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Posts posted by hilts122

  1. 1 hour ago, Ridgerunner said:

    But if you were really truthful, you would tell us the real reason you carry a weapon in Baltimore is to protect yourself from gang members, and they ain't Trump supporters. So stop blowing smoke my direction, because I'm not that naive. 

    So now you are inside my head?  🤣🤣🤣  Oh my god you people are ignorant!  Whether you believe me or not, I could care less!  Who are you clown?  Blowing smoke 🤣🤣🤣🤣!  You troglodytes are constantly talking about guns and taking your country back...etc, etc.  So the NRA isn't rightwing?  Or did I make that up also?  How did you people get this pathetic?

  2. 1 hour ago, Ridgerunner said:

    So you need a gun to protect yourself from a peaceful unarmed American citizen like me? Appears to me you've watched too much CNN, MSNBC and NPR. Your description of me as a Trump supporter is such a childish stereotype. For a so called college grad you don't sound that intelligent. And you can present and manipulate statistics all you want, but one thing I know for sure is that where I live is much safer than in the large cities of America. For damn sure, safer than Baltimore.

    I never said I went to college!  So if you don't own a gun and you're insinuating you people aren't a bunch of gun crazy, violent, 2nd amendment psycho's then why are we having such a hard time getting republicans to pass a gun bill?  As far as you not thinking I'm intelligent 🤣🤣🤣🤣  why do you bring it up damn near every time you write your little attempt at a retort?  Oh yeah, how did I twist statistics?  Show me the evedence!  Oh yeah, I forgot, you clowns don't need evidence of fact, you just keep saying the same nonsense hoping for it to be true.🤣, like how you all keep saying the election was stolen from trump (aka orange Jesus)🤣🤣

  3. 1 hour ago, Ridgerunner said:

    But you also said you were left wing. Like I said before, I've never met a left wing conservative. :confused:

    Like I said, I am a conservative democrat!  You saying you've never heard of it shows your mental feebleness!  So you've never heard of Sen. Joe Manchin?🤣🤣🤣  If you haven't, then why are you involving your little mind in a political discussion?🤔🤯

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  4. 1 hour ago, Ridgerunner said:

    Now you are an outright fucking liar. Show me where I ever said liberals should be eradicated. 

    Oh sorry, that was the other trumpy liar!  You dumbies love throughing around the L word!  But never show facts to back up any of you positions.  Like you for instance, your the type that tries to deflect from any debate about facts by trying to show your intelligence, or lack there of, by trying to taking apart the other persons spelling or simple mistakes... never answering the question posed!  You guys are funny!🤣🤣🤣

  5. 1 hour ago, Ridgerunner said:

    And you don't sound that brilliant to me. Anyone who chooses to live in a city where you need to carry a weapon with you in order to feel safe is not very smart in my book.  I would never ever want to live in a city like Baltimore.

    Well now we are getting somewhere!  So you have no problem getting rid of concealed carry and guns in general, right?  Like I've already said, I carry because you clowns run around threatening people and promoting guns.  Also, as I have already shown, Baltimore is safer than any red state or city!  Let's compare the numbers smart guy!  You need to stop listening to the proven liars on fox!

  6. 3 hours ago, Nicholas said:

           Precisely, you are lying, you obviously mentally disturbed leftist sorry excuse of humanity, since it does not have anything to do with so called maga. For you obviously mentally mind warp deficient leftists, maga, is an abreviation for a slogan referred to as 'Make America Great Again' which does not have anything to do with what you mentally disturbed mind warped leftists have impied it does. As a matter of fact, it is a slogan much more patriotic than anything that has been suggested by those with mentallities such as your kind, since the year 1865. So you mentally disturbed leftists should be well aware of that although most of you probably are not or could give a shit less. After all, that is what your kind does daily without believing there should be any repercussions for such lying and dishonesty since that has become part of normal everyday life for those with ridiculous leftist ideologies such as yourself. It's called propaganda and that's what the fucked up fickle minded mentallaties of the left such as yourself are more into promoting and spreading rather than facts and truth.

    2531 Ground Radio Operator.  2nd Amphibious Assault Battalion, 2nd Marine Division, USMC, that is my unit.  You clowns have no idea what patriotism is.  More clownish word salad. "Leftist, mentally disturbed, fickle minded, liar liar pants on fire....etc", moron!  Hey dumb dumb, tell me, what repurcussion for what lies?  I thought you called me unhinged? 🤣  More of your silly little threats!  Dude you don't scare me!  All of you clowns are cowards.  Scared of anything or anyone different!  You just keep regurgitating the same dribble/word salad answer.  I'm still waiting on you facts to show how I am lying!  Oh yeah, as far as transgender, until you gain a PHD in pediatric care and psychology, who the hell do you think you are to even comment on what other people are going through.  How about you mind your own business!  You asked me before, where I stand on transgender, I stand with humanity, psycho!  Something is going on that we don't understand so since I don't have a PHD and both of my daughters were born and remain female, I can't comment.  Now as far as maga, use it how you wish but everyone else is using that ignorant slogan as the name for you trumpy morons.  Tell me, when wasn't America great?  You call yourself patriotic but your asinine slogan implies you think my country isn't great already!  We don't need an orange con-man and a troop of troglodytes you "make it great again"!  Pathetic!


  7. 4 hours ago, Nicholas said:

            It is more than obvious that you are a lying dishonest leftist since it has been more than obvious who has been trying to sexualize children in combination of promoting so called mentally disturbed ideologies of society who refer to themselves as transgender, as well as pushing and promoting such bullshit on children. It has been sorry excuses of humanity on the left who has been doing so, so go ahead and tell some more lies and be dishonest since telling lies and being dishonest rather than being truthful or factual is part of the leftist ideological agenda anyways and obviously has been for quite awhile now. As I mentioned previously, you and your kind are as full of shit as they come. There is an old saying that someone is only as good as their word, well it has been more than obvious that a majority of you so called leftists are not much good since a majority of you leftists words are mostly lies and dishonesty combined with deception.

    Really? 🤣  Tell me, instead of backing up your stance with facts you just keep writing "transgender children, transgender children.... liar, dishonest, leftist, transgender, lair, children...etc!  Hilarious!!!  Again, if I am so dishonest and a liar, then point out how and why!  Please produce facts!  Oh right, you can't because all you people do is make up crap you want to believe then just keep saying it over and over as if that will make it true...😂😂😂!  You are laughably weak minded!  Why keep spewing the same word salad over and over again?  Produce facts and show where I am lying!  Clown!

  8. 9 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

    If Baltimore is such a safe blue city why do you need the weapon? I don't feel the need to carry one where I live. In fact, many times when I leave my home I don't even lock it.

    I carry because of unhinged rightwing psycho's with trump bumper stickers and flags hanging off the back of their trucks, like you.  I actually have two homes in Baltimore.  1 in Mayfield (NE Baltimore City) and 1 in Guilford (Central Baltimore City).  Baltimore is safer then being in Mississippi or Texas.  Look at Maryland compared to those states.  You need to stop believing fox news!  They are proven liars!  


    The recent rise in crime is extraordinarily complex. Policymakers and the public should not jump to conclusions or expect easy answers.

    Baltimore is in the Northeast!


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  9. 9 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

    You said you were conservative, but now you say you are left wing? I don't think I've ever met a left wing conservative. But I have met many phonies and liars.

    How stupid are you?  🤣🤣🤣  So now I am lying about my political views...😂😂😂!  Why would I lie?  To impress you?  Dude, you are nothing!  So you're saying, unless I am a mindless slobbering maga drone, then I can't be conservative.  Yeah!!!  So, according to you, there is no such thing as conservative democrats?  So there is no internal beef between the Joe Manchin side and the AOC side of the party?  Please... what happened to you?  Where you in a bad accident?  Childhood head trama?  What???

  10. 7 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

    I definitely don't think a ranting, loose cannon, raving lunatic like you should be allowed to have a gun. I would be scared to death to live next door to you.

    Awwww... look at you...😂, you must have the right wing hand book on how to debate a liberal sitting in your lap as you type your nonsense.  First you try childish threats by saying liberals should be irradicated.  When tough talk doesn't work and you are asked to defend your juvenile ignorant shortsited positions, you can't so you then try to paint the other person as crazed and violent..🤣🤣🤣!  A member of the Jan 6 party, the NRA tough talk gun crazy party is calling someone else psycho...lol, now that is rich.  I'm sure your next move is to use the age old adolescent catch all come back of "I know you are but what am I"!  😂😂😂😂  Just pathetic!!!! 

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  11. 8 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

    Sounds like you forgot to take your medication.

    Really?  Sounds like you need medication!  Tell me, why do you people sit around making comments and carrying anger based on easily proven lies?  Then, when pressed, you can't intellectually defend your ignorant views and comments so you just turn to insults?  I thought you you guys were supremacist's?🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣  Show me that mental supremacy!

  12. 2 hours ago, Nicholas said:

            Typical mindset and mentallity of someone with ridiculous leftist ideologies since you on a voyueristic website political forum thread, would actually think someone should care about seeing posted pics regarding concealed weapons permits that could actually be faked and regardless, who actually would care anyways. Regardless of whether such pics were faked or not, what does that have to do with the bullshit leftist ideologies that have become a cancer on the American public. Apparently, it is you who ignorantly does not realize how pathetic you are by responding to your own previous post of comments by asking how pathetic you actually are and that is actually quite humurous you fickle minded ignorant leftist m.f.

    😂😂😂😂, hey dummy... you're on the same site!!!!  Now... if leftist idioligy is ruining America... explain how!  You keep saying the same crap without any substance to back up your statements! 🤔  You keep trying to sound tough but I see you're a weak minded rightwing coward!  I can care less if you think my pics are faked...lol, you people ignore any facts that don't reinforce whatever lie you choose to believe in!  You see, I have guns because you clowns have guns.  This country will be better off once they make guns harder to get.  You people are weak.  That's why you are so afraid to let the guns go!  You say liberals are what is killing America...  guns are the #1 killer of children now!  So that's liberals fault?  Your side are the ones infringing on peoples person rights to freedom of expression!  Your side is promoting this gun culture that is destabilizing our society.  Your side is screaming to a national devorce, not the left!  These are just some of the things the right is doing that are causing the largest economies around the world to start leaning toward China for stability.  How about you stop making a fool of yourself and go do some research!

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  13. 2 hours ago, Nicholas said:

         I notice you still have not responded to why your kind has supported and even promoted sexualization of children in the U.S. in regards to such bullshit as transgenderism although I doubted that you actually would since there is no logical or sensible or reasonable excuse for such ridiculous bullshit. You are as full of shit as they come since you are obviously a leftist mentally mind warped ignorant leftist idiot who also promotes leftist bullshit propagandism. That kind of propagandism bullshit doesn't make your kind or you any different than any other of the leftist dishonesty and lies that occurr quite frequently with your kinds disgusting and worthless excuses of humanity. It damn sure doesn't set well with me or many millions of others that have been having to pay much more than ever before for everything while your kinds elites are becoming extravagantly wealthy from communists like the CCP  because ignorant mind warped leftists such as yourself. So to hell with you, you obviously ignorant mind warped leftist.

    I didn't respond because you were trying to deflect away from the questions I asked you to respond to!  But since you brought it up, no one is sexualizing children.  All I see is republicans running around throughing baseless accusations t anyone who doesn't conform to your narative.  You people keep projecting what you do on everyone else.  How about you look up all of the republican politicians who have been convicted for child sex abuse or are currently under investigation then compare it to democrats... then get back to me!  You keep writing that liberals lie... what lies?  As far as lying, I can easy list some more republican lies!  How about, instead of you straining that little brain of your's trying to come up with more intense names to call me, you put together a coherent rational explination of the weird and crazy stances of your party?  It's funning how the party that runs around screaming freedom and patriotism are the very ones pushing thers religion on everyone while demonizing anyone different even though freedom of religion is protected by the first amendment.  You people are banning books, putting yourself in other peoples bedrooms, restricting women's right's, attacking businesses (ron desantis against Disney)...etc!  I can keep going!  You people rail against socialism while implementing socialist policies like PPP and the farm subsidies..etc.  Also, explain how you come to the conclusion that liberals lie when your main news channel just lost 787 million $ for lying?  They played the recorded calls and txt messages of their hosts admitting that they lie to you every night.  Dude, your side has lost it's mind.  The more you write on here, the more you show your volatile ignorance.  You are sad and pathetic!  Now go ahead and call me brain warped while not explaining your positions or why you keep calling me a lyer without any proof to back your position! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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  14. 1 minute ago, hilts122 said:

    🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣!  WOW.... That was a serious word salad!  Does what you wrote really make sense to you?  So according to you, no one on the left could possibly own a gun?  Really?  Also, according to you illegals only enter the US during democratic administrations?  You also fumbled around in your soliloquy and accused Biden of getting help from China to get elected..🤣!  Ok, where is the proof?  If Biden is a Chinese puppet then why are we close to war with them over Taiwan?  Why do you clowns always say the left is trying to take all guns?  Again slow one, I have guns but I am intelligent enough to know they shouldn't be so easy to get in this country.  But hey, I am trying to have a rational conversation with an irrational, brainwashed, trumpy psychopath.

    I pulled over to take another pic with my Maryland and Utah concealed carry permits.  Oh yeah, I forgot, you live in the land of conspiracy theory and mame believe where anything that doesn't fit your irrational beliefs must be fake....🤣🤣🤣😂!  You really don't realize how pathetic you are?



  15. 13 minutes ago, Nicholas said:

            Yeah, your speaking your mind alright, just like you tried to make it seem that you own a weapon that your kind has been trying their best to not be allowed in the country. You two faced people are exactly why this country is in the predicament it is in which other than over 5 million illegals entrance into the country have occurred has to do with the highly spike in crime all over the country since a no good for nothing puppet was put in place by your kind along with aasistance of the CCP of china by intentionally releasing a contagious bug referred to as covid 19 into the rest of the worlds countries populations, so your assertions are no more than bullshit and leftist lies and that shows who you actually are and what you actually should do, which I do not think most with any common sense would realize. So as I mentioned you are a leftist full of shit. 🖕

    🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣!  WOW.... That was a serious word salad!  Does what you wrote really make sense to you?  So according to you, no one on the left could possibly own a gun?  Really?  Also, according to you illegals only enter the US during democratic administrations?  You also fumbled around in your soliloquy and accused Biden of getting help from China to get elected..🤣!  Ok, where is the proof?  If Biden is a Chinese puppet then why are we close to war with them over Taiwan?  Why do you clowns always say the left is trying to take all guns?  Again slow one, I have guns but I am intelligent enough to know they shouldn't be so easy to get in this country.  But hey, I am trying to have a rational conversation with an irrational, brainwashed, trumpy psychopath.

    • Like 2
  16. 2 minutes ago, Nicholas said:

           I believe most who read the comments that get posted in this thread, realizes and knows who's comments are more believable and not someones attempt at an ideological propagandism. So you might want to consider otherwise as long as I notice what gets posted in these threads.

    🤣🤣🤣🤣, 🤔!  Look dummy, I am simply speaking my mind.  I truly don't give a damn if you wake up out of your fox news haze or not!

  17. 7 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:

    In den USA ist Waffengewalt trauriger Alltag - eine Recherche legt jetzt offen, dass dabei oft Waffen deutscher Hersteller eine Rolle spielen. Das Bundeswirtschaftsministerium zieht daraus Konsequenzen.


    Deutschland macht ernst und zieht Konsequenzen aus den ungehinderten Waffen-Mißbrauch in den USA.


    I'm left wing but not a psycho.  I carry this everyday and I am licensed to.  But I am intelligent enough and sane enough to realized we need stronger gun control laws.  Rightnow, the right is just evil and derelict in their uproach to guns.  It is flat out sick and embarrassing!


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  18. 13 minutes ago, Nicholas said:

         Actually, it has been more than obvious that those with such mentallities as yours are in need of mental help, or quite possibly incarceration for the remainder of your kinds mentally disturnbed lives, or possibly irradication of such dishonest delusional worthless excuses of humanity. As I mentioned previously, 🖕 you and anyone else who attempts to claim such ideologies are not responsible for all of the ridiculous sexualization of children which you convienently decided not to respond to you obviously sorry assed no good for nothing leftist indoctrinated worthless excuse of humanity.

    I have no idea where your q anon pedo conspiracy nonsense is but dude, get a life.  Seriously... is this shtick or are you really this messed up?  To answer whoever it was that mentioned trans.  I am a former Marine and own a trucking company in Baltimore (15 dumps and 6 dump tractor trailers).  I have 2 daughters both out of college, 1 graduated from UVA and 1 from the College of Charleston.  I grew up christian and conservative.  I am still conservative but not republican.  You guys are completely psychotic...seriously!  I am no longer christian because the people who call themselves christians are some of the most selfish, evil and crazy people I have ever met or heard from.  Again, you get on here with you silly retorts and childish threats instead of proving me wrong!  Also, for those speaking of the economy, you do realize the Fed Chair Jerome Powell is a republican and was appointed by trump!  Fact!  What I don't get is you keep name calling instead of answering my questions!

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  19. 5 minutes ago, Nicholas said:

         Actually, it has been more than obvious that those with such mentallities as yours are in need of mental help, or quite possibly incarceration for the remainder of your kinds mentally disturnbed lives, or possibly irradication of such dishonest delusional worthless excuses of humanity. As I mentioned previously, 🖕 you and anyone else who attempts to claim such ideologies are not responsible for all of the ridiculous sexualization of children which you convienently decided not to respond to you obviously sorry assed no good for nothing leftist indoctrinated worthless excuse of humanity.

    Sorry psycho, I was working.  Now, you call me mental???  Read the unhinged lunacy you just wrote and you have the nerve to call me crazy...🤣🤣🤣!  How and why did you bring children into this?🤔  You are truly a danger to yourself and those around you.  Sick puppy... 🤣🤣🤣

  20. 10 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

    Your comment just illustrated that you are the one with the mental problem. It is your liberal progressive socialist/Marxist Democrats who are wrecking the country with insane economic and social policies. 

    🤣🤣🤣, social policies like the PPP program?  Exactly what policies did liberals come up with that are wrecking the economy, genious.  Is it Obama care?  The program that brought healthcare to millions who wouldn't have had it otherwise?  You do know without health insurance, people get sick more and end up in emergency rooms then can't pay the bill.  Guess who ends up subsidizing the hospitals when they rack up losses from unpayed bills?  Look, stock listening to fox news and read.  You chuckleheads get on here spewing the nonsense you got from tucker & hannity like it's gospel.  The whole while they are doing the bidding of the corporations that advertise on there shows.  Keeping you ignorant and angry so you'll keep tuning in for you dopamine fix!  If you want a debate on economics, lets do it!  You will be embarrassed!

  21. 10 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

    It is blue cities that are riddled with crime, not blue states. I live in a blue state, but in the rural area where I live we don't have a crime problem. The only reason the state is blue is because of the ignorant voters in the high crime cities who vote for Democrats.

    Correction, non of the cities you speak of are "riddled" with crime.  NYC happens to ne at an all time low, despite the jim jordan clown show claiming it isn't.  Also, the reason why they measure crime by state is because to measure crimes per 100,000 people, the red states are generally made up of small and medium sized cities and communities and most large cities are in nothern and western states.  So when measuring crime state by state crimes per 100,000 people, the red states are way more violent per capita.  You can't get around it.  Facts are facts....  oh yeah, I forgot, you people believe in alternative facts...🤣🤣🤣🤯!!!

  22. 7 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

    I see the liberal progressive socialist/Marxist indoctrination has worked well on you. 

    Explain socialism and marxism!  Fox news gave you that sound bite and you just regurgitate it like a ventriliquist dummy without even knowing what it means...🤣🤣🤣!  You people love to through around the word socialist yet trump and Kushner came up with and implimented the PPP program.  All of those repub politicians who received millions from that program (government hand out) still run around calling people socialist..🤣!  Once again, the oxymoron party, calls itself the christian right het is completely against taking care of the less fortunate... The most corrupt party ever calls itself christian...🤣🤣🤣!  Look at clarence thomas.... corruption!  Dude, please get yourself into therapy before you go shoot up a school.  Please!

    • Like 1
  23. 1 hour ago, Nicholas said:

          🖕 Since I actually have no control over when threads end on this website being that I am only a registered member although I have been for awhile, you start of your comments with dishonesty by telling a lie. Of course that's not at all surprising from your kind. So fuck you also you leftist obviously brainwashed ignorant mentally dusturbed fucking idiot since those such as yourself are actually responsible for the American currency being as close as it has ever been to being replaced as being the worlds reserve currency by a communist government referred as the CCP of china. So you and all you leftist propagandists and your kind, can go fuck each other and yourselves or could it be that you so called liberals are waiting for chinese to come do that for you all by trying to sexualize children as you fickle minded mother fuckers have been doing along with trying to push fickle minded ideologies such as transgenderism and the likes of such mentally disturbed ridiculous bullshit by even trying to influence children on such ridiculous and mentally disturbed bullshit and think everyone else should go along with such mentally disturbed psychotic bullshit. Such dishonesty and lies are actually just like the ones you just made. It is without a doubt that leftist ideologies are mostly dishonest and mostly lies and deception more so than any others no matter whether your kind hides behind a referral of being so called liberals or not since most of your kinds ideologies are more related to those of socialism or marxism or even communism. Considering what has occurred and has been occurring these days and times, the latter of the two descriptions or labels would likely be the case. Since everything, and I mean literally everything was not nearly expensive a few years ago before a mentally deficient, and obviously mentally declining puppet was installed rather than actually elected by traditional voting rules and regulations, I got your kinds oxymorons alright, just more lies, dishonesy, and deception from the obvious brainwashed or so called academic indoctrinated leftist you obviously are.

    Dishonesty?  Lies?  Please explain where I lied!?!  So you say liberals are why the dollar is in decline..🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣!  Soooo, attacking the capitol trying to over throw the government (displaying instability) has nothing to do with other countries dumping the dollar as a standard.  Congressional repubs like mtg talking about a national state divorce has nothing to do with destabilizing the dollar?!?  Congressional repubs holding the fed hostage by refusing to raise the debt limit so the federal government can pay for the debt they created partly by the trump tax cuts, has nothing to do with it right?  They are doing sometbing that dems never have done... fact!  Dems voted to raise the debt sealing 3 times under trump.  If liberals are to blame for the decline in the dollar, explain how!  Your side has already proven you have no idea how our economy works.  If you did, you would stop your childish behavior, stop electing morons to congress, stop attacking teachers, stop trying to demonize education, stop trying making the gun violence situation worse by doing nothing and pretending it's just mental health and criminals fault - not the access to guns.  You people are wrecking this country with your psychotic behavior.  You all demonized Obama for expanding access to healthcare... how sick and warped is that?  You need mental help!!!

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  24. Yes, but when she came back her belt was already undone.  Check when she was undressing in the livingroom.   Then she masturbated before going to sleep, after txting someone for a long time.  Usually when she sleeps with a guy she masturbates after.

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