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Posts posted by tredm

  1. 4 minutes ago, legrandrobert said:

    Is Vika imitating Dayana for when she leaves ?  Laying in bed for the whole day ?

    Vika learned well...she has it down now.  Just needs to learn how to lay on stomach for hours!  I wish one of three (any one of the three) would go downstairs and lay on the couch so i could watch something besides the thumbnails!

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  2. Got home late and just caught the end of Elisa and Danaya...and, downstairs for all to see.  Very, very good.  Based on the pictures, guess i didn't miss much but glad these two got along and had some fun.  As for the maintenance...i still think RLC owes it's paying members some explanation for the frequency and length.  After all, paying members ARE their customers.  Just a few words on the the page that reads "The apartment is under maintenance. Please try later" would be nice and do much to eliminate all the negative remarks towards RLC and the questionable theories as to why the room is closed in this forum.  Wake up RLC...you have customers and hopefully want more!

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  3. after the first night i thought the three of them would get along well.  It seems Vika and Danaya have joined forces and Elisa is on the outside looking in?  And...they are now spending most of their time in their rooms again with little interaction like the first night downstairs...reminds me of the last crew...too bad...seems like Elisa was really open to interaction but, the other two want to 'bond' and take Elisa out of the equation.  Danaya always siding with the one who will 'play' but only go so far.  Perhaps i'm wrong...i hope so...but, we'll see!  The drama continues!

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