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Posts posted by kris66

  1. 56 minutes ago, Rattlesnake316 said:

    If there should be this video and he sends it further, which is only talk so far, then we will see who is right whether the girls or max. What do we want to discuss about it now, it makes sense to talk about it if something happens in this matter and I think you will get that already in the cams with whether there are consequences for any of the persons whether as a false statement or distribution of videos without the consent of the other person.

    There's a difference in talking about something and right out accusing someone of a crime before they are even charged with a crime just because someone saíd they did it.

  2. 47 minutes ago, Maxbell said:

    Whether there is proof or not, I don’t have to testify in court so I can speculate. But it rings true because he was really interested what, who’s and where’s of it because he knows it’s or they are out there. Someone accuses you of murder, you do not ask who did I murder?? for fucks sake. 

    No you don't have to testify in court (thank god for that) but you still make assumptions based on only one womans claims (right or wrong).  That is in my book really low behaviour and has caused many people in real life convicted as guilty before even getting charged!

  3. 18 minutes ago, TfiDeano said:

    A few posters trying to demonise Karma...on the other hand a few posters trying to demonise Massi too...it works both ways. I guess it's what keeps the forum going with pure speculation and siding with different teams. Funny how people try to make an argument and forget the one's they are supporting did the exact same thing...which people here conveniently forget. They are all as bad as one another and both Sara and Nadia are no angels. I did laugh when Karma said to Massi you get what you deserve so clearly this is evident to me Karma does not give a fuck about anyone but herself...including seeing a married man with 'supposedly' a wife and child at home. Karma will get what she deserves one day for messing around with a married man...he will always return to his wife and dump his bit on the side which is exactly what she is.   

    Spot on! I 100% agree

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  4. 1 hour ago, Maxbell said:

    I think that a lot of posters watched that night and would collaborate this. Some Mass defenders did not see it that way and of course thought it was OK. It was weeks ago so vid is probably not around.

    It could be my extremely vivid imagination 😉 but that seemed to be a turning point event with respect to many posters opinions about Mass.

    I don't think the girls could possibly hurt his reputation by sharing their videos even if they did. In fact it would only feed his ego.



    Its still very hypocritical to say he filmed them and condem that while thinking its ok the girls did the same thing...

  5. 24 minutes ago, Maxbell said:

    A few posters trying to demonize Karma, there is not much meat on that bone but that is your right.

    As for Mass and evidence of him sharing non-consentual videos of Sara. I have the replay of the convo but haven't watched it yet. I have seen him slap Sara out of uncontrolled anger, fucking her when she was high while she was trying to resist and him showing off to his friend with a big grin on his face as to say "look at me with this loose slut" while she was face down.

    I have seen him take photos or video while screwing as well.

    Comparing Karma with Mass sounds like a desperate argument but again, its your right.

    You got an extremely vivid imagination. Funny is all you say did not happen in my view and I watched it all. And just to your info. The girls also filmed him while they willingly fucked him 😉  

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  6. 3 minutes ago, cupid30 said:

    Never said it was "cooked" up,watched the argument live,didn't buy one word of it. There's an unshakable urge to save these girls by alot of members here.(not saying you are one lol) They are ALWAYS in the mood to bash a guy into to the ground,as if these girls can never do any wrong!

    I don't know if I buy it or not. But yes she could easily prove it by showing the video Massimo - in her words - shared as it would be a mobile video and not a RLC cam recording from online.  Maybe she is saving it for the RLC admin team or the police or maybe she got no proff. Who knows.

  7. 6 minutes ago, cupid30 said:

    I only speak English actually,now I understand the whole showing the video thing but he kept asking them to prove that's what he did,he said "bring the person in front of me" and she couldn't say who it was,and secondly,how would he know her ex?! Don't you find that strange?? There's dozens of videos of her on multiple sites,what is she going to tell the police he did,or furthermore,prove that he in fact did that? I'm all for fairness,but women get away with alot of bullshit by fabricating stories after they got hurt by a guy.....why won't she show him what he did? If he did in fact do it???

    As I said we only have her version of the story.  So yes I wont judge him unless he is proven guilty. I am just making a point that she did say what she said and by that it's not some "cooked" up theory created in some forum mebers twisted mind as so many theories here are 😉 

    She can indeed prove him guilty (if he's guilty) a his video would be very different from the vidoes of her online. His would be from a phone. The videos online are from RLC cams 😉 

  8. 7 minutes ago, cupid30 said:

    My point exactly! But the "knights" gotta save somebody,so that's how we get all these theories

    To be fair this one is not a "made up" story. If you understand english go and listen yourself. It can not be mistaken what she is saying about Massimo, the sex-film and that she was adviced to go to the police which she does not really want to do. She has though decided to contact the admin of the project and tell them what he did in order to get him kicked out. If not she will probably leave the project herself.  As I wrote earlier we only have her version of the story and per se he is innocent until proven guilty. But this is not a made up story cooked in someones twisted brain. She actually said what she said. It's crystal clear as many of us do understand english compared to not understanding russian 😉 

    PS! She said that his actions could potentially ruin her life. Now that's extremely naive seen in the light she's been fucking him for straight two days online for the World to see 😉

  9. 12 minutes ago, northguy said:

    Yes, cam 1-5, from when they start the story.

    I just listened to the conversation (cam 1-6 has a better sound quality), That's fucked up actually.  I did see him film them having sex (the girls filmed him too). But to send it to some guys is freaking psycho.  So far I was OK with Massimo as he just fucked some girls who knew exatly what they did.  But this is not ok with me.  I am now on the "I hate Masssimo" team and I hope she cut his balls off 😉

  10. 16 minutes ago, FrankZabba said:

    i understand that you like the guys to visit b4 and i don't have a problem with that.  i do not mind it either as long as it's not every fucking day.  they have a villa, stay in their villa and invite the girls if they want to see them.  you cock lovers are all the same, the same drivel all the time.  get over yourself kris!

    wow "cock lovers"..brilliant comeback 😉

    Someone suggested to me many of you are old dad's who see these girls as your daughters. I start to think he's right.

    Newsflash!  They are hired to FUCK guys and are basically earning a living from sex.  Now get over yourself Daddy.

  11. 4 hours ago, darcher111 said:

    Also Wolf was cheesed off with Ney last night. He locked his bedroom door when she was in with Mass and Aziza. He was then on his phone and 10 minutes later she was sobbing by the restroom. Dont know if it was him who made her cry but Obviously Ney was supposed to share his bed as the guest was moved upstairs. When she did return to Wolfs room she had to twist the lock from the outside to get in. Wolf said something to her and she left his room. She hung around for a bit then walked back to B4 barefoot.


    Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording

    Locking his door.


    Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording

    Ney enters his room he says something and she leaves

    I won't say I know what goes on...Far from...But could it be they had agreed for her to stay with him and she instead went to Massi's bed with Aziza and after a while he got tired of waiting for her?  Just a suggestion.  I find that quite resonable IF that is the case as she then seemed to not really care much about him.

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