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Posts posted by Hectorxx1

  1. I yet catch Anna getting DP! I though it the new guy and Alex double team her there was the hope it happing. When Dean and new girl walk in on them and were ask to leave. (They return 10-15 minute back to living room) I hope that Anna want privacy to get DP but sadly it never happen. The new dude did fuck Anna for brief moment. I don't know if the guy blew all his energy earlier gang bang that happen. 

    I guess I going have wait for this weekend and hope this get more livelier. 

  2. 38 minutes ago, thedbear said:

    I did not understand this part What you mean ?

    Where I am at generally bags or satchel that have similar look to female bag have a stigma not been masculine. There is scene in first Guardian of Galaxy where Rocket make fun Peter for having a purse. 

    I make like typos errors so if my misspelling of past tense carry confuse you sorry. I want to type carried. 

  3. 4 hours ago, thedbear said:

    The question, still related in some way is that while the guys there are losers, Dean elsewhere is a winner.
    Then we will be winners too with this later.
    I really hope so .:biggrin:

    If you had told me Dean would score by doing nothing and dude trying hard and overboard wouldn't get any I would call you crazy! Yet Dean got some by truly doing nothing. 

  4. 42 minutes ago, jabbath1987 said:

    They struggled on the bed and when he kissed her she wrapped her arm around him and kept kissing. When he put her hands in der pants there sometimes was very little to no resistance from her. He clearly had scored when Chloe would not have walked in on them. So no crime at all here. Just people seeing things which dont happened.

    You do agree that Sugar was struggling with blond guy. This is in court law now days could be consider assault at least in USA court. Fact she was ok with some other active would be ignore because there were time she try get out and the guy kept pulling her down. I saw few time where she hit him and try to push him away. You might see that is foreplay but to me it didn't look or appear to be it.

    People will see what they want see and believe what they want believe. 

  5. I am curios about the perception this two guys had of the girls. When either they were told the apartment had cameras or they notice the cameras. Would they get the impression that this girls were sexual freaks and it would be easy lay. Hearing no, no might not mean much if impression was that girls are freaks/slut/hoe whatever slang you might want to put because they are on camera.

    One common pitfall now days that a girls walking in Yoga pants and you either whistled at her, give a holler to her or do anything can be call sexual assault. It is very weird line men walk now days. 

    I still believe this guy were loser if they didn't take moment to reassess their situation and figure another way to get some. If your only game plan if try stick in your not always going get it. 

  6. 5 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

    Sugar was crying and upset in the bathroom. Typical Sugar bull shit!

    It is really her BS? Again this from my point view the guy was overly aggressive. The guy is trying to get some while she just likely want me make out. Now she freaking out by going in out the apartment and smoking like there is no tomorrow. 



    Yeah... Chloe has move on and she flirting with guy more. 

  7. 1 minute ago, miscvoyeur said:

    A girl doesn't stop foreplay and sex by straddling on top of a guy while making out with him while he's sticking his hands down her shorts. I'm just saying....

    Called me confuse because from my point view it mix messaging where she ok with some action and not others.  

  8. 5 minutes ago, miscvoyeur said:

    Aside from the fact that that isn't Chloe, no, what you think is happening isn't happening.

    Oh... I thought it was Chloe, my bad. Whomever it is is trying to stop the guy from going further with her but guy keep pushing it to go further. I don't know if this foreplay or not.  I just start to watch few minute ago so I just saw her struggling with the guy. 

  9. 3 hours ago, golfer06 said:

    he already seems to be treating dana more roughly. do you think maybe the girl now realizes that they are not normal? that maybe she could be abused? just a thought as i have not been watching them just sitting there.

    If their first session of threesome with redhead. Rex maybe slap redhead ass few times and they weren't hard slaps. Now he had made point to make Dana ass cheeks bright red that he even took photo to show Dana his handy work just prior to their threesome. One might say this was hint that Rex can be overly rough during sex. Dana was pretty much the one that was in control during the first session and the rhythm of that action. 

    In second session of the threesome while all start with Dana still leading the rhythm. When girl double up in the doggy style position Rex start have more his typical behavior appear. The level of strength of spank got bigger and his overall Alpha attitude began to show more. One might say that prior to the second session he was actually likable and sociable. 

    Sadly I don't know what happen after I left after I wrote that post. (I hadn't had lunch, need a break from my computer and I was also sleep lol.) Yet looking at post here I see they had third session but it was just Dana and Rex. I don't know how thing were left the redhead. 

    My original speculation was 2 thing first was that phone call that Rex took in kitchen was someone Redhead want see or talk too. Rex seem to dismiss her request for the phone. Now this mean reading body language than knowing what they were talking. The other was how rough Rex was during the fingering of Redhead pussy where I think he pretty much fist her pussy and not gentle at all. Now I know Redhead and Dana talk about Rex fisting her pussy but I don't know if she complain to Dana about it or telling her experience of it happing.  

    This long post and I hope it make sense. 


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