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Posts posted by alanohio

  1. Geez guys, LOL. Ok, I do have an opinion that the instructions are minimal and there is no scripting - HOWEVER - why does the maintenance issue have to prove or disprove this? Everyone seems to think all you have to do is open the front door for the new girl and on with the cameras. Besides the front door, there is a tour of the apartment, instructions on how various appliances work, moving the girl into her room and examining how everyone moves toward the master bedroom as people leave, a review of the contract including rules (like you can't cover your cam, ever.), local stores and restaurants, contacts and emergency numbers, keys and codes for the security system, and time to sit with the existing girls and chat a bit - maybe share a meal. Under the best case that will take hours, and if something goes wrong (like an argument between Adele and Aida, then it could drag out longer.

    I can't buy the fact that they hand out scripts, and even do practice runs? Really?  This isn't a TV show (if it was I'd just watch porn - that IS scripted).

    In the end, it doesn't matter what any of us believe - if we enjoy it, we pay the money and watch. The problems start when we try and convince each other we're the only ones that know the truth. If one of us actually gets to inhabit one of these apartments, then we can share that information - although it's probably in your contract that you can't.

    • Upvote 3
  2. 24 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said:

    Some is scripted and some is not, I guarantee you AO...

    I understand you've seen a lot more (and I'm not there yet), but life itself is too interesting to have to make things up. I can see RLC putting personalities together that would create some drama, but I don't see them actually writing script or behavioral patterns for the girls to follow. First of all, it's too much effort, and second of all it would start to look like a TV show. In this case they put Aida with Adele, likely knowing there was friction there to create drama - but what these girls do day to day are their own actions, no one else's. I've said before that I think the RLC formula is simple; "Here's the cameras, here's your roommates, do what you want, but audience participation will determine if your contract is renewed."  Simple and dramatic in of itself.

    Just my 2 cents :)

    • Upvote 6
  3. Things can always change, but it appears that Danaya now has a friendly relationship with Aida, and also Adele (of course) but Adele and Aida refuse to acknowledge each other. This will probably work, but be uncomfortable. If Adele leaves first, things will prob be ok. If Danaya leaves first it's going to be fireworks.

  4. I've been watching the discussion between Hector and Suzan in the bedroom. Although I can't know what they are talking about, a few things stand out. I doubt highly it's about the Guest. They started out serious, and slowly got to laughing. Another thing that was apparent is that Hector seems to be a lot more emotional and reasonable than I had previously thought. He discussed - didn't argue. Whatever the issue is, I don't think it's about the Guest.

    I wish they would talk/share like this more. It makes Hector look more human than simply, "go to work", "come home and fuck Suzan", "go to work".

    I've never seen these two spend so much time in the bedroom not fucking or sleeping LOL

    • Upvote 1
  5. I'm thinking one of the original guesses about Guest is true - he's Hector's brother. That's why he's not throwing things?

    PS: I'm confused - we may be assuming something out in left field. This might be something totally diff upsetting Hector. It seems like he isn't mad enough, but it's possible he's more hurt than mad - then again, Suzan has a nervous laugh... If Guest is H's brother, then Hector might feel disarmed.

    I wish I could translate.... something id definately wrong, but no real idea what it is.

    PS2: Nah, can't be what we're thinking. Things are just too calm for finding out your girlfriend has been playing around with the Guest. Something definately upset Hector, but they seem to be on better terms now.

    • Upvote 1
  6. 6 hours ago, alanohio said:

    I agree with Harley. Since her name isn't on the Label with Carina & Sabrina, I have to assume she's mooching a bedroom and isn't under contract with RLC. The whole idea that she would, in effect, run a business out of her bedroom - then refuse to allow paying RLC members to watch, is effectively telling us she doesn't give a shit about the people who are paying her rent. I have no use for such people, and am fine with her shows beings deleted (forever).

    I'm going to revise my previous comment above. At the time I didn't stop to think that photos captured on CAM4 are not the same as RLC captured photos. Blue owns the photos/video that appears on the CAM4 cameras and has the right to limit their distribution to the public. As RLC subscribers, we have a right to watch her from the side cam in her room - that's what we pay for. If she were to block that camera, I would then have a point - but as of this time, she has not done that.

    When I'm wrong, I'm wrong, and I am admitting it.

    If Blue reads this crap we write, I do apologize for my outburst based on an incorrect understanding, and I apologize to the readers for jumping to conclusions.

    • Upvote 2
  7. 1 hour ago, MrBox said:

    I think, it is just a different behavior to deal with the "SHOW" they need to perform. ... Adela is confident, she knows that Danaya knows the limit and will not exceed it. ... Danaya just knows but is not as confident so she ensures that the limit is not exceeded. ... That seams to be all.

    The only interesting thought is that the possibility for something real between the two seams to be negligible and not desirable. I think, they are two hetero girls and into boys. ... This continuing desire that something might happen between hetero girls in this teasing only apartment or the one of K&K irritates me more and more. After endless months of the same teasing shows, it should be clear that nothing will happen at all. 


    I respect your opinion, but again, I do not believe this environment is scripted. This is not a movie, it's 3 girls put into an apartment and told everything you do will be on camera, and what you do is up to you. It very well may be that the girls involved are hetero, but it could turn out they might experiment. There is no advantage for RLC to script behaviors when real behaviors are more interesting. Personally, I highly doubt D&A or K&K will do much more than they have already - but not because RLC is scripting it - it's because these are the wrong girls to expect that from.

  8. 6 minutes ago, joejo said:

    Those two girls will NEVER  actually have sex. They will enjoy what they are doing playing around with all the fake sex ...it's humorous. Don't hold your breath for sex ( real sex) I don't believe it will ever happen. As far as Aida goes -- she's a notch up in classiness and I love that too.

    The major difference between my statement and your answer is that you believe (I think) that most everything is scripted - I do not. I have said many times the RLC equation is simple; Here's the cameras, do what you want, but audience participation determines whether you get invited back or not. Under this set of rules, anything could happen. Under your set of rules, nothing will happen. If RLC has couple apartments where sex is often and visible, there's no reason to think they have scripted the girls apartments NOT to have such things happen.

  9. 2 cents worth analysis of Danaya...

    Recently, I have formed an opinion of Danaya in reference to the teasing going on between her and Adele. They are spending more and more time "touchy - feely", and Danaya is usually the aggressor. Latest example is she pulled Adele's panties down while she was on her stomach on her bad - and Adele played along. HOWEVER, I've also noticed that when Adele returns the attention (cups Danaya's breasts, tries to kiss her tummy or legs), Danaya turns into a little girl and covers up and giggles. I think Danaya is in a crisis of not knowing what she wants. She starts things and then when they get too intimate, she shy's away. She knows that going any further could change her life forever - and she's not ready to take that step yet. I wish someone would tell her that trying something once doesn't commit you to forever. Experimenting is how you decide what you like and what you don't. Your only young once...

    • Upvote 1
  10. I agree with Harley. Since her name isn't on the Label with Carina & Sabrina, I have to assume she's mooching a bedroom and isn't under contract with RLC. The whole idea that she would, in effect, run a business out of her bedroom - then refuse to allow paying RLC members to watch, is effectively telling us she doesn't give a shit about the people who are paying her rent. I have no use for such people, and am fine with her shows beings deleted (forever).

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