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Posts posted by Deepdave

  1. 6 minutes ago, philo said:

    If Martina and Alberto are doing three ways off camera, there must be something in their RLC contract that would require them to bring that shit home?

    Your comment concerning Nelly should be posted under Nelly & Bogdan's forum, not Martina & Alberto's.  Is there a purpose for your post here?

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  2. 48 minutes ago, DWI said:

    Well, all I can say is that I have never said anything abusive to a translator. So that onus falls on others and its to bad they ruin it for the rest of us...I understand that's life but I don't have to like it. Its been said many times over the years that there are subs who understand enough Valencian or Catalan dialect to be able to give relatively accurate translations. The common understanding is that those translations can still capture the essence of a conversation which is a whole lot better than no translation at all...just my opinion though.

    I understand that the translators would be invaluable.  When you see them translating appreciate and thank them.

  3. 13 minutes ago, DWI said:

    I have to disagree with you a little bit. First, several of the Russian and Ukrainian participants can speak relatively fluent  English when they want to...along with Martina. Its too bad that only Russian, Ukrainian and Spanish speaking subs get more for their money than English speaking members. I think I can pretty much guarantee that the non-English speaking subs know a whole lot more of the true nature of many things on RLC. They don't have to guess and speculate as to what's going on most of the time like we do. Secondly, I'm not asking that there be subtitles or real-time translations...I know that financially RLC couldn't afford that. But, there hve to be hundreds of subs who understand Russian, Ukrainian and Spanish who could give the rest of us some insight into what was being said in conversations...not every word of course but at least an honest and mostly accurate summation. Why we don't get more of that is beyond my understanding. I'm not asking people to take up full-time translation work but simply request that every once in a while share what they know in short, but meaningful translations of important conversations like the one between Martina and her friend the other night...that conversation and translation lead to many very interesting things English-speaking subs would never have known. I feel we do not get an adequate amount of those types of translations. Thanks for listening.

    The answer is simple.  The translators have been so abused in the past that they do not wish to be abused any further.  Not too complicated to understand.  Additionally you continue to not understand that Martina and Alberto speak a different dialect of Spanish (Valencian or Catalan, specific to their hometown area) which many translators do not fully understand or find very difficult to translate.  Rather than mistranslate, they prefer not to translate.

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  4. 1 minute ago, catalonia said:

    As a Catalan speaker, I believe that I must come out in defense of the translators who I am absolutely convinced that they try, with the best of intentions, to transmit what they hear. As I have already commented on occasion, I am not a subscriber, so I have only transferred what I heard on the free cameras on one or two occasions, but honestly, after reading certain comments in the event that or it happened to me the day listening to their conversations I would only bother to translate them to whoever asked me in private and please. In any case, and as I have also commented on other occasions, do not flatter yourselves, they will let you hear what they want you to hear. Nothing is exactly what it seems (and this is not a translation).

    There is no doubt that the translators are totally underrated in these forums.  They are invaluable and when some of the subscribers criticize their translations it's shameful.  It is impossible to know what is going on with participants unless you understand what they are saying.  Otherwise it is total guesswork.  Google translate is very irratic and unreliable.  When the translators are criticized they stop translating and its too bad for us.  Whenever translators do translate, thank you.


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  5. 5 minutes ago, philo said:

    Unless you are from the same "Culture" of the person being interpreted, there is no way to know what the translation means, out of context. In one culture, 'that Bitch" or that Whore" can be a term of endearment while in another context it can be pejorative.

    Can't misinterpret what they are doing now or do you want to try.

  6. 9 minutes ago, JenniferMom said:

    Of course there are exceptions, but I don't think anyone here discredits them at all.  Yes we might be a bit harsh toward Alberto but I don't know of anyone who thinks the love and affection they have for each other is not real and strong.  I too wish them the best of luck.    But all the agreement and consensus we can achieve here would apply equally as well to them being a very open-minded committed couple OR being good friends with a FWB sexual arrangement.  Both scenarios explain all the behavior.  Yet you seem to think an FWB arrangement is an affront to them in some way.  I don't think ... if they are truly FWB ... they feel at all like this is a negative or embarrassing or somehow not acceptable behavior.   In this case, you seem to think if it was an FWB this would be some sort of discredit to them.  It is not (to me).

    I consider FWB as a more casual relationship.  Not living together and not sharing the same bed every night. Fucking on a less frequent basis.  Not sharing all of the expenses of an apartment together including cleaning and cooking.  Not spending all of their spare time together. Not knowing each others family and friends well.  Not loving their dog together (even though it is Martina's dog).  Not crying when Blackie died.  These are things that I consider make the difference between FWB or not.  There is no doubt that they also have many unwritten rules which give each other huge amounts of leeway but it works.  I think Martina considers Alberto her boyfriend and vice versa and that's my final point.     

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  7. 17 minutes ago, philo said:

    How is it that you claim to know more about them than any one else? You first make claims about what I said that you cannot support. Then you claim that "everybody is right"? How smart is that comment? Then you claim you know about their rules? Then you claim "They wil not be on RLC much longer".... The you make more claims about their character that suggest you may know them personally. I personally think your comments are a bunch of bullshit and you are just trying to gain attention for yourself with your word salad. But I'll leave it to others to decided for themselves.    

    Thank you for allowing others to decide.

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  8. 58 minutes ago, philo said:

    Some of us are really making this a difficult issue. I, however, think it is fairly simple. It all begins with ones underlying premise. I, for.example, presume that people who come to work for an internet platform that features sexual exhibition. I, also, presume that for those who take their assignment as work, that they also have a private life and that if they have sex at work, then they also have sex when off the clock. If you begin with just those basic presumptions, they you are either going to be right most of the time or wrong most of the time. I have the slight advantage of having experience and training that allows me to be more observant of behavioral patterns than some, which makes my guesses more likely. It's as simple as that. In response to those who want to make it about something else, then you need to wrap your head and put a jewel in your forehead and you will still be wrong.  This is not fortune telling. If some of you engaged in the guessing have information because you are somehow connected to the company and have not disclosed, then shame on you.   

    Are you ever wrong?  So far you have bragged that you have been right because of your superior knowledge and training.  What bullshit.  Sorry, but in hindsight everybody is right.

    Martina and Alberto are like no other RLC performers.  They seem to be more real life than any of the other participants but they do have extended rules which they both understand and accept.  They are still commited to each other by being honest and truthful.  They wil not be on RLC much longer because they will have achieved their goals to break free of this stage in their life.  

    You should stay away from discrediting them.  They are good people and are trying to lead good lives,  Good luck Martina and Alberto. 

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  9. 14 minutes ago, JenniferMom said:

    Yet another rare occurrence when we agree my friend!   🙂   I would add though that it would not surprise me if she is doing some teasing, maybe not of Big Guy or Louis but maybe of us subscribers!   It's funny to see how the age demographics play out in terms of social norms.  The older folks here are clear that by flashing her camel toe she is signalling she is horny and wants sex.  I don't think that is true these days.  But I do believe the younger generation is smart enough to know when to be provocative and when to be appropriate.  Martina would not do this in class or on the job I don't think.  And I do think a part of her knows she is doing it and knows she is turning the guys on.  It isn't just innocent nudism IMHO.

    This is where you start to come off the rails but technically you are accurate.  As I once said, I just get frustrated with how firm you are in your convictions.  This is not a criticism as being firm in one's convictions is also a strength of character.   We absolutely do not know what Martina does off cam.  If you have evidence that she does not fuck off cam, you should share it.  If I was forced to place a bet, I would probably bet with you against her having sex off cam.  But we simply do not know.  And the circumstantial evidence that you are wrong is compelling (parking lot, vacations with Nelly, vacation with Luis, all nighters, talk about threesomes, etc. etc.).   My point in raising this is that your speculation that she does not have sex off-cam with someone other than Alberto is nothing more than a speculation like we hear from Yelt or Girlsfun.   Yet their speculations are juicy and saucy and get trashed here while your speculation being somewhat boring gets accepted as being true.  Again this is not a criticism but we should all keep this in mind when we watch this couple.

    I want to clarify my comment.  Martina has had sex off cam with Nelly.  The parking lot and her vacations with Nelly have been verified by Martina on camera with her conversations with Alberto.  She did not discuss having sex with Luis, therefore I do not thnk she fucked him plus he is very gay (he has brought gay boyfriends over to the apartment).  She has talked about threesomes with Alberto but I do not believe they has consumated the deal,  The all nighters are fun with friends.  In Barcelona the parties start at midnight and that's the way it works. They dine, drink and dance after midnight.  Everyone loves to speculate but that is all that it is, speculation not truths.   

  10. 13 minutes ago, yelt said:

    Agree with you here @Adalbert. However, beach and in the presence of and respecting ones company are different.  If she is sitting with her legs open to show herself under a dress (whether male or female), I would think this type of behavior is not proper feminine etiquette; Perhaps Martina is exempted.  

    I am also surprised I have not read on the forum, Martina's friend (rumored tall gay friend who may have accompanied her on the trip) has not showed up to deliver her Birthday kisses or otherwise. Perhaps he called and they have arranged for the weekend to celebrate? I hope Alberto will be able to join the weekend celebrate with Martina and friends. I am also surprised I have not read Nelly has not come by to say "Happy Birthday"; Ahh maybe just a text. 

    I don't know why there is such a fuss about Martina sitting in "her" comfortable position showing her panties to everyone in the world including Dani and everyone on the forum.  Martina is Martina.  She isn't shy about her body and as we know she has even taken a shower while her brother was watching.  No big deal for her.  This is not sexual.  It is not meant to get him excited.  She is a nudist/exhibitionist and we all enjoy watching her walk around the apartment wearing as little as she wants.  If her friends do not watch RLC I would be surprised. So there would be nothing that they had not already seen.

    Regarding Dani, there is no doubt that he is a very good friend.  Very good friends give hugs and kisses when arriving and when leaving.  From their body language last night they were having a great deal of fun assembling the figurine but there were no sexual overtones.  I do not know how you can hear a kiss from the balcony.  That comment was absurd   Martina has many good friends similiar to Dani.  I do not believe she has sex with any of them.  She has sex with Alberto.  I believe that Martina needs to be in love to have sex.  Not a friendship love but love with her heart  She is in love with Alberto (for at least 10 years) and was in love with Nelly (not so much any more).

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  11. 9 minutes ago, girlsfun2 said:

    Martina good come back !

    Alberto: oil change at last ....Phew!

    But: Martina doesn't seem do that all the sexual energy you have when your are coming back to your boyfriend after almost a week away, it was more like" I did have sex just a few hour ago again and I'm tired"

    If I were Alberto: ask what happen to your "Mechanic" during that week....because the 'oil filter' was not done this time 

    Or maybe she is tired and her knee hurts as it did before she left.  She wants to please Alberto and she has.  In addition they have had many small kisses and hugs.  I think that this is a good sign of them missing each other.  Only you would try to come up with another negative alternative without any proof.   

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  12. 1 hour ago, philo said:

    I've not been to Croatia. I once had to turn down a trip with a group because of work. When I asked what the attraction was about Croatia as a destination. I was told it was a place for uninhibited fun, nudity and open public sex. I tried, without success to get the group to change to Miami Beach, where one can have a similar experience. It's hard to go anywhere, while on Miami Beach, without getting a significant tan the first day. I wonder what kind of tan lines are typical of the Croatian climate?

    You seem to get a lot of bad information.  If you go to the right places in Croatia and Miami Beach you can also get mugged.  If you are not looking to get mugged or places of nudity, there are great places to visit in Croatia - beautiful scenery, castles, churches and museums.  Again, Martina does not need Croatia to find sex.  She has it at home with Alberto.

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  13. 5 minutes ago, tle said:

    In the absence of Candela to help look after Taco I’ll speculate that she’s been busy elsewhere. Perhaps she took a vacation? Perhaps to Croatia?

    Martina did not have to depend on Candella.  We saw Dani take care of Taco while Martina was on vacation and Alberto was at work.

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  14. 8 minutes ago, berty_47 said:

    My vote: 5    without tan line and no heavy tanning

    We have no idea why Martina is traveling to Croatia right now. However there is a lot of culture and beautiful landscapes to see.

    But exactly at this time there are boisterous parties everywhere. (see Spring Break 2022 Croatia). The term spring break now stands for wild, uninhibited parties with lots of fun, alcohol, loud music, lots of sex and lots of bare skin!

    From advertising:

    The four different Spring Break dates in Croatia are from May 26th to June 16th. European Spring Break is celebrated at Zrće Beach!

    During this period, party people from all over Europe gather at Zrce Beach. Italy, Germany, Spain, Austria… everyone is coming to Novalja to experience 4 wild days. Look forward to a relaxed atmosphere, lots of alcohol, top DJs and a high flirt factor!

    A lot of young Germans go there and talk about how great it is and how revealing it is and how easy it is to get hold of pretty young women.

    A lot of gays also meet there.

    (Not another speculation! For Martina, I think that's completely out of the question.....She probably only visited the culture extensively.)

    For Spring Break 2022: Go online and see for yourself.



    Your points are well taken but it seems that Martina has all the partying that she can possibly want at home in  Barcelona.  I heard that she landed in Split and is returning from Dubrovnik,  so I think that she was too busy sightseeing to get fucked this whole holiday as some people think.  Martina wants to be a travel professional.  This trip is part of her learning  experience and didn’t need a fucking experience.

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  15. 33 minutes ago, yelt said:

    Other than the one comment about the location of Martina’s vacation which now is questionable; is there evidence she was accompanied only by her friend Louis or friends as well?

    What has given you doubt that Martina went to Croatia with Louis and will be back today?  A very reliable translator gave us this information,  You just like to stir up false negative theories.  I am surprised that you have not say that she went with Nelly even though Nelly has been in plain view this whole time in B7,

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  16. 18 minutes ago, girlsfun2 said:

    Seeing the Fat guy eating....Yes the new way of RLC....the Real Life in real life, DeepDave will love it, this is the real life for him LOL 

    Now have fun Deep !!! Love you, Big kiss🤣

    The “Fat Guys”  name is Dani and he is here to walk Taco during the day until Alberto gets home from work.  Thanks Dani  

    • Thanks 1
  17. 2 minutes ago, philo said:

    My Gaydar antenna has been up and on high alert as I watch Martina with her friend. I would guess that Martina gets to experience him both as a male and as a woman. I can imagine him dressing as a woman as he takes Martina. She would love it either/or both ways.

    Friendship does not mean she has to fuck him.  Life is not all about sex.  Your Gaydar antenna is broken.  Get Yelt to fix it.

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  18. 2 minutes ago, chuck206 said:

    After a short while Martina got louder, then Alberto exploded.

    He yelled at her loudly, pounded on the table and jumped up.


    I went back to see the explosion .... not so much.

    My impression is that after dinner Martina got a communication / text, maybe about a get together. She might have been unsure if she could make the gathering/event on short notice, leaving Alberto alone. His response was to say get ready, get going, hurry...... slapping his hands on the table and pointing to the bedroom.  Martina got dressed and applied her makeup. Alberto gave her a hug and prepared her a coffee. Prior to leaving, Martina met with Alberto on the balcony, and spoke to him through the kitchen window.  Uneventful.    

    It's amazing how 2 people can get 2 completely different interpretations of the same event.

    Too bad people did not comment about the events of today.  They seemed very happy together in anticipation of Martina's holiday to Croatia.  Alberto wished only that Martina would have a great time with her very good gay friend, Louis.  Have a great trip, Martina!!  

  19. 3 hours ago, A Gid Scots Laddie said:

    aye aye right I never once said she fucked all night I more or less said she wouldn't pass it up if it came her way and real kisses the mans out for the count so she must have stolen the kisses your so protective of someone you don't know its strange 

    I am strange to like someone that I do not know and you are strange to dislike someone you do not know.  We are both strange!!  But I am very upset that Yelt is still sad about my comment.

  20. 23 minutes ago, A Gid Scots Laddie said:

    she is definitely finding extra activities elsewhere in my opinion I doubt she would be able to help herself if a male or female but especially a female made advances towards her, and I'm not convinced it would matter where and im not going to say parking lot as I'm not sure that actually happened, 7.50am theyre time she'll be rolling in soon id imagine then its time for bed for the day 

    If she fucked all night (which I don't think she did), her and Alberto still had some real kisses when she got home.  She just dined, danced and drank with friends all night long as she often does on a weekend night..

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