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Posts posted by BBsq69

  1. 4 hours ago, phantomcapsnet said:

    the managers of Barca apartments are in vacations. plus the current casting is doing very well.

    Yes why pay for 7 when they can pay for 5 who are doing everything RLC could wish? When B4 opened I questioned whether it would work with 7 girls because for really great watching all girls must be on board. OK I don't watch much of B4 unless Belle💗 is there but day after day I see them doing what most people hope. 

  2. 3 hours ago, nagachilli2 said:

    It's a fucking shambles...and there you have my contribution...😏

    That sums it up but the reasons are political rather than procedural. Not as problematic as maybe in the US (where there can be a real jam) but things are in place to stop anyone having too much power otherwise we would have left on March 31st with a deal as I think we should. I have mentioned this before but there is a total failure to understand that for the EU any trade deal with UK is of almost no importance compared with the integrity of the EU. Politically you can take a stand but that is the reality.


  3. Well obviously things have changed a bit with a new PM.

    This PM was someone who promised leaving the EU would be simple and rosy but more about him in the European thread.

    We have a situation in which the PM is threatening to leave with NO DEAL. There NEVER was a vote on this. The referendum did not ask the question and many of the leave backers promised there would be a deal. It is also true that almost no-one in the UK knew what this truly meant as people were winging it. I don't ever remember Ireland being mentioned in the campaign.

    So what happens now:

    The PM has suggested he might override parliament. Many MPs are affronted at this. There is probably no majority for NO DEAL so they could try to oust Boris from office by a no-confidence vote. Boris has suggested he would ignore such a vote but I am not sure he can. The big problem is that the leader of the opposition who thinks he can then go to The Queen suggesting he becomes PM instead commands no support outside his own party (and not very much from within TBH) so other parties have suggested compromise candidates to form a government of National Unity. I won't say here what I think of the Leader of the Opposition but he is not inclined to compromise leading to disunity in the opponents of NO DEAL

    Another card it has been suggested Boris might play is to try to call a General Election thus suspending parliament while Brexit happens. It is said he might even hold it the day after Brexit in order to maximise support for himself (we are not a Presidential democracy but try telling him that). Now clearly that would be manipulation of the electorate to a ridiculous extent and people are trying to argue that simply that would be unconstitutional.

    The arithmetic behind a possible election is for the European Politics thread but I hope people stop that possibility. I am not an expert on this but because of the Fixed Term Parliament Act, I believe 2/3 of MPs would have to vote for the dissolution of parliament so Boris cannot just call it when he wants - well at least that is what we were told.

    Now with only 70 days to go Johnson is visiting Germany and France to persuade them to give in to all his terms. Germany have said they are prepared to negotiate further but it sounds like only a slight rewording rather than a change to the substance of the Irish backstop will be on the table ... WHEREAS Boris wants to change all of it. That was Germany but France quite frankly have finished with us sO I don't expect him to get any support from Macron. 

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