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Posts posted by tredm

  1. 5 minutes ago, Sergio said:

    it seems to me that this too Polya evening and Stella come, once again I wonder why I have to pay for the apartment to a person who cares only about his business, at this point hope he does a lot of money, so when leave will be happy, but I hope that RLC is clearer with the girls about what they should do and then just fucking with these ballets

    Just my opinion but i don't think Polya and Stella care and, RLC cares less!

  2. 2 minutes ago, euromike69 said:

    Thanks just got my answer,,,you need to find more stuff to occupy your time with instead of crying about a bunch of women thousands of miles away,,for not being home,,because unlike you they go outside and live their lives.While you sit at home and bitch and moan,You guys just won't quit with the belly aching,,how many days can you write the same thing about them not being home,,I think I already read it last year,last week,and last month already when will you ever stop crying,,my guess is NEVER!!! .:biggrin::biggrin:


    Euromike...chill out.  I was just jokiing or, isn't that allowed anymore?  Anyway, if it was a complaint, you do realize that you're constantly complaining about people complaining...don't you?

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  3. 6 minutes ago, Thestarider said:

    O have completely given up hope for Polya, she tries, but the partying has the best of her, and we don't. She just doesn't have what it takes to be a Irma or Ilona. Maybe it is time for her to go be with BF and find herself.

    Just my opinion but if it wasn't for Irma, this wouldn't be an apartment to even look at.  Irma keeps me watching...keeps drawing me back!

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