be easy.
    And one more thing: daughters often look for a man who has similar qualities to their father. Who praises them, who loves them, whom they can adore. Do you see the connection?

    My personal impression is that Martina is aware of the whole situation and she is looking for a way to lead a completely different life.
    As soon as she gets into a different living environment, where she meets completely different men (e.g. succesful, good job, without financial problems), she might find a man that a woman like Martina deserves.
    Do you know the movie "Pretty Woman" with the charming Julia Roberts. If not, watch the movie. And send a copy to Martina.

    Camcaps have taken away the names under the Like, Upvote, Sad, Confused, Haha & Thanks comments.  Why did they eliminate this and do you think they could add the names again?  I think it is always fund to know who is feeling what in this forum. 

  2. 9 minutes ago, JenniferMom said:

    Who told you this?

    As usual, it is quite possible you are correct.  But excuse me and others for not being convinced.  We know they can't keep their hands off each other, even if it means it might take a little alcohol to reduce the inhibition.  Since their trip was not on cam, you either have a very very good source (perhaps Martina herself) or this was discussed with Alberto and a translator is feeding you good information.  Question then is would Martina (or Nelly) be honest with their men?  If your source is Martina, would she be honest with you?

    Recently, you said this:  "Nelly gave one to Bogdan and Martina gave one to Alberto."  This is in regards to the friendship bracelet.  I believed you because it seemed credible to me.  But then you quickly retracted:

    So why should we believe you at all?

    I apoligized for my friendship bracelet error but the rest was from someone I trust. You can believe me or not 

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  3. 13 minutes ago, JenniferMom said:

    AND ... IF this is true ... and all four are happy with Martina and Nelly being lovers ... might we get this BACK ON CAM????

    Everyone is happy then!

    Only downside I see is that regular Martina and Nelly lovemaking might become too pedestrian like the hetero sex we see.  I hope not.  We still do not have great lesbian sex on RLC.

    My subscription has lapsed as I am on summer RLC sabattical ... but how are the girls in Prague coming along?  I should go mosy over to their thread.  My gut tells me there is not a lot of smoking hot sex coming out of Prague right now.

    I confess that I did not see Nelly put the friendship bracelet on Bogdan nor have I seen a friendship bracelet on Bogdan.  I assumed that when Martina and Alberto had done the deed, that Nelly and Bogdan had done the same.  Sorry to allow the confusion.

    I have been told that Martina and Nelly had a good time in Martina's hometown last weekend but as friends, not lovers.  Sorry to those who crave for Martina and Nelly to continue their torrid love affair.  They have not rekindled. 

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  4. 2 minutes ago, EMMETT111 said:

    people say that nothing could happen with her friend because he is gay well so is her brother and that didnt stop him from having sex with a girl and on cam no the less

    When was it mentioned that Martina's brother was gay?  I don't think so, but I could be wrong.  Luis is gay and it has been talked about many times.  Martina is bi and that has been talked about many times. So I do not understand why this is being discussed.

  5. 40 minutes ago, yelt said:

    From time-to-time Nelly or Bogdan leave for a day or two with little to no baggage and return.  While no one in the forum cares to hear, the subscribers continue to pay Martina and Nelly their salary, on or off camera, also for their trips.  Could it be that Martina did not leave Barcelona to visit her hometown and instead remains in Barcelona with Nelly at there private place? It is that get away from the men for some girl time @JenniferMom mentioned.  Of course, unless you know for certain this is where they have gone. 

    Keep guessing!!

    • Haha 1
  6. 5 hours ago, girlsfun2 said:

    Oh Yes ..has a very high opinion of herself....

    Oh Yes..Martina and me would never sleep....with the help of a little line on the counter... :wink:

    I never doubted that in your heart you loved me as much as Martina, imagine me and Martina in the same room or in the famous parking lot...it would be over 50 C heat and you would say "Lucky Martina and Girlsfun2! what a great show but the cam went UM after 5 minutes.

    I have to confess, I like you a lot but I prefer Martina for obvious reasons.

    I would help Martina in her studies....I would teach her math (the basis of everything in life) and you could also follow the lessons on the cam, it's a win-win for everyone.

    My first lesson to Martina: we got 10 fingers, what should we do to calculate that we have 10 fingers....LOL

    OK : Martina let go the Nelly place and will do the teaching around the pool 

    Me: the teacher costume

    Martina: the student costume

    Nelly : the school director costume    

    P.S. Which ones want to come to that kind of school ? LOL

    Too much fun, Girlsfun2. I will never be able to stop you.  Good luck in your fantasies!!

    Hey Girlsfun2,  According to Noldus, Martina went on a mini-vacation this weekend.  Do you know where and with whom?

    • Haha 1
  7. 6 hours ago, girlsfun2 said:

    If she read the post, she will be asking "How can I meet GirlsFun2, she seems to be having a lot of fun and she is BI like me and she has already mentioned that she could break Nelly's record for a whole night" LOL

    P.S. Do I have to apply to be in RLC ? Or meet her outside the cams like for many of her friends... Oh I'm having fun...


    You seem to think that Martina's solution to everything in life is more sex.  Martina seems to have a lot of issues on her mind and they are upsetting her.  The last thing she needs is someone like you to continue to confuse her.  Alberto knows Martina very well.  He lets her vent without attacking back and then when she is ready she comes to him and they talk things through.  Sex is not the ultimate answer but their timetables do seem to be opposite right now.  Alberto is working now and he needs his sleep and that is his particular schedule.  Martina sleeps when Alberto is awake and is awake when Alberto sleeps.  If they have sex they have to be awake at the same time.  When Martina goes back to school they should go back to being on the same timetable.

    In the meantime Girlsfun2 has a very high opinion of herself.  If she were to meet with Martina, all of Martina's problems would not be solved.  I my opinion, from my experience reading Girlfun2's posts, Martina would never sleep and that would be the end of Martina.  Girlsfun2  - please stay away from Martina. She will work things out WITH  Alberto. 

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  8. 17 minutes ago, berty_47 said:

    It gets even better: Martina is reading a second book:
    Codigo del Dinero, El: conquista tu libertad financiera (EXITO)
    Extract: Do you want to achieve financial independence? Would you like to double your income in a year? Do you want to know the secrets of successful entrepreneurs? The Money Code® contains everything you need to know to achieve your financial freedom: *WHAT NOBODY TAUGHT YOU ABOUT MONEY *APPLICATED FINANCIAL INTELLIGENCE and so on....

    The author is Raimon Samsó. Another book by Samso: The Money Code: Free, wise and rich (Raimon Samsó).
    Seems to be the English version of the book she is reading.

    He wrotes books as “The Manifestation Code: 12 powers to make your wishes come true”.
    From the ad: This set of principles -as I have ordered and systematized them- they make up "The Manifestation Code" and they are a spiritual technology to make the invisible visible.
    Although the concepts on which I have based the "12 powers" may seem like a commonplace to you, or you think you already know them, I will provide you with a new meaning for those concepts, please let yourself be surprised.
    Only 12 steps to learn. All of them in this book.
    Spiritually enlightened people, the majority, will align their intention with their manifestations and only those who have fallen behind, the minority, in their spiritual development, will suffer an unelected destiny.

    I wonder who gives or recommends such books to Martina?

    What is she up to? What does she expect from these books?
    You have to be a bit naïve to believe that you can change yourself and life so easily.

    There is nothing wrong with reading these books along as Martina tries to find out what can possibly go wrong with some of these investment techniques.  Normally the higher the expected rate of return, the higher the risk.  If you like to risk your money, then these books are great.  But my suggestion is they are not worth the risk. Always be careful.  What looks to be foolproof can be a disaster.  Just ask Alberto.

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  9. 12 minutes ago, berty_47 said:

    You are right, Martina is reading the book: “Day trading y operativa bursátil para Dummies” by Francisca Serrano.

    I can't believe this. Martina call me and I will give you valuable tips on how to successfully lose your money with day trading in a short time.

    As a beginner you have no change at all.

    It looks like you've accumulated some money and don't know how to invest it?

    I agree.  The book is appropriately named “Day Trading FOR DUMMIES”!!  If you have extra money Day Trading would be like going to a casino and rolling the dice.  The odds are always against you.

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, yelt said:

    Say all you would like, believe all you would like, see what you see, I think Martina and Nelly have learned to play the game much better than us all.  ......Maybe Alberto and Bogdan as well. 

    i agree that they have learned to play the game of darts very well.  Any other game is pure speculation as usual.  Your speculations are what make you excited but not me.

  11. 15 minutes ago, girlsfun2 said:

    You know me, from my side, yes they do this off cam and without letting Bogdan and Alberto know for a simple and good reason:

    * it caused a lot of trouble to the 2 and in particular to Martina, we saw her, at the time, to be completely upset to be forbidden to 'continue' the trip with Nelly and as in real life, it is sometimes better not to 'show' certain aspects of life because we all want not to show ourselves too vulnerable and that's good because there will always be, in the entourage, people who will try to exploit them, as some people have fun doing in the forum as in the real life. So for both of them, it's much less trouble and much more fun to live what they want together...out side. Martina and Nelly have so much time available, why not some fun ? One life to live !

    Don't forget that for the participants of RLC, RLC is a paying job and for pure entertainment. So one part of their life is in RLC for the show and another part is outside.

    Good marketing in 3 words:  "Real Life Cam"

    P.S. Let put a cam on the famous parking lot ! Everybody will be happy ! LOL 

    So I think what you are saying is that even though Alberto and Bogdan would not like their fucking behind their backs, Martina and Nelly should go ahead and do it anyway because this is real life.  If you live the lifestyle that you are telling Martina and Nelly to live, then you can not trust anybody and for sure no one can trust you.

    In Martina's and Alberto's case I believe that it is their commitment to each other to at least be honest to each other.  When Martina strays, for example with Nelly, she tells every detail to Alberto.  It is their thing.  Whether he enjoys her extramarital life at least he knows what she is doing and I don't believe that she is fucking any other guys and that's also their deal.  I believe that their relationship works because of this honesty.   I have said before that these two have a very unusual relationship but it works.  Alberto adores Martina and would do anything for her and Martina loves Alberto and knows that she needs him and he makes her a better person.  That's what is most important to them. 

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  12. 18 minutes ago, JenniferMom said:

    This is something that has been bothering me.  Martina and Nelly do seem to be friends and getting along.  If they are having sex it is off-cam like the infamous parking lot incident.   

    The key questions are (1) are they still having sex?  I am leaning toward a NO on that which makes DeepDave and others happy.  

    But if they are still having sex, the next key question (2) why not on cam?  This makes no sense to me.  What would be the point of making love off cam at this point?  On cam or off cam changes nothing relative to Bogdan’s and Alberto’s feelings … unless of course they are hiding it from them but I suspect they are smart enough to figure this out.  These girls have feelings for each other and they both are not shy and have enjoyed sharing their love with the subscribers so why not now?  Are they pissed off at the subscribers and this is their way of getting back at us?  It makes no sense to move their sex off-cam.

    Because I can’t see a reasonable answer to (2) … I am in the Deepdave camp and don’t think they are fucking off cam.  

    Hi Jennifer

    Your logic is impeccable.

    • Like 2
  13. 2 hours ago, daerjohn2015 said:

    Alberto, waar is je mooie vrouwtje weeral naar toe?

    Je hebt dan wel een mooie vriendin maar hoe eenzaam moet je zijn?

    Ik heb met je te doen.

    I assumed that you saw Martina leave and then you made the comment.  

    Martina did NOT leave.  She is with Alberto tonight and they look very comfortable and happy.  They were out of sight,  talking on the balcony.  She was not out dancing with her friends.  But the night is still early, if you're lucky.  But I hope she stays home and stays happy.

    • Thanks 2
  14. 7 hours ago, girlsfun2 said:

    Oh, your 'Dumb and Dumber' case is going to take longer than expected to get you back on track...we have to be optimistic though. But Stop sticking both feet in traps everywhere LOL!

    But, the forum is not the place for education and we have invested enough time to help you.

    One last note:
    * I take it for granted that 'Dum and Dumber' you went to school at some point, I hope. The purpose of school is to give you knowledge from a teacher who has acquired this knowledge and wants to pass it on to you, not to consider that it is someone who wants to prove to you that you don't know anything, there is an important nuance here, think twice...Dumb and Dumber! (I like these names for you)
    * Dum and Dumber' you are excellent soldiers. By definition, a good soldier executes orders, does not think and no one else can make him deviate from the orders, a soldier is convinced of what he does, no notion of right or wrong. This is very practical in wartime because one can make sure that atrocities are carried out BUT in everyday society, a soldier must 'come back' a human being who knows how to evaluate the good or the evil that he can do. Unfortunately, in your case.....
    * Being nice to someone to get favors (translator): this is rather the reflex that someone who lives from bullying and violence. It's like I have to be nice to someone all the time or I risk being deprived of my freedoms. I'm always nice to my drug dealer....do you understand? It's unfortunate if you live your life like that. Often people who have lived with bullying and violence, do it to others because that's all they've learned.

    Let go back to Martina and Alberto for some a new action, maybe Martina learn new tricks that she want to 'show' and 'practice' to Alberto and Dany and all other ! LOL 


    I just figured out that the best response to you is no response.  Good night.  LOL!

    • Upvote 3
  15. 2 minutes ago, girlsfun2 said:

    It is very funny how we learn in detail about the events when Martina is outside. 
    It's weird sometimes, you get the impression that someone has access to a lot of information and suddenly this very precise information surfaces on the forum. Example: how could someone provide so much information about the preparation, the schedule, the agenda, the people met on this trip of Martina?

    Did you notice the technique I used to make people 'talk'? It's funny, especially since the people involved don't realize it. But anyway, even if we tell people we're going to get information from them, they get 'caught' because they haven't learned how to be critical enough in life. But it's not lost if the person accepts to have an open mind and starts to think and make deductions.... 

    Ah! human nature.... it's the same techniques that are used to indoctrinate people to think that there is only one truth and that all others are no good. And some people are so easy to indoctrinate, there are good examples here in the forum, no need to name people, it's obvious from their every reaction to the comments. And you have the gang who follow their 'leader' like sheep. The earth is flat for so many people...

    P.S. Notice how some people will react to my comment, this one contains a trap door and it will be funny to see who will fall in it even if I mention that there is a trap door...

    Let have some fun ! To be continued...


    Your trap door is easy to get out of.  You have said nothing except that some people have received information from a reliable source and are relaying it to the forum.  If you are nice they may continue to release additional information about Alberto and Martina.  If you are not nice, it may be hard to get that information.  For sure you will corrected when your fantasies become too strong and sad.

    • Haha 1
  16. 19 minutes ago, FrankZabba said:

    to be honest i don't know much about martina and alberto's actions other than what i read on here.  i in no way want to get in the middle of a pissing match between the accusers and supporters.  you are right about innocent until proven guilty though.

    She is too popular for RLC to allow to leave.  She seems to consistently reinvent her sexuality without much effort as it keeps a large group of followers (whether positive or negative) on this forum.   She has faults but I don't think she is untrustworthy.  Alberto and Martina have their unwritten rules which they follow.  Alberto bears the brunt of her unhappiness (which is very important to her) but when she is happy you can see the unmistakable love in their expressions and actions.  Life is not always just fucking.  There are the problems of life that they are experiencing and they are experiencing them together as a couple.  They are different than most couples but she always goes back to his bed at the end of the night.

    By the way, thanks for your acknowledgement that you are innocent until proven guilty.  That comment goes a long way for me.

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  17. 6 minutes ago, FrankZabba said:

    that's is good information and it should stifle a lot of conspiracy theories.  thank you!

    It seems that many of the accusers on this forum believe that she is guilty until proven innocent.  But in real life it is the other way around.  You are innocent until proven guilty.  Just because she has friends does not prove that she is automatically fucking them.  What you see, is what you get.  Martina has only fucked Alberto and Nelly because that is what we have seen.  Yelt and everyone else who are her accusers allow their fantasies and dreams to provide sufficient proof to their accusations.  Her supporters are not fantasising. They see who she is and admire that  she is a good person, with Alberto, friends and family to support her.   

    • Upvote 2
  18. 28 minutes ago, philo said:

    I thought that it was well understood, from the reports of the "interpreters", and from Martina's own testimony, that when she has gone back home on previous "vacations" that she spent most of her time in the hotel room fucking. 

    That was when she was with Nelly.  Nelly is no longer a love interest, jusr a friend and Nelly definitely did not go on vacation with Martina.  Too bad for you. No sweet dreaming.

  19. 39 minutes ago, girlsfun2 said:

    Hum....Nelly is not on vacations.....So that mean that Martina went someone else.

    Who's the lucky one ?

    P.S. For Dum and Dumber, she went alone.....in there 'Alternative facts', that all right. But for the rest of us, we live in the real....LOL  

    Who is the dumb one who does not know where Martina has gone on vacation?

    I have heard that she went back to her home town for her niece's birthday tomorrow.  She had been making a decorated box that she is going to give to her niece as a present.  Then on Sunday she is going to another girlfriend's birthday party and finally on Monday she is going to the beach with her brother and Marta.  She is not with Nelly (as you have indicated).  She is not with Dani (he is helping with Taco),  Luis has gone home for school vacation.  Who else is there?  She is just having fun in her hometown with family and friends.  I hope she is allowed to to this without your persimssion.  Have a great time, Martina.  Alberto and I are already missing you.

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