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Posts posted by Hectorxx1

  1. What is the relationship between Lisa and James? I don't watched this apartment that often and what I know is what is posted in this board. I caught Lisa changing away from James. All she did was change her shorts but she felt the need hide it. I never get this apartment. 

  2. If Anna and Alex wanted to fuck in the living room they would have. They done it before even when this guy when he visited with his girlfriend last time. The guy has no issue with fucking on free cam. Why they choosing to fuck in bedroom is anybodies guess. 

    Obviously if you're free cam user it suck. 


    PS It is to easy to blame Ashley. Heck I blame her for the change in behavior of people visiting the apartment but Anna has final say where she want to fuck and whom she want to fuck. 

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  3. My personal theory that Anna might have much greater influence on Ashley than Dean. This course all in preface that Anna has people whom Ashley would feel at easy and open to be sexual with. Dean asking to part take in orgy would seem like Dean wanna to have sex with another girl. Anna asking her to take part of an orgy would seem more gear to her having pleasure rather Dean getting to fuck another girl if that make sense. 

  4. I am starting to feel like nothing has happen that one would call fun or awesome at this apartment in what feel like a month.  I know that Ashley is slowly coming around and they do have people over but they all been duds IMO. The photos Golfer posted were weekend when you look forward to this apartment.  I know that not every weekend will be winner but streak hasn't been pretty awful of late. I am not try start anything knew just small rant by me. 

  5. I guess there will be no third round tonight. 


    I do like this face Ashley has at this moment. It quite the change from what it has been historically her stay at this apartment. 



    I don't know how I feel about doorway BJ lol. 

    I got say consider where thing were yesterday where are thing are you wouldn't had guess she was shy or kind hide herself from the cameras. I still don't trust her and honestly I don't know if she truly a nudist and doesn't mind having camera looking at her. 

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