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Posts posted by laptyratic

  1. it's my opinion and j think many many guys suscribe for look voyeur sex

    Sure it's nice to see them having sex but if they don't have sex, it doesn't matter for me.

    I would never pay € 23,- per month when I only want to see the sex action on RLC.

    ok,if you are happy for that,it's cool for you but

    for me j'm not happy pay 23 euro for don't see what j want see.

    j have try suscribe one month for test but j'm not very satisfaction.

    sorry for my english,j'm stupid french ;)

    Don't be aggressive please, it's just a discuss.

    If you don't find what are you looking for, canceling your membership looks like the best way for you.

    j'm not agressive,j just speak if you are happy with the content you see,j'm happy for you.

    me j prefer cancel my membership and go others sites

  2. For anyone that has seen them have sex, do you know if she makes a lot of noise or is she really quiet?

    they make sex maybee one time per week.

    this couple is not very hot for make sex every day.

    Poor Maya, she looks like a horny girl walking around the apartment & if she only gets it once a week damn.

    it's 2 week,j'm member and j have see just one time ride sex with night vision.

    j wait long time every day for see some sex but nothing or j have see one time hidden sex inside bed.

    this couple don't like very much sex.too soft couple for me.

    j like room just leora and alma,rest couple is bad for me.

  3. it's my opinion and j think many many guys suscribe for look voyeur sex

    Sure it's nice to see them having sex but if they don't have sex, it doesn't matter for me.

    I would never pay € 23,- per month when I only want to see the sex action on RLC.

    ok,if you are happy for that,it's cool for you but

    for me j'm not happy pay 23 euro for don't see what j want see.

    j have try suscribe one month for test but j'm not very satisfaction.

    sorry for my english,j'm stupid french ;)

  4. [...] j think 95% suscribe this site is for see some sex[...]

    I think you are wrong.

    I pay € 23,- per month to see all the dramas going on there (Ana & Dana for example).

    This is what makes worth for me watching them and i think most RLC members are thinking the same.

    When i wanna see people fucking, i can just browse the web, there a lots of FREE sides with sex action out there.

    it's my opinion and j think many many guys suscribe for look voyeur sex
  5. again hidden sex now,j'm tired see nothing with this couple.

    we see just sex with leora and alma.others couple is very bad.

    j cancel my suscription next month.

    we need new hot couple don't afraid make sex on cam

    What are you talking about? I watched them and they had no sex...

    And btw. RLC isn't a porn/sex side, they just show the REALLIFE.

    If you are more interested in the sexual part, you should go to chaturbate.com.

    There are lots of couples doing sex there.

    sorry,it's error,j think start hidden sex but finally sleep.j go "myfreecams"there is more action here

    yes,it's not porn site but j think 95% suscribe this site is for see some sex

    but too many couples not hot,make hidden sex one time every 10 days,it's not interesting for me.j cancel my membership.

  6. On ‎2013‎-‎07‎-‎21 at 8:54 PM, Sowhat said:

    The guest are so sexy did someone has a nice caps or a video?

    The blonde is so cute

    (The Image Content is No Longer Accessible and has been Removed)

    the night vision stay in journey in living room,it's not normal

  7. I think it started when they had the big fainting session. Stefan now treats sex as a punishment to Alma. He fucks and sucks and she fucks and sucks but he doesn't seem to want her to have the satisfaction of satisfying him. To Stefan sex is now about domination and punishment. He no longer cares if he pleases Alma or even if he pleases himself!

    For sure the Guests don't help but Stefan is simply hurtful and spiteful.

    yes,it's strange guy.

    alma is good girl and need find other boyfriend.

    after sex finish,he go direct in shower and stay alma alone in bed.this guy have nothing in brain.

    alma need love after sex.

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