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Posts posted by Deepdave

  1. 19 minutes ago, FrankZabba said:

    with respect deepdave, i know about as much as anyone else and can only go off of what is written for the most part. i however, do not watch and criticize them every day.  i think martina could care less about alberto and there is no way alberto can accept what she constantly does to him.  if it weren't for rlc holding them both together through rlc, i believe alberto would kick her to the curb and move on with a much more happy life.  i agree with yelt's post no matter how terrible or hurtful you think his comments are.  what i've noticed on this forum is that there are those of you who take up for these people no matter what they do, and then there are those of you that try to piece things together for what they (the tenants) believe is actually happening in their real live's off camera.  i don't think you see a smidgen of their real live's when they are on camera.  martina has demonstrated on multiple occasions her behavior with other people (male and female) which only leaves me to believe that she doesn't care about alberto at all.

    how are they working so hard to establish a different future?  martina studying to be something at 27 cuz she wanted to be on an adult website showing herself to the world and now all of a sudden it's time to do something different.  sorry deepdave, i'm not buying it.  good luck alberto, you are a good man and deserve much better!

    Your comment shows how little you know about them.  We do get information from an interpreter that allows us to understand them better.  She is not perfect but she is not the heartless monster that you make out to be.  She has many friends at school, from RLC and back home,  She is very close to her family and speaks to them often.  Alberto has always given Martina at lot of leeway because of her bisexuality.  If he accepts it why do you care?  Martina accepts that he likes to go on long bike trips and does not mind staying at home watching Taco and videos.  You must lead a very religious life if you thing that no one can have fun.  Loosen up and don’t worry about all the negatives of our favourite couple.

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  2. 6 minutes ago, JYBRD said:


    La verdadera prueba para estos dos y todos los demás es cuando dejan RLC y se reincorporan al mundo real. Sospecho que algunos no lo logran, lo que quizás explique por qué algunos regresan.

    Very true.  But both Martina and Alberto are starting to not depend on RLC.  For sure Alberto has a job as a landscaper and is working very hard 5 days a week and is starting to get some jobs on the side.  And Martina has devoted the past few years to upgrade her education and then go into a travel inductry course which she is very close to completing.  It will not be long before she will be working full time and will be able to discard all of the voyeurs of RLC and live a normal life. 

    • Thanks 3
  3. 36 minutes ago, FrankZabba said:

    well written!

    Both yours and Yelt’s response show how little you know about Martina and Alberto’s live’s.  They have known each other for a long time and have experienced very tough times.  So where you see Martina in a very negative way,  I see her as a free spirit with a partner (Alberto) accepting her the way she is.  

    Whether you realize it or not they are both working hard to establish a different future.  RLC is not their future. Having you watch and criticize them every day on RLC is not their future.  Good luck Martina and Alberto.  You are good people with a real love for each other, family and friends.

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  4. 8 hours ago, yelt said:

    Nice dinner together? Did anyone besides you see them having a nice dinner together. Is there proof? What they have or had, was not love, it was life out of necessity and the need for money. What she did love is your money, that which was only triggered by sex, and she knew it. 

    Yes, Alberto understood her for her time under the apartment roof.  Otherwise, no one not even Alberto, really knows what she was outside of RLC or who she was and has become or will become in the future. I hope for the best and she learns.  

    No matter when or if she receives her tourism degree, she will not be successful with a career until she learns the simple basics of life, integrity, respect, honesty, humility, gratitude, etc. 

    Alberto is not blind, but I would say he does not trust her, rightfully so. But has the kind of love for her she knows nothing about and yet to learn. 

    Although a wasted talent she is only good for one person, herself. She will continue to cheat and be dishonest, until it all comes back to trouble her. Then we can say the only one who would be able to rescue her will be Alberto.

    About craving? She only craves speaking with Alberto due to the proximity of the space in which they live. In fact, the only craving Martina has shown and proven, is for sex with other women. 

    Yes, the time has come for them to go their separate ways. Perhaps before her trip will be the last time you will see them together. I keep hoping and so far, she continues to return. Yes, I will be happy to hear Martina is no longer in front of RLC. It has served its purpose. Yes, I will be glad for Alberto, that he no longer must be around someone who has only pretend to love him and caused him little happiness and much grief. 

    From all I have read, I now better understand why he used her as a landfill for sex. Not kind but true. I also cannot see them remaining the good friends as all her other lovers after what he has gone through with her. 

    Yelt - You have made some terrible and hurtful comments upon people you do not know.  I think you should take a very close look at yourself and find your own inner soul.  Martina and Alberto are real people with real emotions and feelings.  You do not likr them and have never liked them.  If your hate for them is so deep you should not be following them.  It must be very disturbing for you.  It has made you very disturbed person.  Be careful for yourself.  Such hate is dangerous.

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  5. 1 hour ago, yelt said:

    Well again there are the haves and have nots that separate any conversation, even speculation about this apartment and its participants. It also makes this forum conversation worthless and untenable. 

    Unless you speak to Martina directly or are consistently advised behind closed doors, anything is possible. However, there is of course the weekend. 

    Hi Yelt - I am pleased to say that your predictions were totally wrong.  Martina went to yoga and had a nice dinner with Alberto.  And now they are cuddling on the couch watching the TV.  Earlier she gave Alberto a romantic heart cake which they shared together.  No matter what happens to these two in the future they will always remain great friends.  Alberto has always let Martina do whatever she wanted to do and that’s the way it will always be between the two of them.  But Martina will always crave talking to Alberto because she needs to talk to people she can trust and depend on.  Their love is more than sex and Alberto understands Martina better than anyone.  They will eventually leave RLC and we will all miss them.

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  6. 1 minute ago, backrat said:

    Just like now and almost everyday there she lay's on the crutch. everybody in all the other apartments is doing something sexual. Not her, though she could be doing anything like masturbating or just sitting there naked sprawled out. I think Alberto don't want her to preform unless he is there. it's such a shame she could gain so many more hits and clicks. he usually screws up the shot.

    As an explanation of some of the facts concerning Martina and Alberto:

    1). Martina is going to school during the day and studies at night.  This is tiring for her and often takes her afternoon nap.  This nap allows her to enjoy her time with Alberto when he gets home from work OR she goes out and enjoys being with her friends OR she parties all night (at least one day per week)

    2). Alberto works as a gardener during the week (leaves at 5:30 AM and comes home at about 5PM.  When he comes home he is quite tired and often enjoys just talking to Martina or watching his videos.

    In summary these two are not like the other apartments.  Even though they have sex for everyone to watch, I believe they live a more normal life than the other RLC participants.  It’s the reason that they have been on RLC for at least 6 years and continue to be popular.

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  7. 11 minutes ago, Adalbert said:

    😂 Yelt, I don't have to speculate since you gave us a lot of exmples of what you know in your posts...  But please don't make the same mistake you accuse me of making. Don't speculate what I know or think.😉

    It's good to have all of the fantasizers back making comments on the forum again.  Keep them coming.  Speculating is the spice of life.

  8. 15 minutes ago, JenniferMom said:

    Who knows anymore Yelt.  Honestly, it's all getting rather tedious.

    I'm waiting for DeepDave and others to chime in that it was NOT sex lubricant she was taking for her evening out,  but rather hand sanitizer she uses after shaking so many hands at her midnight bible study class.  Interesting how on this observation  they are silent.

    Here I am, chiming in.  I don't know!!

  9. 56 minutes ago, JenniferMom said:

    I see her on REPLAY on Jan 4 at 09:48 AM on Cam 4.  She's in the bath off the hall.   Today Jan 5 at 21:18 she appears to arrive home on Cam 5 Hall.

    This is an absence of 36 hours.  Not "a few days".  I'm sure you are correct that Martina visited her sister and the new baby.  I have no reason to doubt you.  You are probably wired in tight with EMNV and OMEDO and you know everything there is to know about this couple and it excites you to have this power over us.  

    I actually think Martina and Alberto are doing well and as I have stated before you are probably right that there is nothing to see here.   I have always acknowledged that you likely more right than wrong.  She loves to party away from Alberto but it seems to work for them.  She seems resigned to stick with Alberto even though it's not always been happy happy between them.  I was excited about the foursome this past weekend but it was really not that exciting ... along the lines of Anthony/Carlos and others in B5.

    Yet it remains annoying to me that even when people here yank your chain (e.g. "she must be with Nelly") you are obsessed with defending this couple in a knee-jerk fashion as if they are your sister and brother-in-law.

    It's not difficult to say its not Nelly when you can plainly see her in B7.  I am not a genius, I am just observant.  You and others have never enjoyed my comments so I make fewer comments.  I hope you and GF2 have a great year.

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  10. 12 minutes ago, girlsfun2 said:

    Martina need a good nap after so much activities outisde and Alberto is due for a full oil change since a long time...How Martina will perform ?😴

    And by all accounts she works a lot during the night in a garage and she likes her job very much and I am very happy for her and us.....👩‍🦰

    P.S. I write it this way because Deep (with his multiple accounts) will not be able to understand and that's better. 🤣

    I am so upset. I don’t understand anything you say.  Your posts show such a “Deep” understanding of Martina and Alberto.  I wish I had your great mind.  Please accept my “Deep”est apology.  Have a great day. LOL.

    • Haha 3
  11. 32 minutes ago, A Gid Scots Laddie said:

    hate to say but your getting very like deepdave or maybe you are him lol

    The theory that there are multiple “Deepdave” accounts is very complimentary.  If you are wrong it means that there are many people who agree or have similar thoughts as me.  Thank you. Have a great day to you and all my fake accounts.

    • Haha 2
  12. 20 minutes ago, Moosecini said:

    Well, guess I shouldn't be surprised that there are more than one who believe they know.  Not saying that any of the 3 are incorrect, since I certainly have no idea.  Nevertheless, I'm looking forward to her return.  👍

    So when Martina comes home, you will know who has the most dependable information. 

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