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Posts posted by tredm

  1. 50 minutes ago, legrandrobert said:

    According to the nice pictures posted, when Aida showed them her new bra and panty, the girls didn't even look.  Now, that's cruel, she was so happy to show them that she too could be sexy.  Girls can be so mean !

    I agree...how sad once again.  Based on the pictures, unless i'm missing something, they completely ignored Aida when she was trying to show them her new bra and panties.  That's not only cruel, it shows a side of danaya and vika i didn't want to see.  They couldn't even lift their head away from their damn phones for a few seconds to acknowledge Aida who was trying to show them something.  Shame on both of them.  Lesson to be learned?  In their attempt to use modern technology to communicate, they ignore others and, fail to communicate.  Danaya and Vika must be sooooo into themselves, they fail to see others!  You get what you give!

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  2. i had great hope for this apartment with the entrance of aida...then vika...I really thought danaya would open up and one, if not both aida and vika would turn this apartment around. Once again, i was wrong.  I now see no hope for this apartment.  It would be nice to see 'real people' living out their lives...instead, empty rooms, eating and sleeping!  Could be i'm just unfortunate and i keep missing all the 'living' parts!

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  3. 1 minute ago, HarleyFatboy said:

    She might be staying for the money or the contract states you will be here for X amount of time and if you leave before that time, you will be penalized...who knows.  Danaya just needs to go out everyday until she leaves like she did a couple of days ago and stayed out for almost 16 hours.   At least do some stretching and exercises!!

    I agree...i'll be honest with everyone...other than extreme illness, i have never seen anyone spend as much time in bed as danaya.  I don't think she was this way before ilona and adele.  If i remember right, she seemed excited to be here and had a personality...Little by little it seemed to disappear!


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  4. Just got here...looks like everyones gone again.  The comparison of pictures from anna, ilona and irma show quite a comparison between then and now.  Notice where most of the pictures were taken in the case of anna, ilona and irma v.s. aida, vika and danaya. Also, maybe it's just the times i can get here to view the rooms but it seems like, once again, the girls in this apartment are rarely in and, when they are, they spend most of their time 'not' together having fun and...upstairs.  Again, could be just me!


    Danaya back now but, as usual, in her office.

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