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Posts posted by Deepdave

  1. 4 hours ago, girlsfun2 said:

    Strange the way you think, you are really in your 'world' no matter what is going on around you. You are not able to understand simple sentences, that's serious.
    Unfortunately, this is the lot of many people in society today. A piece of advice, get treated, I'm serious here, no LOL. 
    Unfortunately, you will not be able to understand what I just wrote but we will let you live in your world but stay wisely in your corner. 

    P.S. Since you are the same person, I will copy and paste the same text, I'm a nice person to help you.:wink:



    I also give up.  You have worn me out.  You are such a great debater and a "nice person" and it will be impossible to convince you of anything or impress upon you anything that we wish to say.  You have seen through our plot.  Dalbert and I are the same person.  You were very perceptive to notice our unsuccessful series of postings.  You are the best.  Good luck. LOL.

    • Haha 4
  2. 2 hours ago, girlsfun2 said:

    So no facts ! Here in the forum, we stand on facts so you have no fact...let call Deep...he know nothing, he write...LOL why do I choose your name Dumb and Dumber, do you, at least, catch this one ? 

    P.S I was sure that I was writing to Deep but at the end, you are the same person...Funny Yes ! LOL . Let check the reaction of Deep, he will be you...do you catch it ?

    It’s too bad your responses are unintelligible.  All you seem capable of of saying’s is calling us insulting names.  And all Adalbert was trying to do was telling you that Martina was starting school again tomorrow.  You do not need to throw further bad comments for no reason.  If we are wrong you can insult us but Martina went to bed early tonight because she needs to get up early tomorrow (for school).

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  3. 3 minutes ago, Pete1960 said:

    FACT 1: Where is your proof that this is fact?


    Fact 2: What is this porn site you talk of? I only know of a Voyeur site they participate in! Where is the proof of your Fact?

    As usual Yelt has no proof of the secret male lover.  Martina knows if we can hear a secret lover and no such lover exists.  Maybe a female lover but that would mean that Yelt heard a female voice that sounded male.  Oh, that’s right.  Yelt could not have heard anything because he does not have a subscription or a translator connection.  Too bad.

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  4. 21 minutes ago, JenniferMom said:

    It wasn't as sarcastic as much as you think.  You really look down on all of us as you are Mr. Know It All and we should all just STFU and accept your POV on what is going on with this couple.  Excuse me if I don't accept this.

    Again you tend to argue against the false strawman -- something which no one believes.  No one is arguing they are  going to be stuck in RLC for life.  No one.

    You spray a lot of FACTS at us but none of these address the curious behaviors that are observed and raised by others on the forum.   Some of these facts are like saying "FACT - They live in Barcelona".   Yes of course.  Thanks for the list of obvious facts.

    Where is your proof of this so-called FACT.   I am not aware that RLC shares site usage data.

    This statement is almost funny as there are many posts over the last several months about how this apartment has become rather boring and predictable.  But in fact, you may be on to something, as the only thing that makes this apartment EXCITING TO VIEWERS is to watch their behaviors to figure out what is going on with them.  For  example, WHO does she talk to all night?  I know a lot of people are watching these moments very carefully.

    I will assume you are referring to us collectively as I do  not believe I have called Martina anything derogatory.  If I have called her  a puta it  has been in the context that she has called herself a puta.  I have been  more harsh of Alberto, admittedly.

    Of course they have feelings and of course they understand what is meant by what we say here.  I believe more than ever that somehow you are acting on their behalf.   

    Jenn, you have misunderstood me.  I am not a hero.  I am giving you my opinion.  Everyone seems to enjoy pulling my opinion apart.  So be it.  I get some information from a translator and you think that I am pretending to be God.  No . I am not God.  Thank God.  I do like Alberto and Martina and do what I can to persuade.  But if you don’t agree, don’t call me names.  Just tell me your opinion.  I will tell you mine.  End of story. 




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  5. 1 hour ago, darkman said:

    una pena dave que no entiendas , sigue en tus profundidades 

    I reread your frog story.  Long story to say that if Alberto is dependent on Martina, he is in trouble and Martina will not care.  I do not believe that is true.  They are like any couple.  If they break up both will be heart broken and if that's the way it must be, it will be for the long term best.  But I hope not that will not be the case.

  6. 40 minutes ago, darkman said:

    no puedo decir que es una psicopata por qu eno la conozco ni soy medico , pero es una persona mentirosa , manipuladora , y toxica en relacion a alberto , no odio  a la pareja , es mas , son los que mas miro , me encanta ese coño a medio afeitar , si se dejara un buen coño de pelos hacia hasta una ofrenda economica para ellos .

    Everytime I translate your comment you say something very weird.  You gave us a frog story and I have no idea why.  You called them psychpaths and then retracted this statements and then called her a liar, manipulative and toxic person.  Where in the world do you get that comment.  If she has all of these personality traits, I don't see it.  Your definition may mean that everyone in the world lies, manipulates and is toxic including you.  Then I will understand the comment.  That is why you call yourself Darkman because you are a very "DARK" MAN and a troubled man..

  7. 8 minutes ago, JenniferMom said:

    Thank you King Dave.

    Thank you for your sarcasm.  I have tried many ways to tell the forum what I feel, somewhat unsuccessfully to some.  FACT - They have been together more than 10 years.  Why stay together unless there is something special there.  FACT - they fuck a lot.  Maybe they could fuck more and longer but couples that have been together for 10 years often slow down their fucking and go for quality rather than quantity.  FACT - they are one of the more popular couples on RLC. The way they do that is by changing the things they do and making their life interesting to all of the viewers.  FACT - They have evolved over the past 10 years.  Alberto has a job and Martina is going to school.  If you project out, these are not things that a couple would do if they were going to stay in RLC the rest of their lives.  There will be an end to their participation in RLC (this site specializing in sex).  FACT - They have acted as a real couple.  They fight when they are unhappy and disagree with each other.  They make up when they are happy.  FACT - They both love her dog.  No further explanation necessary.  FACT - They have very differing personalities, but it is said that opposites attract.

    Now that I have babbled for too long, in summary why is it so necessary for some people to trash this couple.  Why not just sit back and enjoy their everyday life.  No need to call them psychopaths or wimps or putas or whores or any other derogatory words that you have said about them.  They are just like us and have feelings.  I think they probably read these forums and I hope that they understand what is meant by who says it.    

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  8. 4 minutes ago, girlsfun2 said:

    AH that funny, now we have the "You don't deserve an answer" Find a better way, C'mon !  This is amateurish response and you write your the best ? Come on LOL !!!

    All of your answers are amateurish and childish.  I do not write that I am the best.  You always talk out of context.  Too bad.

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  9. 34 minutes ago, girlsfun2 said:

    And the good question: how they end up together in RLC, that would, I think, explain a lot of thing but nobody offer an answer... 

    You don't deserve an answer.  You would not show any respect even if we gave you the most truthful answer that could be given.  Too bad .  LOL

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  10. 22 minutes ago, darkman said:

    fijaros si estoy seguro de lo que digo , que el dia que se separen , ella no se quedara el perro , y es de ella , me juego la mitad de mis tierras a que eso sera asi .

    I am betting the other half of your land that we will never see them split up on RLC.  They will leave this RCL site and do bigger and better things with their lives than you could imagine.  Do you have a friend, Chema who also has a particular hate on for Martina.  You and Chema must be very jealous of her relationship with Alberto and Taco.  

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  11. 8 minutes ago, A Gid Scots Laddie said:

    your right it will never happen until Alberto grows a pair he willing to put up with whatever shes up to because if he says anything and she goes what has he, he has nothing lets face it he really isnt a looker he cant believe his luck with martina but she wants and needs more he  cant give her, so she's in my opinion is getting it elsewhere, late night facetime in silent rooms out at 1am and back about 4 hours later plenty of time to do what she has to do with whoever or maybe she gets the slap on to go for a long walk nah I dont think so either 

    If she does it your way, she doesn’t get it very often and must be a quick quickie.  Not her style.

  12. 9 minutes ago, girlsfun2 said:

    Bla, bla, bla..."So, it is time for the defenders of Martina to reappear" : No, no, it is rather the copy/paste that reappear LOL !

    "Sadly you will probably never get the translations which you need to enjoy the life and success of this couple " : It depends because your own translation is not worth anything, so we rely on others that we appreciate very much, so don't consider you as a real translator. You always have the same translation no matter what happens...  LOL ! 

    But I must admit that you are, on the other hand, very good to copy/paste your interventions evey time. LOL !

    So much fun ...Ok let go back to Martina and Alberto. 



    Hey GF2

    i don’t make up these translations and you admittedly don’t trust the translators anyway.  So your comment is that I repeat myself.  I hate to tell you but go back to your posts and you will fall asleep with all of your repetitions, repetitions, repetitions, repetitions LOL if you know what I mean, I forgot the !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry.

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  13. 1 hour ago, moules said:

    When Nelly and Martina had their wild, crazy, sexual encounters soon after N&B moved to B-4, I said to myself, these girls are experienced lesbians.  I described some of what they did, particularly the grinding and scissoring to a lesbian, and asked if this was commonly practiced in lesbian sex.  She replied, 'Oh, yes.  When we are resting in a long session.  We can't be fingering and licking all the time!'

    This sex certainly surprised everybody.  Always a question for me was how and where did they become so familiar and intimate with each other?  Certainly, they had done this before, and not just once or twice.  So perhaps K&K's apartment is the answer.

    They should have both received the All-Time Passion Award from RLC, for getting rug burns on a wood floor!


    So, it is time for the defenders of Martina to reappear.  We have many psychoanalysts taking a shot at Martina (and Alberto).  This couple can do nothing right, and their relationship is absolutely going to fail, and you may be right but not for the reasons that you have commented.

    Martina and Alberto are a very special couple with their own set of rules.  Alberto is much smarter than the forum naysayers want to admit, and Martina takes her discussions with him very seriously and has for some unknown reason to all of the naysayers stayed with him for over 10 years.  They have matured together.  Alberto is working (thank goodness the ni-ni ers have disappeared) and Martina will be back at school starting this week.  Her schedule will now have to match Alberto’s.  Probably less partying, but if you have not noticed she has been doing less partying this summer.  She has made up for the people who like to fantasize by staying up most of the night with her secret boyfriends (really her brother, Marta (best friend), Elena (best friend), Luis (gay guy) and Dani (the Big Guy).

    Martina is bi-sexual, and she has had some lesbian affairs in the past year with Alberto’s knowledge and approval.  Is this hard to believe and accept?  It is only hard to accept if you think that Alberto has been taken advantage of.  But they obviously do not see these affairs as affecting their relationship.  She comes back after she has been fucked and she tells him all about them.  I think these affairs are more physical than true love.  Right now, her true love is Alberto.  Recently I have seen them cuddling on the couch, watching TV.  Why would Martina be doing this unless she really felt something for Alberto.  Sex is not the only consideration to have a good relationship.  There are so many things that they have in common, and they have a very strong ability to allow their partner leeway in many of the other enjoyments in life that they do not have in common together.

    In summary there are many people who are jealous of Martina and Alberto.  But to call them “psychopathic”, “a brat, conceited, narcissistic”, “cheater”, “pathological”, “sophisticated, sly and self-centered”, and “very effective psychological manipulations” is bullshit.  You must look at the people who are doing the name calling to understand their comments.  It is my opinion these naysayers are uninformed, misinformed and jealous.  They are people who are not subscribers and depend on the other uninformed and misinformed contributors of the forum.  They do not know Alberto and Martina’s personal life history and do not talk of their recent accomplishments and goals.  And most importantly and sadly they do not trust the translators who have been an invaluable way to know and love Martina and Alberto.  Sadly you will probably never get the translations which you need to enjoy the life and success of this couple.  In my opinion it will not be long before this couple graduates from RLC and becomes very successful. Martina will be able to write a book called “RLC for Dummies” and we will all be stars in it.

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  14. 25 minutes ago, girlsfun2 said:

    You are right.
    But an interesting fact about the origin of make up and high heel shoes (scientifically proven): 
    * during sex, blood circulation makes lips and cheeks redder and eyes 'lighter': make up makes it look like it 'reproduces' this impression
    * the high heels make sure to 'position' the pelvis in a more suggestive position

    But we remain in the field of the impression, that nothing wrong here and woman always like to feel good about her sex appeal, we learn that real young, it life. On the other hand, if we accentuate the whole thing with even more 'inviting' clothes, it's something else....  

    I have been told that the "slap and dash and the shag me boots" were for Alberto.  They are enjoying a mini-holiday in upper Barcelona,  Alberto has tomorrow off and they decided to get away for a day.  Please wish them a wonderful short holiday.  

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  15. 12 minutes ago, girlsfun2 said:

    Nothing as change since 2017 from you...usually a human being evolves with time in wisdom.

    I wonder how we can be present for so many years on this site, what is your recipe ? Live in a box 24/7 with a pc screen and the internet ?

    Take a deep breath and look out a window...LOL

    Not surprising.  You went right back to the attack.  We live in the same Box 24/7 with a PC screen and internet.  Good luck.  

  16. 20 minutes ago, girlsfun2 said:

    Wow, what a reaction ! I was just talking about the tv show  there were watching, a completely innocent comedy. 

    Get back to earth...LOL

    I think we are now ready for the tv show "Intervention" (a tv show in the US) for you....LOL

    P.S I could be Nelly hiding behind a female persona, I think, do you catch it ? LOL

    My mistake,  I have never seen "Intervention".  Must find it.

  17. 25 minutes ago, JenniferMom said:

    The reason you see Yelt's comments as negative is because you are programmed to denounce ANYTHING that casts a shadow on the beloved Martina.  I reread his post and yes there are a ton of hypotheticals in there but nothing that is out-and-out negative like you suggesting Yelt needs to see a psychiatrist.   Yelt wonders if she is contemplating her bisexuality.  He wonders if her drug and alcohol abuse is a concern.  Clearly Yelt seems concerned about Martina which is actually touching.  But these are pretty much facts in terms of what we know about Martina.  In your world we can't talk about these things because it distracts from your narrative that this is just a smart girl focused on her career and her love for Alberto that likes to party a bit at night but mostly likes to have fun playing with Legos.  Sorry if I and others here don't buy it.  YET (YET not YELT!) I am still willing to concede that these two will be ok over time.  But jeeze let it play out rather than defend her as if you were her dad.

    Wait!  What?

    She has a Dad who is dying of cancer so that analogy is not good. Sorry I cannot convince you that Yelt has more bad information/questions/comments than good.  As I have repeated often, he needs a subscription and a translator.  That will help him significantly.  I believe you may have cancelled your subscription but I may be wrong.  And it would be nice if you found a translator that you believe.  Many people do not believe the translators and that's why the translators no longer translate.  It's too bad because the forum would understand Alberto and Martina more not only in the present but also from their pasts. I will continue to defend them as long as I see rude and uncalled for remarks.  And you will continue to appreciate/read/dislike my remarks whether you like them or not.

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  18. 2 hours ago, A Gid Scots Laddie said:

    I find him a bit of a leech its like hes always got to paw her just to remind her hes there 

    They are both leeches.  They both do things for each other.  Every once in a while he kisses her and then every once in a while she kisses him.  You do not watch enough of them to really "know" them.  You have a bit of a crude point of view but I guess you expect that kind of feedback from us.

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  19. 6 minutes ago, Adalbert said:

    They left for the day. Since we are the Dumb and Dumber ( I'm fan of DD 😁) I can't answer the question (or won't). We don't want to loose our reputation. 🤣

    But I'm sure GF2 or te other "experts" how knows everything can give you an answer, but might be far away from truth...😁

    I think that they may be having fun.  Have a great time, Martina & Alberto, maybe!!

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  20. 2 hours ago, girlsfun2 said:

    funny, this television series is in the category of the series where the men are shown as silly and react like children, it is funny but strangely, it is necessary to believe that it still works to make appear the men like idiots in 2022. Subtly, well beyond the laughter, it still leaves an impression that it is normal that a man is like that. 

    What television series are you talking about?  The one where women are always superior to men.  Well, I do not believe in male or female superiority.  It is all in the words that are written and I do not see any superiority in your words, only words that degrade yourself whether you were male or female.  For all we know you could be a male hiding behind a female persona.  Either way you do not express yourself well.  No LOL (somehow this means something to you)

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  21. 1 hour ago, JenniferMom said:

    You are so protective of your narrative that you are willing to trash the rather long-winded but soft-spoken Yelt.  I don’t think any of us have been so cruel to the translators as you have been just now with Yelt.

    You have called me cruel about the soft-spoken Yelt.  We must be reading different comments.  I can repeat at least a dozen negatives and I do not see why you have missed them.  Please reread his message and if you do not see that his tone is obvious, I will continue this conversation later.  Please tell him to get a subscription rather than the second hand distorted information that he continually uses.

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  22. 2 hours ago, yelt said:

    Don't be shocked, perhaps it is the beginning of the end. A nice weekend between friends where Martina may be trying to slowly separate from RLC.  Is the sudden use of the blinding light mentioned when the two are having sex, for the benefit of those watching. Is Martina becoming more conscious of all the RLC viewers or is she struggling to say something? 

    For what little they may be awarded, Perhaps Martina and Alberto have jointly decided to minimize the visual freedom and benefit of everyone enjoying their sexual experience? What is the new trick with the condom? Is Martina beginning to contemplate more deeply about her future and how damaging RLC could be to her success?  If she is doing drugs, is the increased having an affect on Martina's mental and physical well being? 

    Could it be decision time for the relationship between her long time, and good (best) friend Alberto? Does she what to invest in there relationship or experience another? How about her deep mental struggle, contemplating whether she is bisexual? It does appear those exciting late-night conversations were not with a female but a male. Are those calls from someone she would like to spend time and have a relationship?  Might it be time for another serious and honest conversation with Alberto; to convey she would like to date and be with someone other than him? How does a breakup effect her school plans? 

    Hi Yelt

    Every moment of our life is the beginning of the end.  You need to get a subscription to follow these two better.  And for sure the help of a translator would be invaluable.  It's too bad your questions are so negative and show your unhappiness with life.   You should go to a psychiatyrist to find your answers.  Good luck and as GF2 says LOL (whatever that means in her vernacular)

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