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Posts posted by tredm

  1. 23 minutes ago, StnCld316 said:

    The reason they stay in the their rooms is they want people to grab that Plastic Credit Card and pay to see them. The more viewers they obtain the more money they make. Don't get much in the Free Area with these girls unless they have to eat or leave to go out.  It's time RLC starts the recycling process and bring some hot meat that was there after Nora's Demise.

    Based on what i've seen and heard about what's happening in the bedrooms, there is no reason to pay for that either.  Are you suggesting i should join to watch danaya sleep or play on her ipad all day and night? If they really want people to join, there should at least be a LOT more teasing downstairs but, that too is absent except on rare occasion.

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  2. 12 minutes ago, mikeof26 said:

    yet the end it sound like danaya was joking around to me   about come fuck with me lol

    Probably joking cause if that's what she 'really' wanted, she may have had a chance with elisa but, she decided to stay with Vika cause, in my opinion, she knew vika wouldn't do anything!  In my opinion, elisa might have 'scared' her...

  3. 3 hours ago, kitek said:

    Today Vika told Danaya about her conversation with mother. Today is Orthodox Palm Sunday and the girls talked on this subject and on issues related to faith.

    Vika criticized Aida for unnecessary purchases. She bought several pairs of identical jeans and t-shirts.
    Vika is outraged. Two days ago she sent a question to Aida : What's up?

    Instead of answering, this morning she sent picture of herself.

    Good for Aida...

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  4. 2 minutes ago, Yury said:

    Danaya offers work for Elisa after she leaves Barcelona. So you should not worry. I think neither Vika nor Elisa will not go to clubs in Barcelona. But there will be a lot of walking around the city, and sunbathing on the beach. At night you will watch as they fuck with their boyfriends.

    Thanks yury...you always make me feel so much better when you clear things up!  CC should pay for your membership to RLC!  Now, if we can just get the girls to leave their rooms and interact!!!

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  5. I hope that's not true..Watching adele and danaya come home at 5:00 in the morning, eat and go to bed is not really my concept of voyeurism.  Although, one might ask, what's the difference with now?  One in the bath, elisa getting ready for something upstairs, and danaya in bed again (as she was yesterday) with very little interaction (let alone talking).  This apartment is really, really quiet.  I thought things were getting better the other night but now...next to nothing! maybe things will get better today?

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