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Posts posted by tredm

  1. Sad to see danaya in bed all day again.   When ilona left, it was adele that went and talked to her and helped her even though danaya and ilona 'ignored' adele.  Now, it seems as if she alienated aida who 'was' talking to her before adele left but, my guess is that aida said...'Enough'...I'm not sure is either aida or vika wish to help danaya.  Ilona and Adele are gone and did no favors for danaya but she can't see that. I can only hope danaya has enough courage to work through this, get out of bed and get on with life. Anyway, that's my take on all of this.  Could be right...could be wrong...doesn't really matter if danaya decides to be the victim and do nothing.  Good luck danaya!  It really is up to you.

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  2. 2 hours ago, eaglewolf01 said:

    just sit back and watch aida and vika will do all the ignoring now and the real fun will begin . I was told growing up what goes around will come back and bite u in the rump big time .  Danaya  was and still is ilona's and Adele's lil puppet . they r not gone with the phone and the tablet those 2 women will still  could  tell what is next  to do to aida and vika . these two young lady's will not have peace while that will be going on  there . the look on aida and vika's face in the kitchen was like go ahead and try me if u dare but they did play it cool and I am so proud of them for that.But they don't need to walk on egg shells while in that apartment. Danaya until u can take a look at yourself for what  ilona and adele have done to you , you will not be worthy to me and I am sorry you have to be this way  aida may have said something to u in the beginning that should had not have been said, but there is such a thing as forgive and forget  and move on with your life . ilona and adele r not your puppeteers . you controle your own actions not them they truly care less about u ok enough said .


    Well said Eaglewolf...well said!

  3. Well...it looks like i missed a little action but, i just got caught up thanks to all of you with the 'blow by blow' action analysis...thanks.  I'm looking forward to the 'new' dynamic and hope danaya decides to leave her bedroom. I understand she might be sad now that adele is gone but the best thing she can do is get up, get out of the bedroom and force herself to move...  

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  4. 2 hours ago, Thestarider said:

    Adele is leaving soon Dana, and they have become close friends no matter what you may think of Adele. The next few days will be tough on both of them, goodbye's are never easy, They get harder when you really like someone. I seen this exact thing happen before in this apartment with other girls  K&K and Milana and Coco for example come to mind off the top of my head. They spend all their time together and can't help but become close. IRMA and ANNA are another example, and even Ilona had a hard time saying goodbye to them, if you all remember correctly.

    I respect your opinion thestarider but having been around the world a few times myself, i see things a little differently.  I saw a whole different dynamic with Irma and Anna so i'm not sure we will ever agree with Adele and Danaya. I don't think Adele and Danaya are as close as some people think but, as i've said before, that's what makes the forum so interesting. I liked Adele when she first got her and probably still would had she continued her 'designing' passion but her switch from this to party girl and her behavior with danaya and aida led me to believe she was manipulative and, i'm sorry, but i don't care for manipulative people. I do, non the less, wish her the best.  I continue to like danaya and wish her the best as well. I will be sorry to see her go when her time comes.  The addition of aida and, now vika, is promising.  Perhaps they can bring this apartment back up what it was when i first found RLC with irma/anna/ilona. 

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  5. 6 hours ago, Yury said:

    But, apparently, Danaya greatly disappointed in the local guys. And it gives hope that she will not often leave us and go to the clubs. :shy:

    hi yury...too bad about danaya if i understand this correctly.  She traded many of her followers here for adele and the 'local guys'...now, she has....adele and the local guys.  The hard part of growing up is that you have to live with the decisions that you make!  Danaya made her decisions and now...must live with the consequences of those decisions.   thanks for all the translations...they add a new dimension to our understanding!

  6. 2 hours ago, Benfold said:

    Wow! Two young attractive girls going out on a Saturday night, when there is a particularly big party in town? How absolutely ridiculous! /sarcasm

    sorry you don't like it benfold...i think the word used before was 'chill'...a little sarcasm can go a long way to lighten things up!  and, by the way...it wouldn't be bad if it was only saturday night or wed. and sat.  or......well, you get the point!

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  7. 3 minutes ago, legrandrobert said:

    I meant when Adele was trying to get her out of bed.   Did you see the blouse Adele was wearing ?  »I don't think she wants to pass incognito !".....................hahaha

    but danaya would get angry when 'anyone' would try to get her out of bed!... no didn't see the blouse...i just got here in time to see them leave!  I knew they were going out when they went to bed at 6:00!! they plan to spend as little time here as possible.  RLC must be very proud of them!  Pay your $45 and watch an empty apartment.  At lease Aida and Vika will probably return at some point before the sun comes up?  If not...that's ok too.  They deserve to stay out...especially Aida...after putting up with the two absentee's!

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