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Posts posted by farmerguy15

  1. JMO, (Not worth much), but I really enjoy watching Kami because the true voyeur moments are more rare.  I can see a Leora on any cam site on the internet.

    One of the things people forget about this project is, people's behavior changes when they know they are on camera.  As much as RLC tries, without having tenants in for a significant amount of time, they will always be conscious of the cameras. 

    That's the big problem I have is, people whine and moan about beautiful girls then they're out before they've ever truly gotten to the point where the cams don't concern them, and it's legitimately everyday life.

    P.S.  I may be completely naïve because I've seen people complain about this/that/the other and whatever it is seems to get fixed in fairly quick order.  So, if RLC is meddling at all, throw my comments completely out the window, the site is a misnomer.

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