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Posts posted by Deepdave

  1. 3 minutes ago, emnv said:

    Martina and Nelly have broken up as a couple today, they will remain friends but no more sex henceforth.

    Thank you for the great information.  I have never been a fan of Nelly but I know that Martina felt very close to her.  She is lucky to have Alberto to support her through this tough time.  They will continue to grow together with all the other great plans.  They are a smart couple!

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  2. 43 minutes ago, emnv said:

    In my opinion, many who criticized yesterday's situation as disrespectful to Alberto were the very ones who enthusiastically applauded Hakeem when he weekly cheated on Asya, or Marat when he cheated on Ulyana, or Sam when he had anal sex with guests while Eva was in the LR.

    For me, the attitude of some forum members is more a sign of sexism than a sign of respect for the partner.

    In order for Alberto to have given up his bed to Nelly and he slept on the couch, he had to be extremely tolerant and understanding to Martina.  But the question in my mind is, if Alberto had a girlfriend in her bed while she slept on the couch, would Martina have been as tolerant and accepting?  That is my question.  Or does it matter?

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  3. 15 minutes ago, JenniferMom said:

    After reflecting more, when they started, Martina was on the bed and Nelly in the bathroom.  Then Nelly came out and took her top off and it appeared to me that Nelly was the one who was hesitant to start something.  Martina was like "no no it's ok" as she patted her hand on the bed ... almost like "get your ass over here ... it's fine ... he's on his xbox" (ok a little sarcasm there).  And Nelly, who is always on the aggressive side, simply laid on the bed and rested her head on Martina's thigh. 

    So not sure how unsure Martina was about doing this.  It was sweet the way she went to check on him.

    The night would have been agreed upon before they got together.  Nelly was feeling Martina's hesitancy, but Martina would know how important this was to Nelly and would not have reneged.  Their lovemaking was not as long as usual but the night is still young and there may be more.  We shall see.    

  4. 4 minutes ago, JenniferMom said:

    What an incredible stretch just now.  This is the same Nelly and Martina that we have seen for months ... but you put Alberto in front of his XBOX in the room next and the world turns upside down.  Harley and DD are friends and DD ... omg ... you wrote me PM's telling me this was just a normal couple and Martina was experimenting and Alberto and Martina are super tight etc etc.  Now you feel sorry for Alberto?   I don't get it.  A lot to unpack tonight.

    I chose Deep's line above first.  Nelly may need to burnish her reputation within RLC, but make no mistake, these two are very attracted to each other.  Nelly professed this to the 4 boys the other night, Bogdan wished Nelly the best tonight on the phone at dinner, and most importantly, they started so slowly and sensually because the love each other.   IF Nelly needed to beef up her resume ... all she needed to do would be a L&M-style show ... even something hot like Stella/Radi yesterday.  Nelly can pull off hot, that's not the issue.  So sorry Deep, not criticizing you or anyone as I don't do that ... but they are hooking up not because Nelly needs to impress RLC.  That might be true.  But they are into each other and that has not changed.

    Hi JenniferMon Martina is not into Nelly as much as you think.  If you look back today at the time they returned from the bike ride, Martina looked somewhat impatient with Nelly.  Martina knew what she had to do but I do not think she was as into Nelly as Nelly would want.  After they finished, Martina went at least twice to see how Alberto was.  I think that shows that she was unsure about her participation in this last performance.  Martina always telegraphs her feelings by the look on her face.  When she is happy and this is quite often she has the nicest smile and she can make anyone looking at her feel good.  But when things are not right her face shows it.  This is one of the things that attracts me to watch Martina and Alberto.  They have one of the most honest relationships on RLC.   

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  5. 4 minutes ago, ddhm said:

    Whoever knows my way of posting here , I always try to think open minded and generally not blame , accuse or put down the majority  of the tenants as I appreciate their daily exhibition and living their lives in an environment full of cameras , exposed at any minor or major detail that could either make them be praised for their efforts or “ nail “ them when the things they do , don’t apply with what the fans and subscribers they would have wished to watch …


    Whatever is just happening , I consider it a big parody , totally unacceptable and disrespected from Martina ( first of all ) and then double face Nelly …. I know I have no right to speak about the way both couples have decided to proceed with this “ weird situation “ as it isn’t my life and their feelings and emotions shouldn’t be judged by me , but as a viewer and subscribed I can post my opinion and I consider this a really miserable thing … watching a guy accepting inside his own apartment his almost 10 years girlfriend having sex and him just sitting clueless in the LR slewing with it ( his own responsibility 100% ) , I take it as a big defeat to his character and personality .. 


    I might be completely wrong of my approach on this subject , but I think there are some life unwritten life rules which have to do with respect .. Martina and Nelly could simply go to a hotel or hire an apartment , they both have more than enough money to afford whenever it isn’t so easy to make their sexual sessions while the apartments are occupied by their men and they aren’t alone . Maybe being 44 years old I have still some values that say that everything has a limit and even if being a really open minded person , I would have really big difficulties   and worries trying to accept that the woman I love is being wild satisfied from her lover and I sit worthless next room doing nothing .. 

    I think also that the no participation of posts and comments are also showing a same way of thinking from the majority of this forum , if I am mistaken ,  it remains to be seen , whoever thinks different, it would be intwreating to read the aftermath of this whatever we see tonight. 

    Totally disappointed and painful to watch , no morals or respect , that’s how I see it and I do hope it creates a lot of heat for discussion 😡🤬😡🤬

    It's actually very simple.  They cannot go to a hotel room.  There are no cameras in hotel rooms  This spectacle is done strictly for the RLC viewers and therefore for the ratings and the money.  I do not see the same love and excitement in Martina as the first and second times.  These last couple of sessions are because Nelly needs to impress her bosses or she will lose her status and possibly her Villa.  Martina does all of this with Alberto's approval.  I am not sure Bognan approves of Nelly.  Nelly has gone beyond the one additional relationship (Martina) as she did for the party (naked with the guy).  I do not see Martina and Nelly happening much longer.  Martina has too many other goals and friends to make her happy.  She does not need Nelly.  Nelly needs her. 

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  6. 4 hours ago, uvuvuv said:


    Just saw Nelly in B4.  All Martina-Nelly conspiracy theorists that think Martina went to Portugal with Nelly are WRONG.  Too bad.  Now you can't bad talk about it until Martina gets back.  I hope she has a great trip.  Maybe a present from Alberto to Martina for successfully getting into the school and courses that she worked so hard to achieve.  They are a nice couple.   

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  7. So here is an explanation of why Martina and Alberto are difficult to understand if you are expecting Spanish:

    "Catalan is mutually unintelligible with Spanish. ... Most Catalan speakers know Spanish because they studied it at school, but Spanish speakers, who haven't learned Catalan, are unable to comprehend any CatalanCatalan is a language spoken in Catalonia, Andorra, and some parts of France and Italy"

    Barcelona is in Catalonia

    Martina and Alberto do not have to have code words, they have Catalan which very few people understand except them and their friends from Barcelona.

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  8. 4 minutes ago, yelt said:

    By saying the best is yet to come. Are you saying Alberto will get a job?  In support of Martina I would give Alberto $100 us dollars/85 Euros if he gets a job by the end of the month!  

    I believe that this couple has the potential to achieve what they want and will enjoy in life to its fullest.  Alberto will get agood job.  Maybe not by the end of the month.  I do not believe he is lazy.  It is not an easy time with COVID but the right job will come about because he is looking and it will happen.  If Martina gets her education then her travel job and Alberto gets his job, we will probably lose them from RLC and we will all be sorry for that. 

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  9. 5 minutes ago, Peterandpaul said:

    Hello Emnv, thank you very much for this informative survey. Your system is indeed very similar to the ones I had to cope with when growing up in Germany and France and when bringing up my children in Germany. No matter if Martina goes to university or not, I find it fantastic and extraordinary that she is so determined to learn, to make headway and better herself. Chapeau!

    I am also very pleased that Martina got the education path that she wanted by getting accepted into the school that she wanted.  She has shown that she has the capability to succeed.  She passed a very difficult entrance exam with great marks.  She did not look happy over the weekend but when Emnv explained that her acceptance to the school had been delayed to today then everything made sense.  She should be a very happy person and should be very proud of herself.  And I am sure Alberto feels the same way.  They should celebrate.  The best is yet to come.

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  10. 4 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said:

    LMAO....I didn't know I was going to hell for saying things I believe to be true or for using foul language.  With that said, enjoy your day sweetheart, you deserve it!

    Why do you call me sweetheart?  And what do I deserve?  I didn't say you would go to hell.  I am suggesting that you should enjoy life not hate it. 

  11. 8 hours ago, HarleyFatboy said:

    I'll say this one more time just for you JenMom since you are so understanding and happy with the development between your crush Martina and horse face Nelly....It's wrong that any partner condones extracurricular sexual activities, YES they are all wrong, Alberto and Bogdan are fully aware of their SO's hooking up, YES I believe RLC should be made up of strictly monogamous couples.

    I stand by what the words of the lord says....end of story!  You stand by no morals or values and only stand for what might get you off!!

    Now, have a good day!!!

    I respectfully comment that for a person who stands by the "words of the lord" you could be somewhat less rude to people and also refrain from so much foul language.  (I am sure you will find it hard not to respond to me in the meanest way possible).  Enjoy the porn that YOU are watching and don't worry about the participants sexual preferences.  The men in RLC love their women without care of their sexuality.  The money factor is also a strong persuasion for the women to do what they do and they do it well and the audience loves them all.     

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  12. I find it strange that no one comments after Alberto has made Martina very sexually satisfied.  They were both very turned on and tried many positions.  They did a great job.  The only thing missing was an after sex cuddle.  That may be a guy thing and I think he could work on that.  But overall a "great fuck".   One of the better "real" shows on RLC.  Even better than Martina and Nelly.

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  13. 19 minutes ago, ddhm said:

    Jealousy dominates this site , thought you had already recognized that .. where to start from ? From clueless sex Paul that Leora was the absolute woman that everyone wanted to bang here ? From Bruno who has fucked equally to both hands fingers GOV tenants and he is considered a piece of crap because he simply has had what so many here would want to have ? From Hakeem who could fuck  in a week 4-5 different women but he was a player and he wasn’t behaving sincerely to them ? ( like any man here if he had the chance to fuck every night another one , he would let the chance pass by - he was even single and he never promised to marry anyone 😂🤣 - ) . To Smith that despite being the one suffering the extreme shouting from Kitty , he is always the loser because he can’t fuck more than 5 minutes and he bangs a super model type woman like Kitty ? And last but not least , Alberto , who for the last almost 10 years he has taken under his wings and protection a girl that is the current “ Star “ of RLC as she’s the most popular and discussed tenant for a hundred of reasons for nearly a year now , a young and not adult girl that Alberto helped her for sure at some points , here he is , giving her what the 90% of this site would like to do to Martina but simply no one can’t or will ever get the chance and therefore we get the “ useless “ Alberto “ the “ cuckold “ Alberto “ the “ poor “ Alberto the “ stupid “ Alberto 😂🤣😂🤣😂 When each and every single of us the only connection we have with them / him is that instead of fucking Martina , we simply jerk off for her 😂🤣😅🤣🤣


    Jealousy is called Ms. Jen , it is endless and a man’s habit .. that’s all 

    What a wonderful summary.  Martina and Alberto are the best and you have now told them in a very direct way.😂🤣😂🤣😂

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  14. 54 minutes ago, emnv said:

    A translation of the conversation between Alberto and Martina at 20:21 on camera 4. It is a bit long but it is worth reading:


    (M, from the living room) Now i feel better, after fucking. I feel more energetic, I'm going to take advantage of it and...
    (M, in the kitchen) It makes me mad that they speculate so much, seriously man. That's why I never like to read it, because they make up some stories that I cannot believe.
    (A.) Ssssh, let them wander into their world, each one makes the movie they want.
    (M.) Shit, that movies are made with me, I guess not with me alone, but anyhow ...
    (M, opening her hands and pissed off) I have come with my pussy that open from so much fucking, what the hell...
    (M.) It makes me angry that they say this, and it makes me more angry that people who have known me for years say it, it seems that they do not know me yet, ...
    (A.) They have seen the "party Martina"  that they did not know before, now they have seen her and...
    (M.) One thing is Martina partying and another is Martina who is going to fuck around there, that is not true and it makes me angry
    (A.) Well, they are all in that there is a certain Michael out there
    (M.) What are you saying?
    (A.) Haven't you read it?
    (M.) But where do they get it from?
    (A.) I don't know, ask them. But they say that it is not 100% true, that it can be but it is not sure
    (M.) First, I don't know any Michael, and second, I don't know how the hell they make that up
            How angry it gives me, they say that and then also you can read it and you can distrust me
    (A.) No, stupid,  I don't distrust you.
            Michael, what an idiot, it would be Michaela instead of Michael in any case, haha
    (M.) Haha, the worst thing is that they mess with you,
    (A.) And they say that I allow you too much, or that I play dumb or that I allow you too much
    (M.) But what is that, who knows where they are from, they can be from ...
    (A.) Shh, stop it, let them be happy in their own way
    (M.) Looks like they are from these countries where the woman cannot leave the house without him, or ...
    (A.) Stop it, you're already speculating
    (M.) Not speculating, they need to cultivate, they need to open their mind
    (singing together)

    Finally the truth from the words of Martina and Alberto,  There have been so many fairytales being told that I was extremely worried about their relationship.  But these are their undisputable words.  And I think they showed us their true love in their last session.  Martina looked very satisfied and Alberto the same.  Later you could tell that they talked about it in a very positive way.  They talk a lot.  I do not see any of the other couples in RLC doing the same.  They have agruments just like a real couple.  But they make up at the end.  The only thng I would like to see is, do not go to bed mad at each other. That drives me crazy.  Do not go to bed mad!  To be a star in RLC is very difficult.  You have to keep the audience interested and I think these 2 have done a great job.  Thank you.  And I hope Martina continues with her eduction and Alberto finds himself a way to keep up with Martina.  I have no doubt he will.  

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  15. Why are people still posting under this topic.  From what I have seen with Martina and Alberto (especially since she got back from her vacation) they continue to be very happy with each other.  This topic shuld be closed and if you want to continue to talk about therapists, psychologists and marriage counsellors start a new topic.

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  16. Why is everyone talking so much about Nelly & Bogdan on the Martina and Alberto site.  I interpret everything differently than the nonsense being spewed here.  Martina and Alberto are very much in love.  Love is not just sex.  Love is the ability to enjoy talking to each other, to enjoy the dogs, to allow each other freedom to enjoy their hobbies, to plan their futures together, to understand that sometimes one deserves to take a holiday despite the other not being able to go because of the responsibility of the dogs.  Martina loves Alberto.  You can tell the way she smiles at him, the way they give each other hugs and kisses every once in a while because they can.  Now regarding Martina and Nelly.  Nelly is a nice person who has a great smile and speaks Russian which is something Martina is striving to improve.  They probably have a lot to talk about and they both enjoy sex together.  That is why they are on holidays together, not long holidays. This does not mean that they are promiscuous.  Both of their partners are very aware of this extra-curricular activity and they both seem to accept it.   Martina and Nelly is part of the RLC show and it is very popular.  You are all talking about it and the girls are being rewarded.  At the same time the guys are being rewarded too.  Sounds good for everyone.  Please do not continue to bash these 2 couples.  Please show some understanding.

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  17. 4 minutes ago, jman9212 said:

    Again I know you and value your information very much. I however follow them way to much which I have decided is not good for me. I am 77 and need to find other things to do. As far as the language goes I am Italian born in America and my parents and Grand Ps spoke that and I did up until I was 9. I lost most but still know some. That and Spanish have many similar words for one. I don't mean to disagree with you but if you listen as much as I do Martina has a very good handle on English. Alberto very little but some. 

    This is my first post ever and I think "Omedo" has it right. "I may go black" has to do with the dog not maybe sex with a black guy.   I have been following Martina and Alberto for the past year and admire their understanding about how to act as porn stars by keeping things interesting for us.  These malicious rumours about sex with other men are unsubstantiated and only start fights between Martina and Alberto.  If I were them I would ignore everything that is said.  They know the truth.  A real trust is Martina has had a relationship with Nelly which had 2 purposes.  One was to get the interest of the RLC club which it has most significantly done (her followings have increased dramatically) and two to learn Russian.  Martina's expectation to go into the tourist industry will be greatly enhanced if she speaks Russian.  She has worked so hard to pass her school (with great marks) and I think she will continue to greater heights. The only way out of RLC is to find an alternative income source and the travel industry will do it.  In the meantime she is doing her best with Alberto (don't forget that Alberto has to perform as well and there are very few mentions when Alberto loves Martina with his heart and RCL members only mention when it looks like he has not performed well.  These 2 have been together for over 6 years on RLC.  It is hard to have sex everyday and always make it look different and exciting.  By the way we do not know what Alberto does when he rides his bike.  He may be a courier or do some other job that he requires a bike and earns income.  Members, please be more understanding of Martina and Alberto and love them.  Don’t spread false rumours that hurt them. 

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