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Posts posted by martyen

  1. Good evening everyone, I have an observation to make on Kust yesterday at the party at B4, Kust let Nora touch him and she even removed that shirt, during the evening Kust turned around Nora and Karol he even was on the balcony with Nora refusing access to Luci...:dodgy:.... there was no apparent reason for denying Luci access to the balcony (unless you had a plan in mind...:confused:.....) his behavior towards Luci bothers me and I'm sad for Luci. As I said in my post precedent it is good news the arrival of Mira and Kai, I hope only that Kust will not interfere negatively for example (we heard you last night make love) because even on the tone of humor it can disturb Mira and / or Kai but maybe I'm wrong and I hope it can serve as a booster

  2. il y a 4 minutes, news49 a dit :

    Le deuxième couple de sérums CE le couple de d'amis de Nelly et Bogdan 

    hello to all, the good news is that this couple is hot but a bit shy for watching this couple for a week during the absence of Nelly and Bogdan the girl is very sexual her boyfriend too, I hope they will not change their behavior to contact Kust and Luci in their room. for common rooms may be boring and finally if I was RLC I would put Luci and Kust in the small room

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  3. il y a 10 minutes, ze81 a dit :

    Honnêtement, je pense que certaines situations pourraient avait été encore pire si blondie n'a pas été there..or même les autres clients, il serait seul avec Karla Arnie et les colères Angrie, mais en plus que les deux Arnie et Karla en tant que résidents étaient très unpealing, pour exemple..house était beaucoup, mais beaucoup dans dark.Would dire jusqu'à ce soir pour 4,5of après-midi (c'était quand il est arrivé), alors rien ne specialy wapoened après, seulement quand blondie apear dans les choses d'image a changé, plusieurs fois une lumière , plus les choses, puis apear l'autre couple guest..but..they a décidé d'aller faire toilettes et le sexe dans le noir pendant deux jours straight..then tous ont juste décidé de faire les « fun » parties..that quelque chose de si normale et attendue dans VH comme la nudité, etc. ne dansait pas included..just avec des oreillers dans la poitrine et ass..taking photos et vidéos avec phone..and était juste sous that.Really par.

    hello ze as i said in my post i just recounted the facts following the picture of Rhdem. The girl does not show Arnie as crazy but blondie at this precise moment. for the rest you're right this apartment had become boring by the fault of Arnie but to be honest with or without guests I dropped this apartment

  4. il y a 10 minutes, ed2 a dit :

    Elle est presque aussi bon que le teaser teaser de la reine Sofie


    il y a 6 minutes, nagachilli2 a dit :

    Je pense en fait, elle est mieux ...:biggrin:

    Hello everyone, I like it when we talk about Karol especially with people who appreciate it Karol is not at all in the same category as Sofie. and you know how much I love these two girls Karol is for me the queen of teasing she knows how to hang us, provoke, play with cams voluntarily a bit like an erotic show not porn. Sofie is more the girl who plays the naiveté, the shy, the lack of experience with a lot of sensuality   without vulgarity for both .voila some reason of my love for these two girls

    I can add Angelina which for me is a mix of both with a funny touch. and sometimes clumsy. And to finish my ranking, Nicole nothing to do with the others but his wild beauty his rebellious side, his smile, his search for sexuality my charmed definitively


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  5. Il y a 1 heure, turkey a dit :

    Est responsable Stas de ce royaume ?? Il prend des photos.?

    I do not think it's Stas who takes the pictures ad573f2b-e7ac-4d82-b8ef-d59e71dfa900.png12d90d75-89b4-465c-835e-ac897f456452.png0c084cbc-1d75-4b18-bd51-122b70de8d9f.png....

    Anyway goodbye to Karla and Arnie. I hope the new ones will be more suited to this kind of life under the cams which I hope will also be corrected especially cam 4 and 7


  6. Il y a 11 heures, Rhdem a dit :

    ce pic dire beaucoup plus  ::) (elle dit: « il est fou »)


    Capture d'écran (1553) .png

    Hello everyone, I said that I will not post anything about this apartment but new elements make me change my mind. The first is the final departure of Karla and Arnie for violent behavior and I agree with that. the second reason is to correct a situation, the photo posted by Rhdem, I explain the sign that does the girl (it's crazy) is not for Arnie but for Blondie she projected Arnie against the wall and therefore the girl does this gesture against Blondie (are you crazy?) I just wanted to restore a fact. 07bb7c21-1191-4228-aa0e-e02f0d7e2bf8.png5b90c380-b998-4f7e-b1c4-d361952f7f1d.png3b716a31-65a4-4267-b92a-06d004faaf18.png.19f530f7-fe48-4195-9e32-084e6bfa0939.png...But that said it's a good thing that these people leave... even the guests are uncontrollable and / or uninteresting (fucking in the dark) 2ec22143-2e48-4295-aaea-a0c72de39b8d.png102c2ec8-5447-4b4e-89c1-3d3d6ec6ee58.pngd38c37ac-1574-4316-9c75-9e33ca4c42e4.png34bfa3e8-e5cf-4822-a339-1571213449ae.pngcd69f498-0358-488c-939c-20c864556221.png6a91ed66-bbf9-4ef0-9783-291230437a93.png..https://voyeur-house.tv/realm2/cam16?timestamp=1513111245

    • Like 1
  7. Hello everyone, after reading the forum I see that few of us are satisfied with this apartment. for my part I find it pleasant to see girls smiling and not shy....:heart:....., not sex, but I can wait after supporting Karla I can bear it all..:tongue:.... If all the friends of this couple are like Izzy (pretty, charming, sexy, funny) then I think I often look in any case more than some apartments. I want to thank Jeka for the choice of the apartment, for the location of the cams, and of course the choice of tenants . This is the first apartment opened by Jeka or I have no major reviews just a few adjustments Thank you Jeka, thank you Kate, thank you Viki, and thank you Izzy ....:heart:...9f67a81e-21e7-465a-b423-1ebb06823523.jpg8ab055bb-4ee6-4dc4-a0fe-59e8dcd80c12.jpgade6b2cf-6edb-49cb-af9a-b1d177d3d369.jpgdf8decda-ab86-4244-82dc-8730d1c25650.jpg325a0ddb-0cf9-46f0-8ecd-26073d933e19.jpgd0ce0a50-5bb8-46c0-a4fa-2070d4ac9ec7.jpg48d6ba5a-4aaa-41f7-8794-2a48efdc0dae.jpgf5a510c4-7ff6-484a-956a-920bb1dd4f9a.jpgfb762064-fe24-4633-b304-85fe3f405f99.jpg

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  8. Il y a 3 heures, jabbath1987 a dit :

    Blah faisons un concours. Le premier qui poste une photo de chatte Karlas pendant les rapports sexuels visibles comme quand Katie et Phil ont des relations sexuelles ou lorsque Katie est assis nu sera le gagnant ... Bonne chance les gars et les filles  de ::) douche ne compte pas .

    hello to all Jabbath I already post photos of Karla during the period when I supported her. But like a lot of people I gave up and I do not really look anymore. nothing in this apartment makes me want to watch, bad lighting, misplaced cams, sad tenants and uninviting guests. same feeling for Tim and Zoy can be a link? ...:tongue:...:biggrin:... but for your pleasure here are some pictures. It was the time I supported Karla bandicam_2017-12-10_02-11-39-372.jpgbandicam_2017-12-10_02-21-56-784.jpgbandicam_2017-12-10_02-23-01-401.jpgbandicam_2017-12-10_02-31-02-800.jpgbandicam_2017-12-10_02-38-05-174.jpgbandicam_2017-12-10_02-38-19-496.jpgKarla_nude_1.jpgI will not post anything until Karla and Arnie change their behavior

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  9. Il y a 2 heures, EMMETT111 a dit :

    ne nous dérange pas s'ils boivent aussi longtemps qu'ils se saouler et avoir des relations sexuelles sauvages mais elle passe juste de sortir 

    this morning she tried to jerk Kust he refused then Luci tried to suck him and again he refused. I do not know why he refuses.  because she's drunk ? or because he's shy?.... same thing yesterday in the bathroom, Luci wanted to play with his dick and he refused. If Luci's problem is alcohol, why does Kust let her drink? may be to avoid sex.If this is the answer then it is not a good person.But I will not judge it over two days.I hope for better days for them and for us

  10. Il y a 3 heures, pahman a dit :

    Je suis d'accord, et il semble que Chloé va rester pendant un certain temps. Cela signifie que rien ne se passe là-bas les jours ou les semaines à venir.

    Lisa et Chloé passent plus de temps à l'extérieur qu'à l'intérieur.


    Il y a 2 heures, miscvoyeur a dit :

    Entre faible libido Sid et Chloé de retour avec James qui est presque jamais ici, il n'y aura rien de spécial à attendre. La plupart vous sortirez de cet appartement est maintenant de temps en temps autour entre Lisa gaffes et Chloé et peut-être un crochet occasionnel entre Sid et Em. 

    a photo that translates your posts very well, and I agree with you two dc463f75-e5dc-4d6a-a9eb-f1b4bc6f2d00.jpg

  11. hello to all, no comments since Sunday, even I did not participate. But today I enjoyed watching Clara. Around 3:38 Clara practiced anal I thought never see that from Clara but the miracle is realized. unfortunately in night vision but very intense. After a preparation of Stas (sort of anal preliminaries) , Clara seems to take pleasure, finally I think she took pleasure , I do not know if it was the first time but it was very pleasant to see ....:heart:a7220d1f-dc09-454a-9c01-dc60a0fb635e.pngc192b5e2-449e-44a9-bff4-dcb687ef53e7.png51f126ad-4ad2-4f8f-8ecc-df454f47cb80.png35c199c4-52a2-4836-bac3-d7cb5450591f.png691e6c65-27d1-4e99-8efa-02732267023e.png0d70c33a-8c13-41a4-8ddf-871aee3c51bd.pngb875e6a6-c9d2-4028-8c5a-c3f130a45455.png45d05c78-2706-4c26-bf9d-9484fb645652.pngc9a6e05e-d890-4f80-b99e-94da7b9a32d5.png

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