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Posts posted by BBsq69

  1. You can get banned with the Premium Membership just the same as the Standard if they don't like what you do.

    Some people get banned and don't even post pictures and vids.

    It seems all they have to is comment on a pic or vid someone else posted and they ban you which is kind of senseless to me.  They should actually have to have the proof to present to the said offender of what they are being banned for,not just say your banned and just lay a rule sheet on them of ruls that they didn't break.

    I don't even have a paid membership with them and they still hit my IP trying to block me but it never works to well banning Dynamic IP's. Just power the modem off and back on and you get assigned a new IP.


    I heard about all these cases of people getting banned which makes me wonder whether or not to join. Also when you consider the free content it seems that a lot of the best content is free anyway. OK maybe to see Leora in the shower or giving head would be worth something but as (officially) you are not allowed to record or even screen capture for personal use then it does seem faintly ridiculous.

    My browsers always seem to lose access to certain sites so rebooting is a frequent occurrence. Premium seems to be a complete waste of time because don't Kamila and Kristy masturbate under the covers?

  2. I am not saying Boris Johnson, Mayor of London is that similar to Trump but he is blonde, doesn't care what he says, likes to name things after him and intends to be leader of the country. The problem is he only cares about himself and will just about do anything to get elected and have Boris Airport in Boris City. Trump, I feel though different in style and hair, is very much that man

  3. I am not sure what you mean by the Leora thing but I can tell you that I am not a member and have no problem going full screen.

    Exactly that's why it is confusing. What I meant about the Leora thing was that I'd happily settle for just watching her all day so it would be nice if there was a discount. I wasn't being serious.

  4. So what would make this one any different from the last 7 or 8? They have all been disasters as were the elected idiots.

    So many really intelligent people in this country and all we ever get is a bunch of shitbags as Presidents.

    That's what I never understand about the US. More than 300 million people and somehow the brightest and best rarely make it to the top politically. A lot of the current crop just don't seem that bright and when you back to Sarh Paln and Dan Quayle. At least in the UK are political leaders tend to be bright even if we all hate them. Mind you we tend to chose from an elite group. Unless you studied PPE (Philosophy, Politics and Economics) and Oxford it's quite hard to reach the top.Trump is juat a terrible man - is there no adviser to tell him that he can't treat everone else in the country like they were his employees.

  5. Please can anybody tell me the benefits of becoming a member? I understand you get the 3 extra ones.

    Does standard membership give you access to all cameras in the 7 apartments?

    What does it mean when it says Full Screen as I'm not even a member and can go full screen?

    Do you get access to the best archive footage with either option?

    Sometimes cameras appeared zoomed in. I assume that is the user using 3rd part software rather than something the site provides. Am I wrong?

    Is it wrong that there isn't a Leora  ;D only option?

    Many thanks if anyone could let me know.

  6. We have successfully and without complaint received payments via Bitcoin, Payza, and Stripe. If you are still having issues I would suggest speaking with an IT professional to resolve them. Our payment systems are working for 99.9% of users, and they are regularly tested. Additionally, our payment processors follow industry best practices and abide by the requirements put forward by the major credit card companies.

    - Admin

    My apologies, I have a had a tough night. BTW I am an IT professional and designed systems for many major banks, so I guess my problems are what you might call ironic.

  7.   :( Several hours of trying on 2 PCs and still no luck. Managed to circumvent Kaspersky on the other PC but swipe or whatever its called seemed pretty insecure. Giftrocket is OK only if your American - I presume you match a real state with a real zipcode but then it raises big questions about their level of security. 

    This is all PayPal's fault.

    One question is how would you avoid renewal of the 3 month subscription to dirtybin?

  8. Something has seriously gone wrong, now Kaspersky is suspicious of Task manager.


    I don't think it's to do with dirty per se but with every trace of speedbit gone and the system rebooted twice after a virus check. it is when I press on sprite (the payment method) every goes wrong after that. No you could be right about it being the Speedbit problem, but I have used speedbit for years and no problem until I tried to pay. So just reiterate. as soon as I try to pay that's when something goes

    off. My last hope is to try to pay through Gift Rocket on another machine, because I am certainly not putting my credit card details into this one.

  9. Which payment option did you try to use? Thanks to your suggestion the site is now full HTTPS. We don't get any of your payment details, all payments are handled by a third party payment processor. You can use whatever name/info you want to create the DirtyBin account, when you make a payment all the system does is associate the paid subscription with your DirtyBin user account. As far as the "SpeedBit" issue, I have never seen nor heard of it. There are a total of 3 ads on the site, none of which try to install software. It sounds like a malware/spyware issue on your computer.

    As I suspected: "Go.Speedbit.com got on your computer after you have installed a freeware software (video recording/streaming, download-managers or PDF creators) that had bundled into their installation this browser hijacker."

    Removal: http://malwaretips.com/blogs/go-speedbit-com-virus-removal/

    Wow, but it's never affected any other site. I am not sure I want to install those other programs but will seek a solution with Kaspersky. they must know about this. Thanks for your help.

  10. The e-mail issue has been fixed and the server has been upgraded.

    Thank You,


    Thanks. In case you're wondering where i am in my effort to subscribe, Kaspersky went bonkers when I tried to go to the payment page so who knows I might gave Giftrocket another ago despite the fee and not knowing which state to claim I'm in.

    In the meantime I hope my Leora pictures are some contribution? No, I know i need to pay the sub.

    Also on dirtybin when you join it asks your name which I put in with reservations. Surely that page could have been https?


    Specifically "Sorry, there was a problem loading Checkout.

    If this persists, please try a different browser." in more than 1 pop=up window.

    Something on the site makes an attempt to access Speedbit Updater whichever browser I use. Yesterday I uninstalled anything related to Speedbit bu there must be something dodgy on the site.

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