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Posts posted by alanohio

  1. Losing Adele will actually improve this apartment significantly. Danaya is not a leader although she tries to treat everyone equally - but she is so easily manipulated, and Adele is so good at it. Maybe when Adele leaves, Danaya and Aida will become friends - they seem to have well matched personalities. Danaya might even become her playfull self again. Then, as is always the case with RLC, a new girl will show up and who knows what we get...

    • Upvote 1
  2. Yeah, I'm not sure what is going on here. They have been out on the porch over an hour (uncommon), Hector is in bed, if someone saw him packing I have to believe his work is sending him out of town? I don't know who the new guy is, but we do know now that the "Guest" is actually Hector's brother - which answers a few questions, anyway.

  3. 21 minutes ago, happyman88 said:

    Indeed Dana3 I am one of those paid up RLC members and it is very frustrating when one looks at empty beds but very much worth it when they are occupied! The biggest problem I find is when really "interesting activities" start to develop then the transmission slows down to a crawl and even freezes. I don't know whether this is due to the RLC server being inadequate to support the increase in viewer volumes or if it is down to the rubbish slow broadband/internet where I am in Scotland (and it's not in  a city) or my laptop.

    PS HM88; I would have to guess it's either network connection of laptop. I have a high speed internet connection in a medium size city, and never noticed the video feed slow down. Hope that helps.

    • Upvote 3
  4. Something to think about... for all the complaining, moaning, and disappointment stated about this apartment, The CamCaps Forum page shows far more comments about this abode than any other apartment. Leona and Paul come in a close second.

    If RLC's audience is anything similar to the reactions here, RLC's viewpoint is that the D&A and L&P apartments are their most successful.

    I realize many of the posts go back many months, but it's obvious to RLC a lot of people are watching - whether or not they like what they see.

    As I said, something to think about :)

  5. 43 minutes ago, ericjeanjean said:

    So I got the contact information of our RLC Princess, Kristy. I asked her if she could keep a log of a typical day for her so we could understand what is the life of a RLC tenant. She kindly obliged. I personally find it pretty enlightening.

    This is obviously 100% real, my uncle works at RLC that's why i got her contact. Anyway here it goes :


     Kristy : A Day in the Life


    I am having a happy wank.Last night I had an angry wank because Kamila jerk boyfriend was here. But today I realize that I touch her more than him. Only I can make her laugh so hard she scares the neighbors’ dog.




    I am done. It was a long one.


    I go to kamila’s room to wake her up. She can be so lazy sometimes. 

    I play with the big bear that her jerk boyfriend gave her to buy her affection. She does not mind  because I lent her my little plush doggy to help her get well. The first time she saw it she thought it was a hippo. She can be so silly sometimes.



    Kamila finally removed her protective headgear. I liked her ears before. I like how they are now. The only reason I need to like those ears is that they are hers.

    My hair does not need to be brushed. I just use it as an excuse to be close to her.



    Kamila teaches me english. I tell her « Kamila, I compare your ass and my ass and yours are much better ». She knows it is a lie to make her laugh.

    She also asks me to count in Chinese which is not a very good exercise to learn english. I do it anyway. It makes her happy. It makes me happy.



    I have a bath. I do lunges in the tub because i was to busy to do yoga today. It is so much fun when Kamila watches me. I don’t know if she knows I do it just for her. She must know. I hope she knows.



    I eat dinner with Kamila. I only eat grape from a bowl but I would rather eat here than in the best restaurant without her.

    It is decided, tomorrow I kiss her for real.


    Or maybe the day after…

    Now THAT's entertainment :)

    • Upvote 3
  6. For all the complaints and assumptions, I'm seeing three young girls, one with obviously more experience (Adele) feeling out (pun intended) their place in life. Danaya is very unsure of herself and trying desperately to figure out who she is and what she wants. Adele has the experience to know how to control people - give them what they want but hold back just enough to make them want more. Aida is a more "controlled" person. She probably grew up with a lot of expectations, and this time in the apartment is testing what she has been taught. She very much wants to be liked, but isn't sure what she's willing to give up to get that attention.

    "Be patient Grasshopper"

    • Upvote 3
  7. 5 minutes ago, dana3 said:

    True...true...by the way, it looked like adele was waiting in her room for aida go to her room and than she pounced back into danaya's room???  

    I think there is a competition going between Adele and Aida for Danaya's attention. I have to give Danaya credit for trying to balance the two without showing favoritism.

    • Upvote 2
  8. 16 minutes ago, MrBox said:

    Even without considering that this apartment lost amost all its reality, I also do not get, why there are people who like this silly nonsense. Seriously. Has anyone here fun watching two women to paint their breasts? Again? Or do you have fun watching this stupid dry humping sessions? Again? And Again? And Again? ... The whole thing works almost equal to VV, expect that they ensure to keep a G-Rating. ;) ... Maybe this could be interesting for a few weeks with appropriate characters (like Irma and Ilona; because you could see that they still have fun doing this "SHOW"). But the current cast is almost the oposite. Especially because they are the rest of the time busy surrender in an childish not talking dispute game which fits for kids 10 years or less. ... It is particularly annoying that this seams to be the only real thing in this apartment, because the girls had this dispute before the move in of Aida and RLC nevertheless dispensed on a change in the time plan. :( ... This is not usefull at all and works almost like all the errors RLC has made in recent times with the new couple apartments: It is simply disappointing.

    BTW, They called the page "RealLifeCam" and not "StupidLesbianGamesWithHeteroGirls". ... Too bad. :(

    I don't disagree for a moment that this apartment could be tons better, but I will make a couple points that are important...

    1. From a free camera standpoint this apt is useless. The girls spend almost NO time in the living room thus non-subscribes see nothing to convince them to subscribe (=bad for RLC)

    2. From a subscriber standpoint, you have two beautiful girls willing to get naked in front of the paid cameras (read as "limited audience), tease, touch, pinch nipples, "almost" kiss, and do things just short of getting intimate. This keep subscribers watching in some wild hope that they will do "something" worth snapping a picture of. (=good for RLC).

    3. As is the pattern with RLC, one of the three girls will be replaced and a whole NEW dynamic will replace this one. Many of us will watch to see that new dynamic, and once again post wild theories about RLC, the girls, and whether this is "real" or "not". (=good for RLC).

    Don't ever forget that some of the voyeurs here want to see real life, but most all of them want to see girls running around naked and have sex - and if THAT isn't possible, they are satisfied to watch beautiful girls running around naked and teasing the hell out of us.

    There's little reason, in reality, to complain or otherwise moan about what things "should" be, because the constant replacement pattern will bring something new just around the corner.

    Do I get tired of "breast painting" ? Sure, but it's a whole lot better than watching the News :)

    • Upvote 2
  9. 2 hours ago, mikeof26 said:

    n&k are the real lesbians not a&d there nothing but fake

    Hmm... who ever said D&A were real lesbians? For that matter, who ever suggested K&K were? I think we're all in agreement they are not - and that they play up to each other mostly for the camera's. K&K are "experimenting". Whether that grows into an intimate relationship remains to be seen. "Fake Sex" as everyone wants to call it here is "playing around" or "experimenting". Many girls do this to see if it interests them, some do it only for the camera (D&A). this isn't rocket science here. Apartments with camera's ARE NOT real life, thus a wish that things are real life will never be fully accomplished. We waste an awful lot of time trying to define what real life is and whether these girls are fulfilling it or not when, at the same time, we know they are getting paid to show themselves in front of a camera. Bottom line is, enjoy what we get, or change the channel.

    • Upvote 4
  10. Another thing about scripting... The D&A&A apartment is pretty much 90% in the girls rooms (and that's being generous). Don't you really think if RLC was scripting these apartments, they would tell the girls to spend more time in front of the free cameras? How can they convince people to subscribe if they cant even see who is in the apartment? The Living room might as well not be there, and they wouldn't be in the kitchen if they had fridges and a sink in their rooms.

    RLC doesn't script these apartments beyond a suggestion that "customers keep you here".

    • Upvote 1
  11. 26 minutes ago, k2000 said:
    47 minutes ago, sulzer25059 said:

    Aida has been in there with Danaya for some time. Adele came in and got in Danaya's bed, she did not seem to look directly at Aida or converse directly with her. Hard to tell exactly though when you don't understand them. But Danaya and Aida seem very friendly with each other.


    I think it's interesting that they were in the same room for about 30 minutes. That's at least moving in the right direction.

    • Upvote 3
  12. 10 minutes ago, MrBox said:

    If the residents are instructed by RLC to have special activities for customer acquisition (e.g. candlelight baths all the time),  I would use the term "skripted", even when there are no detailed instructions. In my opinion the following agreements would be ideal: 

    • Residents do not block the cameras
    • Residents should be as normal as posible (e.g. do not hide; have normal activities; continue with normal sex live ;) ..... )

    This is the whole idea, i think. The residents should have there normal "Real" Life. ... Not possible. ... I know. .... But RLC should try there best to get as close as posible. ... What do you think: Is RLC trying to keep this apartment "Real" or do they like to have a "SHOW"?

    My (strong) belief is the girls are more or less left to their own designs. They know they are being watched, and they know a good audience will result in their contracts will be renewed, or at least they will stay on an invitation list to return. To them, it's a business; do something worth watching and you get free rent, a paycheck, and invited back. There simply isn't any need to tell the girls "how" to do that.

    • Upvote 1
  13. For those that think this is all scripted, let me pose a scenario to think about. If RLC was writing the script, why hasn't Aida walked in while Adele & Danaya were "faking" sex? OR why doesn't RLC instruct Aida and Adele to fake sex? Or why doesn't Aida ask a guy in and fuck his brains out so the girls could hear her? Or why don't the girls bring home some guys for an orgy?

    THAT would be scripting. Suggesting they walk through the house naked or share a bath or play touchy-feely isn't scripting - that's simply suggesting how they can get a larger audience - and my guess is those things are obvious enough that RLC doesn't have to tell them.

    • Upvote 2
  14. No one is claiming she is having an affair, I only brought it up because "school" doesn't usually require regular overnights and 30-40 hours away from home. Her actions are very possibly totally innocent - but if my wife was away that long and that often, I am sure the neighbors would be wondering. I simply thought it would be interesting to record her schedule and see if it suggested anything. This IS a voyeur site, no?

    And have I missed it or does she ever study that would suggest she's going to school?

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