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Posts posted by alanohio

  1. 8 hours ago, HarleyFatboy said:

    The funny thing is, is that all of you that were so glad to see these two teasers come back, have your hopes up so high for something more, and then when you see something like what happened tonight you make comments that show how desperate you are to see something progress further with them!  Nothing will ever happen.....Kami said so herself!  If she is not going to have sex with that so called boyfriend (what a freaking joke) of her's in front of the RLC cameras, then she will never do anything with Kristy in front of the cameras.  If what you are wanting to observe is action like tonight, then fine by me!!  The problem is, is that there are so many of you waiting with your lower unit in your hands, eating cheetos on a beanbag chair, naked to the world, hoping like hell you made a wise decision with what you did with your money!!  Nothing will ever happen, if it's not apparent by now to you soft willy sons-a-guns......it never will be!!!

    The reason these girls are here now has nothing to do with you people wanting them back (other than Kami seeing it as a free ride), or anything to do with Kristy other than her telling Kami that she would do whatever she needed to do (admirable) to help her.  The reason they are back is because Kami herself said that she is lazy (can't hold a job because for whatever reason.....pobably laziness and not because of the ears) and that equates to a free ride by RLC!!  You can say what you want, but if you read the translations then you will know what I'm saying is true!  Who wouldn't want a pimped out apartment like they have, just to show a little bit of skin?  Kamila spends more time in the bathroom masturbating and if and when she does it her room, it is under the covers.....just like with Kristy, and If i'm not mistaken, she only did it in her room the first night according to you people, correct me if I'm wrong on that.   OK...sorry, I spoke to much tonight....please forgive me!

    Harley, I respect your opinion, but why are you trying to insult us because we might see things differently than you? I don't honestly know what I believe, but I enjoyed watching that scene and thought I would share it. Being called a " soft willy sons-a-gun" was more than disappointing.

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  2. Alanohio's One Month Summary (B-)

    Suzan is a knockout, and I have more respect for Hector now that he's shown a sensitive side. It turns out the Guest is his brother, so yes, he is a bit closer to his brother's girlfriend than one might expect - but now WHO IS THE NEW GUY???  Did Hector bring him in to make sure Suzan doesn't do anything while he is on his trip?

  3. Alanohio's One Month Summary (C+)

    What a shame. The girls have basically forgotten the RLC audience, or doesn't give a damn. Danaya 90% of the time is in bed looking at her phone, and Adele 90% of the time in front of the mirror dancing. I can't judge Aida yet since she's trying to survive Adele's "evil stare". In any case, until at least one of them is gone - no reason to watch.

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  4. One thing I can say for Nora, regardless of whether one likes her or not. She kept the apartment organized, peaceful, and entertaining - much better than has been the case since she left.

    Whether or not she has come back to visit out of friendship with Aida, or because she still has some kind of say-so in the apartment's activities, I think her presence has solidified Aida to keep her here. A lot of that discussion was probably a reminder that both Adele and Danaya will be gone within 45 days and she will be in the master bedroom :)


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  5. 42 minutes ago, jamie140 said:

    Aida started out as a back biter , then a total bitch and then became an extreme ass kisser when she wasn't embraced as being a bitch . She complained about the kitchen being dirty when the only dirty dishes i seen were here hers which were there for 3 or 4 days . The pile of dirty dishes in the kitchen now are Aida's collection and she left . I watched her put a pot in the cupboard ....... she used it , looked at it , and then put it in the cupboard DIRTY . If you want sympathy for Aida , you know the old saying of where to find sympathy in the dictionary . Your quotes are telling the story of Aida . Her actions are those of a child . 

    I have to disagree. I was watching when Adele prepared two meals for herself the same day and left that mess in the kitchen. Had not Aida made a point of it, it would prob still be there. And I don't see your opinion of Aida holding up to questioning. Adele has been the bitch in this apartment, mostly since Ilona left. She steps in between any possibility of Dayana and Aida having a friendship, and craves for attention. I'm sure you've seen her pimp in front of the mirror to extremes.

    I'm not sure why you have a need to pass this problem onto Aida, but it's obvious to most of us that Adele is the issue here.

    Time will tell, Once Adele leaves we'll see how things go, and if I'm wrong I'll admit it.

  6. 9 hours ago, mr1010 said:

    Just maybe there is a third option, Mr. Box. They are not lesbians, they are the closest girl friends in history and maybe just maybe, one of them might want to make love and the other definitely wants to stay hetero. And the one who wants it is willing to accept the rules placed by the other because she is a good friend!

    I agree with Miscvoyeur that action may never happen. I am one who would like to see it because I think they deny their true love, but I don't expect it to happen. And if did, they probably would not show us!

    I agree, although I wish I could tell them that a one time experiment doesn't commit them to anything. We all try things; like some - don't like others. Getting wrapped up into thinking "once I make that decision, I can't go back" is a fictitious limit. There are some things in life that turn out that way, but experimental sex isn't one of them.

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